Write your wish lists here

Considering that somehow there are people who believe that Blizzard is run by people with precognition who can read minds throughout the galaxy and beyond and such sense every thought related to WoW, I decided to let them have a day off.

So, write your wish list here so that the psychics at Blizzard can have a day off.

I’ve already written mine.

So, I won’t be writing one, but you can use it as a blueprint.

But remember as the meme goes,

Person writing the wish list : I want a dragon for Christmas.

Santa: Be realistic.

Person writing the wish list:I want these stuff from Blizzard.

Santa : What color do you want your dragon to be?

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WoW 2 and WoW mobile using unity engine.

All old zones remade like before Cataclysm. Core Playable Races, like Vrykul, Ogre, Furbolg, Saberon, Arrakoa, Tuskarr. All Classes for All Races. Legion Order Halls made available in all expansions. Leveling made fun and enjoyable again, I don’t want to buy WoW Level 60 Boost , from the gameshop, everytime I want to make a new character, just because I’m tired to do all those zones and things, again and again.

I wish we had a forum where all posters where decent people and none are trolling and malevolently bend and misinterpret other posters.


put the game on maintenance mod, don’t release a new expansion and start working on wow2 while recycling old content for seasons. i don’t think there’s a way to save wow from losing more players because the problem is fundemental , the game is stuck between old ways and new ways it’s neither wow vanilla nor ashes of creation . they have enough staff to make brand new wow with using some of the old textures and stuff in 3 years.

  1. Bring back Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur to his original vendor for fair 10 million gold price.
  2. Transform BfA and SL raids and dungeons for optional solo playing on every difficulty.
  3. Shopping centre with clothing shops where we’ll buy clothing transmogs. Give us something new and stylish what can we buy for gold with rotation for spring, summer, autumn and winter like in real life.
  4. Do everything what you can to let me celebrate WoW’s 50th anniversary :slight_smile:

More sexy outfits.
Removal of body types.(bring back male and female).
A decent story.
Cataclysm classic.
More actions taken against bots.


Bring back Brutosaur to his vendor :sauropod::sauropod::sauropod:

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  1. Worgen paladins
  2. Pandaren paladins
  3. Open the catalyst on day 1, or guarantee that the first vault slot every week is a tier piece until a character has all 5 slots filled
  4. Please go slap the workmen who cut my fibreoptic cable 2 days ago because I’d quite like to play online games rn

That Blizzard would actually get some good staff to make the game have some sort of real balance. Really, going from level 47 to 62 in 3 hours makes the game leveling way to easy. I have seen healers in M+ literally stand and DPS because they don’t need to heal that often, health pools are obxniously large, mana pools don’t seem to take a hit when you have 250k mana. Warriors literally healing for 20% or more of their entire health in one rotation. They have gutted all the stats and replaced them with whatever this is. Gold is pretty much obsolete because you know everyone tends to have so much now. My wishlist is get new staff at Blizzard who actually know how to make a game challenging and rewarding.

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