Wrathion is an complete idiot. Everything he did in his 12 years of life was completely dismissible. “yes but he was just preparing us for the legion and-” No.
You know what his plan was? He wanted Garrosh to form the Iron Horde free of demonic corruption and come to Azeroth to “unite” the Alliance and Horde together and defeat the burning legion, so he had his whole plan rellying on a lunatic psycho tyrant who would most likely wipe every non orc child, women and man of Azeroth rather than uniting them, a bit risky Wrathion but lets see how it works!
Does it work?
Of course it freaking doesn’t.
The moment he teleport’s Garrosh out of his prison Garrosh kills Kairoz and rallies the iron horde to invade Azeroth, and then WOD happens, we go to Draenor, we kill Garrosh and we defeat the Iron Horde, but guess what also happened, an alternate version of Gul’dan survives and his teleported to our world and Legion invasion starts, so Wrathion played a major role in starting the Legion invasion not preventing it or “uniting us” also lets not forget that since WC3 the horde and alliance have united themselves countless times to overcome great threats as they are aware that only united they can prevail, so Wrathion’s plan was actually complete garbage and useless, but you know what’s the worst part of it? He doesn’t even show up in Legion to try and fix the mess he started! So he’s dumb, irresponsible and stupid.
But im not saying that Sabellian is good either, im just pointing out that Wrathion only started more trouble than solving it, so he isn’t the perfect prince everyone should be kneeling and cheering to.
That was plan B. The genius plan A was for the Horde to wipe the Alliance out, or vice versa, so that only a unified force remains, for a certain definition of remaining…
Sabellian all the way. I will not support Wrathion ever. Just another alliance symphathizer who tried to have the Horde destroyed back in MoP.
If you were horde he would want your faction to dominate the Alliance and win the war, and vice-versa, he doesn’t have any loyalties, only to himself it seems.
Not at all. Play MoP. He intended for Varian have the Horde dismantled. Caught your lies.
the horde failed him so he went to the alliance if the horde had crushed the alliance dogs Wrathion would have been on our side
In MoP he played both sides, as he originally meant to back the Horde, until Garrosh screwed the pooch and turned basically the whole faction against himself and it all ended with the pandaren innkeeper shouting at him that the Aliance and the Horde are powerful because of one another.
He left the Horde because Vol’jin threw his rebellion. He supported the alliance ever since. He is a traitor.
It’s not like Vol’jin had that many options after getting literally stabbed in the throat by Garrosh’s assassins. (Kind of amusing looking back at it as Blizz wanted you simultaneously believe that he is an oafish gloryhound and conniving manipulator, at the same time.)
You cant be a traitor to a faction you never joined… He was/is playaing both sides and will stand with the winning side. And even if this would have been Iron Horde. He would stand with them.
No, betrayal can simply be a breach of trust, which Wrathion most certainly did.
the whole point of the earth warden is to serve the design of the titans if sabellian betrayed his purpose then his a Traitor and a betrayed the titans thus his unworthy of being aspect
Sabellian. For sure. Wrathion only gets a pass because his stans ship him with Anduin.
I don’t i ship Yrel with Anduin and clearly wrath prefers being shipped with alex
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