WSG vs AVs

Rated Battle Grounds

Only can be queued premade, have a ranking like arena and come with the vanilla titles at each ranking. Top rankings get “hero of the horde/alliance” each season.

They are fun actually, but a small minority ruined them by exploits and out of game abuse (ddosing etc)

ya, i would rather have our ranking system


Horde has a big queue because it is outnumber. It is not system problem. Alliance “premades” wait 10-40 mins befor enter as well. It is not instant invite as you think.

Alliance wont return to AV because there are so much advantage for horde. Alliance PUG has 0 honor in AV. “Premades” always lose but they get some honor.

Because i am a paladin! I want to fight rather than heal. But i am forced to heal in premade. So, WSG PUG is a only one place where i can be dps.

Not instant queue. We spend time for forming group as well.

I said about disabled premade vs pug rather than disable premades.

RBG unimpossible in Classic because need map without advantage of one side.

Alliance still has an instant queue either way.

If you want that, go play RBG in retail.

Yes. But we spend time for forming group. If group has not enough healers/tanks than we wait 2-5 mins and try again.

Retail is too unbalanced and unstable. Today you have a good class but tomorrow it will get some nerf. It is tiring.

Yes, what’s so hard about that compared to horde exactly? lol.

And classic isn’t unbalanced? xD.
Playing fotm isn’t going to suddenly make you 100% better.

Say that to High Rank premade that have ~90% winrate.

And middle rank premade that have ~50% winrate.

Alliance pug has 0 honor in AV, because they are all sitting AFK in SH GY or cave because they start the game 10vs40.

On AV release, Alliance pug was strong, with lot of high/mid ranks and starting game 40vs40, doing rep rush, they did lot of honors. When people will realized WSG is garbage and full of R12/R13 premade that are unbeatable (Horde and Alliance), most Alliance will go back to AV, because it’s a safe honor even if you loose, it’s really easy to kill some LTS and Commanders with 5-man grp.

High rank prem is 99.99 winrate. Most weeks dont lose a single game

If you’re waiting 40min between each AV as Alliance you’re doing something VERY VERY wrong.

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Yeah, pretty much xD.
Otherwise, it wouldn’t be worth being in a premade lol.

I am showing you that alliance “premade” spend time that comparable with horde pug queue.

Classic is unbalanced so we want Vanilla. Vanilla has a balance aka “rock-paper-scissors”. And even Classic is stable because you know all cons and pros for each class.

HR premade win only because they have good gear. On equal terms they will lose.

I play this premade. We have only 10% win.

Sometime i play with PUG and don’t confirm your supposing. Alliance go to afk when horde lock alliance near IW bunker. It means game over for alliance because they won’t get honor.

Alliance was “strong” because horde wasn’t make turtle. PUG won’t kill LTs if horde make turtle. You didn’t play for the alliance and therefore you are mistaken.

lol. I just push queue button like all. It is more random rather than real premade.

The problem is that too many people roll horde. Alliance is the one getting punished for this, in WPvP, and by having the only benefit of being the low-pop faction taken away.

If your premade is taking longer than 5 minutes to get into a single queue, it’s not worth it.

Vanilla is the same as classic, you’d know the cons and pros?

The WPVP wouldn’t even be that bad, if we didn’t add all the realms together.

Alliance would have queues(on most realms) and would be able to WPvP at the same time as horde.

AV premades were horribly imbalanced because Horde had no way of reliably getting into these.

As for WSG there is a button to get into a game as a 10 man group so even though queue times are different people can still premade and chances are somewhat equal. BUT.
The different problem rises. While you still could face AV premade as a horde and get at least 3k honor per a 7 min match, you can’t do this on WSG as a pug.
Because most of tryhard alliance premade players will deny any kills/flags with their superior gear, team composition, tactics and whatnot. So essentially if you don’t premade as a horde in WSG the chances are that starting next week in 95% of cases you will get literally 0 honor.
I expect dozens of new threads on forums along the lines of “MAKE WSG PREMADE VS PREMADE AND REGULAR WSG WITH NO PREMADES”

WSG will also perpetually suck for alliance pug players as well. In most cases they are going to end up in matches against horde premades. Simply because alliance players have 0 queue times their premades will dodge horde premades to maximize their honor/hour. But these said dodged WSG matches will have to be filled with solo pug players. Who will be out-geared, outnumbered and have horrible team composition while facing a horde premade.

Sure there will be an occasional pug vs pug battle, but my guess is that most of horde pug players will stop queuing for WSG once they realize they are getting 0 honor match after match to the point where world pvp is while unreliable is still better then nothing.

When you made your character, you made a choice. You either join Alliance and gain the ability to easily premade and have no queue, or you join Horde and you gain open world domination and stronger PvP racials in some cases.

No you didn’t, BGs weren’t even out until several months after lol.
Alliance were expecting 5-10 minute queues, whilst horde were to be expected 20-30 minutes.(But since cross realm, the queues are all messed up)

The only times that you would, would be if you joined the game during P2.

What are you talking about? Anyone with the tiniest bit of vanilla knowledge could predict this. You’re talking to an Alliance warlock. I’d love for my fear to actually do something in PvP once in a while, but I still knew I’d prefer the instant queues so I went alliance. Just cause BG’s weren’t out at launch doesn’t mean people didn’t think about them when choosing their faction lmao.

Also why don’t you post from your classic character, I see you all over the place, pretending to be alliance but always talking in horde’s favor.

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I don’t post from my classic character, because my guild’s been harassed before from me posting XD.

Instant queues weren’t known, alliance were known to get a fast queue… not instant.
Same with horde was known to get a long queue.

I’m talking in horde’s favour? - No, I’m speaking in pug alliance favour lmao.

Premades in AV was ruining alliance pugs in AV by making the matches begin with 15-20 people.

To be fair I gave this choice as much thought as flipping a coin. I’m horde simply because all of my friends are horde fanboys since TLK. When I originally heard about classic release I knew that I will end up playing horde because of my friends. And if I knew that most of them would quit a game before even reaching level 60 or quit during the first month; I’d roll a human and enjoy an actual nostalgia trip from back in the day when I first played wow in TBC.
But oh well.

Premades in av wont stop