Wtf is up with loot?

I like discussion very much. Pretty much the only reason im stille reacting, as IT becomes harder and harder not to really het irritated about your ignorance. Again: IT is not hard to get to ilvl 197. You chose to spend your gaming time differently. Thats all there is to IT. If u would commited to.mythics most of the time u were online, u would be long there. Why the f would IT be needed to give out welfare Gear Below ilvl 213? So u can roflstomp trough m up until m+12 or Smth? U want something u put time in IT. Just as u put time in the covenants shizzl. Not zo hard to onderstand. U should manage Ur time on the game differently. Basically you are saying: i Will do 6 mythics a week and when im not Decked out after 3 weeks im mad. Yeah, way to go

The draw back of said system you reference it will feel to grindy(we are talking about the WoW community here).Go kill X times so you can craft loot,Guild Was 2 did that with Fractals.People will go hammer in WoW just so they get it as fast and soon as possible.

You can target your BiS gear,i mean 3(4) dungeons drop loot from my Bis list as resto so i could in my community set up couple of mail people and farm with them dungeons,+5 time it and get 2 items per clear, and after couple of runs we could start trading loot.Thats right now efficent and as it should be.

Keep in mind the badge/currencie system from Wrath was usually set up with only 3 pieces of gear with costs of 2750-3200(when the system was introduced),you could cap around 1500 badges (daily dungeon,weekly) per week when the system was introduced.So not exactly super fast.
As the expansion progressed they expanded on the badge system.

I know, but people Will cry again when that Comes. Looool, i have to wait 2 weeks for 1 piece of loot? Sheit as game.

No,I choice to play content I enjoy because thats what WOW used to be in BFA and legion.

IT is not hard to get to ilvl 197

“IT”. Lets talk about that.

Thats yelling. You not once constructed a proper post. Numerous times I told you, for a person whom pugs 8 keys a week due to time constraints, and only getting 1 loot the seconth week, is not fun (Aside from GV)

Again, Loot’s still the same droprate for most casual people that play at most 12 hours a week.

I am sorry that I like to keep my covenant updated every week on three chars, which takes 2 hours per char average depending on the campaigns because IJ do like to do something called enjoying the lore.

Not to hard to understand.

I should not need to manage my game time bebcause most casual people wont ever see 213 ilvl items unless they buy BOE.

I payd to play my content.

BFA: Proper progression. 3+2 per mythic + run in loot form. (+2 coming from coins)

SL has lowered that possibillity to max 2.

I do 10 dungeans.

Do the math.

Cause effectively:

BFA = per 10 dungeans, possible 32 peaces of loot.

SL = per 10 dungeans 20 peaces of loot.

Thats 12 more chances or loot for the same amount of dungeans. and if you really want to take values into amount ,know that SL pre SL has different values due to party size and chance in combination of doing it over 10 runs…

Now go back to the post I created before?

Link these two situations.

This is all about the feeling of progression and it has nothing to do with gearing up to fast.

They really need to add tokens or loot currency back to the game. e_e

You forgot to mention titanforgin and corruption in that expansion.Made me hate my gear.Yes it droped but shyt corruption…or before corrutpion,ye bad no socket.Not to mention half of the Nazjatar patch Pearl gear was BiS gear that was RNG as it gets.

Yes, and I didnt mention it because it isnt needed.

Cause I dont wantt it.

IJ do however want my feel of progression back, which is what is most people’s problen,

I want loot and i want options. I don’t want the game to be all about a freaking WEDNESDAY. I want to keep playing not wait for a day of the week.

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So this is where you now fail to see that back then socket,corruption played a big part not ilvl,where as now its about ilvl,and you are ineffective while doing it now.So that makes me believe that your BFA loot was also sub par.

When did I mention stuff about BIS and subpar? :S

You’re putting stuff in my mouth.

My posts has only been about progression, in scaling. Not bis. I was more then happy to not run bis ilvl 410 (or so) when mythic raid dropped 450 or so… lol?

Cann’t speak for others, but I had some bad experiences twice for about 5 dungeons straight without a single loot last week.

This week, I did 4 M0 just for the weekly item and the only item I got is from the weekly, so my item level went from 185 to 186. I feel more frustration than a sense of gear/loot progression with the time/effort I put in.

I don’t expect to be showered with loot, and I am not against less loot, but I don’t think this casino of RNG pairs well with lesser loot drop rate.

