WSG revered>exalted, grind and spreadsheet

Helpful, thank you

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Based on the information we have there will be no revered/exalted rewards unless blizzard adds them manually.
And next phase the focus will probably be on AB.
Grind the rep if you want the tabard but don’t expect bracers.

You really think Bliz would let tens of tousands of people grind for an item then remove it ? The Answer is No.

It used to come naturally over the lifetime of the char if you played WSG a lot. People just make it a huge grind as they try to squeeze it into lvl25

the residual risk is that the class you did the grind on will get nerfed and you want to play another. this seems likely since premade in SoD P1 is not really pvp but stacking FotM OP classes

Remove what? It was never in the game to begin with.

It’s called Dryad’s Wrist Bindings.

So the people talking about this on wowhead in 2005 imagined it all ?

From AllakhazamBy bobbbby on 2005/12/26 (Patch 1.8.4)

Subject: "heh"do these exists?

-2 whoopah on 2006/06/04 (Patch 1.10.2)Subject: “RE: heh”

yes but you need to be exalted with those WSG guys… (at lvl 40-49)

You are talking like those bracers are some rune or something. Its not must have, casual can live without it.

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At least there’s another 4k free rep from ashenvale before phase 2

Just like the weapons they don’t exist until AQ or BWL not sure which one. You can check IG the vendor sells all the friendly/honored items but not revered/exalted because they don’t exist yet (except the lvl 25 weapons they specifically made for the phase).

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What ? Lots of things in phase 2 don’t exist yet. Going a long with the cat, it both does and does not exist at this moment. Come phase 2, it will exist in the world of warcraft.

Sure we will see in a month. I bet that those who spammed premades for the rep will be in shambles.

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I’ll remind you in a month how wrong you are then.


It is a very real possibility that the epic rewards from WSG will not come in p2.
Maybe p3 or even p4. So just like in vanilla and classic, very few if any will get to use those at lvl 40. Maybe on a late alt, if they grind the rep.

At p4, those will basically be free as everyone will be exalted just from the weekly Ashenvale event. Unless they change that too or even remove it completely (unlikely)

My guess is we will have to make do with rank5 bracers adjusted for lvl 40.

Also they way things are going, I would expect a complete overhaul of all pvp rewards and even tier sets.
Ret paladins for example have nothing to look forward from tier or even rank 10-13 sets. They all suck for them.

i hope they added better bracers in the P2 raids
i mean, i hope you all have been scammed in a dumb rep farm for nothing*

I would hardly call the grind from Rev to Exalted insane to be honest.

Like if you only played in a premade and got 100% wins it would take like 17 hours based on most games taking like 10 mins including queue times. Facing pugs you should be winning in 8 mins.

Now if you played only solo of course it’s going to take a ridiculous amount of time .

I’m not sure the exact amount of hours it took me and I probably did like 40% of the grind solo and the rest in premade. I done it over the Xmas holidays so probably like 10 days on and off. With the new quest you could easily be doing it in a few weeks playing pretty casually and doing a mixture of solo and premades for a few hours in the evening.

Luckily you get rev for being almost AFK and you don’t have to do the actual real grind from neutral to Exalted in SOD.

Thats why i am grinding exhalted on all 4 of my toons. Bis Epic bracer on all 4 seasons and legs on last fase?! Seems like time invested well spend!!

Honstly idgaf about bracers or the tabard. I play wsg for fun , just to fight with other human beings. From 2004 till now i probably have more than 12 characters that i reached exalted with without even looking or chasing it on purpose after the first 2 times. It just came with the time cuz thats almost everything i did back in vanilla when im not in a raid which was like 1-2 times a week for 2-3 hrs top. Dunno really why all the hate on premades , all the sweat for a single item either or a tabard we all wear since 20 years ago. If u like to pvp just play and dont think how much games or bla bla u need , just play cause u like it.
If you plan to stop after exalted and u are not playing for the pvp itself and count ur games and checking rep every other game and doing it just for the rewards i feel sorry for u.

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that’s the real spirit

unfortunately Discord exist, and players join it to abusing, share/sell victory, surrender after first flag… , all that for the honor/rep points per hour

Blizz should do something

maybe Blizz should get rid entirely of rep points in BGs, and find another way (like the ashenvale event) to earn rep