WSG, the best bg of all time (!) is ruined by swipers

Just venting, because I know nothing will change.

I love WSG, but goldbuyers have ruined it completely in this fresh. People permanently have free action potion active, use magic dust nonstop and use Limited Invulnerability Potion all the time.

It’s impossible to do that for hundreds of games without buying gold. And it has ruined the gameplay for people that don’t buy gold.

Imagine how fun WSG would be without all this crap…

The worst part, they used our taxes to buy gold.


Taxes is the worst part.

But wait, I thought buying gold was not allowed in this game. How come Blizzard doesn’t do anything about it?

It’s a hard problem to solve. How do you prove who buys gold? So the only way to stop it, is to ban all bots. That’s also hard. Even if Blizzard cared it would be hard. But Blizzard doesn’t even care.

No, ban gold buyers

You should do both. Both the person selling a bomb and buying a bomb go to prison. But how do you think Blizzard should prove you went to some shady website to buy gold?

I don’t expect Blizzard to do anything - look how “good” they are at banning bots :frowning:

It wouldnt feel this way if premades wasnt a thing. Premades dont belong in normal BG, only rated bgs


You are right.
It’s only, the FAP-buddies guarantee my living bc I like fishing.

Btw, in the “evil” “twink”-bracket 10-19 it’s frowned upon all this stuff, speed pots included.

Not that everyone follows the (unwritten) rules, but most of us do.

WSG isn’t for pugging, that’s what I noticed. I love WSG but I can’t wait for AB, it’s way more relaxed and even to be won in a Pug.

I always preferred WSG and AB is a distant second. But with this new swiping meta maybe AB is better. Let’s see.

Ab will be better since engineering and consumes have less effect


FaPs are really cheap but i do agree with the rest. Back when sappers where like 5g I experienced rogues with sappers bound to evis. I was going to do anyone from the 4 people on me but they decided to dump 5g into it too. It’s kinda funny tbh

Aaaa poor people tears

Gold is very cheap, it’s about having morals or lack thereof.

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Its a videogame. Im sorry if your life sucks so much you have to put such meaning into world of warcraft

In your case lack thereof.

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what classic needs is implementing daily quest system which awards you 3-4 days worth consumables. Nothing to do, i quitted fresh when I realized everyone buying gold and using a lot consumables on pvp. Turned back era, at least I can buy cheap consumables with gdkp income. Not having gdkp in fresh forces you to level mage alts or farm whole day.

They have chat and transaction logs, right? Just go through them and ban all those involved. But that would actually require some effort, so I don’t think they’ll ever do it.