For the last few days, I did not do any dugeons and my plan is to do only the minimum from now on, so let see what goes on with the left of my remaining sub. (auto renewal is of course cancelled)

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but people are accepting it.

you are mistaken about 1 thing - you think that people will fight for some time and then accept stuff

people are accepting it right now - and unsub to play games that feel rewarding to them

its the same fiasco as in WoD when 5 mln accepted it too and left game in first 3 months of expansion .

exackly because they accepted fact that they are treated like 2nd class players by blizzard .


Oh, And that was a problem due to lack of content fyi XD

Blizzard can never make everyone happy. I’d have had my own objections if loot was shoved through our throats like how it was with the previous two expansions, Legion and BFA.

I’d rather want rare loot than RNG Titanforges, 5-6 item dropping M+ which makes raids look like total jokes, Warfronts that give HC Raid Loot with not even 5% of the effort.

GV is not better. It is just another false sense to let you think you will get something if you get less or nothing from dungeon/raid runs.

In addition, GV is not that you can select the exact item you need. It is a RNG dice roll on top of the RNG system in place for loot from dungeons/raids.

Players are accepting the reality here and that is why a lot have unsubbed a month into the expansion. We play the game for fun, not become a milk cow for the cash flow.

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Whats wrong with just removing TF as a whole but keep the 3+2 we have rather then the 2 we blankly get that causes 184-197 players to not proggress in a ‘steady’ matter?

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It’s effect is a little different - it does increase your chances to get useful loot. But in return, you plain have less loot and it is worse loot. The moment you see a choice of multiple 207s in the vault and go “wow, that’s great”, realize that previously with the same effort, at the same time, you’d be looking, yes, at a single piece, but it would be 213. And 207s or near-207s would be what you’d get as direct drops from M+. Same effort. That’s the price for having this touted “duplicate protection” in the great vault.

GV is not ideal. But it’s miles ahead of the old M+ weekly chest. It reduces greatly the chances of getting loot that does not fit somewhere in your gear. If it did not, it’s mostly either a case of you being already well geared or you not doing enough to unlock sufficent options, and of course there is the luck factor – which is greatly reduced in comparison to BFA system.

If you ask me whether this system is ideal I’d plainly not agree. But if you ask me whether I prefer this over the loot showering M+ and totally random M+ chest of BFA, then I’d heartily say yes.

And if people leave for it, that’s just how it is. There is a whole lot of other people in the opposite side of spectrum that would leave if it went the same way as BFA did. And we all know how much of a commercial success(!) BFA was.


We all know how much of a success legion also actually was… Because it didnt really drop much in player base.

And we had no problem how it was in legion (Granted I Forgot if TF was a thing in that expansion).

Its also to early to actualyl say anything about SL in that regard because there could be a huge dropoff coming soon.

Ah man, FFS. U don’t understand it. Period. U can talk all the bs arguments u want. U do know that exceptions proof the rule right? The fact u were EXTREMELY unlucky does not prove your point. It only proves u were ffing unlucky ( and by this point, i laughed a bit).

I have gave u a post or 7/8 allready about how things work. U don’t want to read it, ur u don’t understand it. Thats fine. But stop whining about me not posting constructive. Pretty much allways the same: When someone has a other opinion then yourself, its BS.

LOLLLL, i read a bit further and THERE WE ARE: I PAYED TO PLAY MY CONTENT. The most sheitty argument every made by casual players.

Then give up on your job, or school or whatever is taking your personal time away from WoW. U pay to play the game itself. Every month. What u chose to do in that month in the world of Shadowlands, is completly up to you. U could do quests, u could do mythics, u can raid, u can slap ur broomstick around some female night elve. Whatever the f u want. All up to u.

Now whit that in mind: You choose to do other stuff then mythics. Again i explained this allready 10 times, but u can’t seem to get it. So one last time: U can choose to skip that covenant shizzle, or the questing, or the slapping your broomstick, and dive right into mythics. 12 hours a week equals 16 mythics. times 3 is 48 mythics done within 3 weeks. That mean: 96 pieces of loot. Divided by 5 players and that is not taking into account that you will likely be trading off a lot of loot: almost 20 pieces of personal loot for you. No say again how u can’t be a certain item level?

Your compairing a sheit ss game like BFA with SL, thats were u make the 4th mistake. You were literally showered in loot.

But i guess when your ignorant to good arguments, a discussion can last forever.