PvP ranks have no "ranking" anymore? How is that acceptable? Can we get Atiesh just by farming Trashmobs?

Yeah cool story bro… That not mean all players who pay 13e/month have to be in a “Forever catch-up an insane weekly cap mod”. This game is not about YOUR team…
If we don’t have access/time to catch-up that insane weekly cap, we just never come again to this game, and let YOUR team alone in it…

-Ask Warsong players before TBC: they know Lamborgimli-Auberdine
-Ask Warsong twink39 before TBC: they know Lamborgimli-Auberdine
-Ask Warsong Russians speaking before TBC: they know Lamborgimli-Auberdine (and Musashimli-Finkle :wink: )

Ask Blizzard to add a 15th rank WITH a weekly cap for you sweaters, and let people who pay the same 13e/month as you, have access to the gears…

Yeah it’s me! Lamborgimli in the place to be! Slice your horde’s cow crew and make a BBQ, even when i solo-queue ! :notes: