WTF dual spec broken

Are you for real? Letting people respeck just out of combat. it effects ppl that like open word pvp. you allow ppl to run in raids with pvp and respec in there? can you sap and respec in sap? WTF?


And what’s the problem? If you make a gank squad the outcome will be the same. And you assume people will keep “PvP” spec as their second talent set.

You lose all resources when you respec.

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I am curious how this will turn out to be PvP-wise. Will Palas or Shammies respec at will based on team comp? Will situational respecs be the norm?

what happends was OP was ganking ppl questing 1 priest or something changed to shadow and smashed him.

there is nothing broken with leting ppl change to pvp talents (you can have pvp talents aswell) the only ppl who lose out are ppl who would run pvp talents and decide to gank ppl with pve talents. you basicly saying that you should be allowed to run pvp talents in open world and nobody else

Classic pvpers dont want fair pvp gameplay , as a matter of fact they hate fair gameplay. they want gameplay where they win by whaling via time spent or money spent. it hurts when power fantasys are broken


Dual spec is awesome. Just because you can’t gank questers easily anymore doesn’t make it bad.

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going PVP specs is the only way in stand a chance against those whales ur crying about. Now those whales can just respec to PVP everytime so there is nothing you can do.

And since everyone pvp spec means there is no way to beat other classes if urs is just worse, like warriors, warriors are dog tier but they can do something if other class is pve. Warlocks are killable if they are pve, now every warlock is pvp KEK game more balanced

Basically by adding dual spec ur making so pvp is only about gear and class diff

Just go back to retail pls, shouldn’t even be allowed to post here.