WSG Suggestions

Hey why not make WSG better now were at it.

= Put in a timer (We don’t want endless wsg for bad rep)
= Make u atleast get 25 rep baseline for losing
= Premade (make suggestions)
= Make World buff not work inside bg
= Make it more clear when there is weekends for each BG
= Overall just try, and make it a bg there stays alive. Because there is 100% a reason, why 99% of people do AV in classic era, it’s reliable honor + u get rep everytime.

Make suggestions <3


U already get 33.(33) on lose, u just have to turn in marks of wsg (3 loses = 3 marks = 100 rep = 33 rep per lose)

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I don’t count that as rep tbh feels even more meh just getting a mark

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You don’t count 33 rep as rep? How do you count it? As bag fillers? Do you throw it out?

Also only real problem pvp has are premades vs average people that don’t want to group up.

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Bag fillers yeah pretty much getting a token for losing aint saying yeeeah so great just wasted 40min

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I fully agree with this measure, though I do not with the justification.

I don’t think we should retailify WSG. Some people actually like it the way it is and it would be a shame to take this away from them (since this is supposed to stay close to Classic).

I personally don’t like WSG that much. Don’t get me wrong, being an effective flag carrier is pretty fun… for the first 50 times. Then it gets old to be running the flag while everyone else is having fun.

What they could do instead is provide reputation on different kinds of actions, for example getting an honorable kill has a chance to give you a small amount of rep. But even that might be too much. Some people are just hardcore old school WSGers and I respect that. Let them have their bg.

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No for the timer. This delete the intensive battle that Warsong is

WSG gonna be dead just like on classic era :stuck_out_tongue: P

Warsong died in Era when the new system came, → honor/per hour chasers all in AV…
Without weekly cap/decay of ranks, AB/WSG could be saved.

But we still have lvl 40’s phase with safe balling AB/WSG :smiley:

For my Dogs! The real ones! not those who sold their *** !!!

No warsong died way before new honor system :stuck_out_tongue: everyone were spamming av before if not it was only AB premade

Yeah maybe when TBC came, but when WOTLK came and lot of people returned to Era(warsong full of bots after 2months of WOTLK), there was enough Warsong per day to not say it was “dead” in Era

calling 3 am wsg alive is a joke :stuck_out_tongue: because av people went to bed

we are both right, don’t need to do this a competition :rofl:
if you really want, i give you this win :rofl:

Sport minded?
Tell me u are not an athlete, without telling me that u are not an athlete! :sweat_smile:
Because the exact same opposite is the case! No athletes group will EVER compete against random amateurs that have never played/trained together. It’s the opposite of being „sport minded“
The only games that are actually interesting or challenging are premades va premades

PEGI12 game = it’s like you are playing football in your childschool court. That’s sport, not for the ones who played barbie in a corner.

:soccer: :foot: just shoot

convert this to a Warsong’s flag
We are not in CounterStrike here (kill to kill)

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So you really have no idea :sweat_smile: thanks for clearing that up

Just because “you” don’t count it as rep doesn’t mean it isn’t, it still is in fact… guess what, rep.
It’s like calling a black ball a white ball, your delusion doesn’t fool anyone.

my exhaust pipe is clear and virgin unlike yours
find yourself a boyfriend, i’m not interested

Okay you sportminded athlete :joy::ok_hand: