Wtf is up with loot?

TF along with the RNG legendaries were the biggest problems of Legion. People were farming Broken Shore/Argus like crazy to get a TF Unstable Arcanocrystal.

Just wow… Okay?

JI am not even gonna bother with you anymore. You keep calling me ignorant when you move goalpost after goalpost trying to move arguement from one another then you uncivilisedly start to call names.

Litteralyl the whole lot of your post revolves around derrogatory terms.

Again, I don’t mind lesser loot and I don’t want to be showered with loots.

What kills the less loot is the RNG in place. The RNG of dungeon/raid loot and the RNG of GV.

Getting loot should be not a gambling act and a company should not develop their system to endorse such things.

Anyway, the current system does not sit well personally and I have cancelled my renewal. As much as I love WoW, the current expansion(s) and the systems are just too alien for me and my beloved WoW universe.

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Ye but the rng in this expansion is less then in Legion and BFA when it comes to gear.As i already explaind you can target ilvl and gear you want this expansion and it will drop,and if you have friends it will drop sooner.

" We had no problem how it was in Legion". Probably cause half of the playerbase quit after wotlk. Those people didnt have any objections to a system where u are not showered in gear. And dont come talking about sense of progression. Progression is what u make of it yourself. If u do some Mythics, u will progress a lot slower then someone who does 20 mythics. Except some exceptions who get extremely lucky or extremly unlucky. Has been in Wow since the very beginning. You want to do covenants, fine. Then you accept the fact u wont be in 213 ilvl gear by week 7. Simple as that.

There is absolutly nothing not to understand about.

Haha good one. Especially when you have no luck to RNG. I play since release and have 192, go check my armory. Most of duplicates I already gave away or sold to vendor. I had maaany trinkets below 200 ilvl.

The prokblem as I have said numerous times is the fact starting at the first soft cap 184 to 197 is rendered useless gecause of a culmination of things. You effectively are only doing it a GV gamble.

Wether you have friends or not, is out of the question when it comes to that I never had problems before ever since I played wow.

Loot still drops the same for everyone, but the advantage a person grouping up with friendw or guilds is in this case huge starting at merely 184 when I do my content (which isnt high end content) where this problem is allready big. I dont have the "Hey this item is really good’ feeling that I dropped after 11 mythic + runs, and this results me in wanting to play less what I once loved to play and affected nobody else.

The ffact you’re stil ltalkingg about 213 ilvl gear…

Seriously, LEarn to read.

The thing is though, unless you didn’t play Legion and BFA the fact is RNG factor has actually lessened in Shadowlands. The caveat being less loot drops. You can’t just eat your cake and have it too.

Does this mean RNG factor is now ideal in SL? Hell no, I hate RNG. I believe in high effort always being rewarded. But I also accept the fact that lately the games are deliberately not designed in that way to make people keep playing as long as possible.

You just came up with a BS argument after a BS argument time after time. I allready showed you 10 times that your mind is wrong. And just as i was about to give up on you, you come with the stupidist argument ever invented on these forums.

It is so stupid, alot of people are afraid to even link to it: I Payed for the game, so i am entitled to aaaaaaall the content. Well you are. You are free to do whatever you want, in whatever pace u want. The fact u choose to do something else for 50% percent of your time, is probably a stupid choice.

U do understand the rules of percentage right? The fact u have a ±20% change to get a loot drop, or to make it easier: a 1 in 5 chance to get something. does not mean you WILL get a loot drop every 1 in 5 chances? It could be 1 in the first 13 chances. And then 3 in the next 7 or so. So basically: U gave up to fast is what u are saying.

It’s really just another cry topic of some player who plays this game for some hours a week and thinks everything should be handed to them. You havent put out a single argument that states otherwise. Only some weak semi arguments

All ayour posts are not about softcap 184.

And you write with 'U".

Again, there is no problem. You make a problem out of nothing. what ilvl you are? 180? 185? u can easily do m+5 with that. Get a good group going and go.

Last time this. You sir, are ignorant as F. and that is getting stail prety fast.

And you didnt read about the super low droprate… that we have mentioned multitude of times…

Wtf are you drunk?

The problem is: If the RNG is removed, and we go back to classic/TBC/WOTLK days where loot is being distributed between players trough systems like DKP or roll, the exact same people come here crying again about everything begin unfair.

We all wanted more out of the game. Legion and BFA were complete jokes. Getting showered in useless gear, getting lucky the first few rounds and being decked with gear. Not even gonna start about the corruption,affixes stuff. That was to ridiculous. Now they finally delivered. Loads of people 3/4 weeks in and still struggling to clear m+2. Thats how it should be. Not a freekin walk in the park. Smashing trough all the content and facesmashing your keyboard trough heroic raiding because you decked out half the guild in M+13 or something.

But lets be honest: When someone pullls the: I payed for the game, so i want EVERYTHING, the discussion is pretty much over. It means they are not to be reasoned with.


Lol… Nobody is havingg difficulty clearing M2-m5…

And you doknt even do m+.

You have one run on TAP +2…

I am well aware of the droprate. As you allready stated in a few posts back. Which i then made out in clear numbers. Even forgot the fact that in those 3 week of doing those mythics you would have had a shot at 3 GV items and 3 Weekly epics of ilvl 213. Which makes your crying even more pathetic.

By this time you really should see the arguments and change your opinion. If not, thats on you my man. But let’s get one thing straight: You are not entitled to anything. You are free to play the game the way you like. No one is stopping you.

That alone allready beats pretty much every argument u bring into this discussion.

That’s even more hilarious then. So despite the fact you can roflstomp trough mythic 5 and grind out a number of 20 pieces of 194 loot with 3 pieces of 210 loot and 3 pieces of 213 loot in 3 weeks, you still think 197 is a soft cap? I swear to god. This is the most dumbest sheit i have seen in a while. And that includes the one guy that posted some ridiculous additions to classic.

197 is an upcoming softcap you nut

So after the first Standard argument " I payed for this game" comes the 2nd" Rofl lol u suck, u did 1 mythic +2". As stated earlier, i to am casual. I to tend to twist my gametime into multiple things. quests, herbing, WQ, covenant, Torghast. And some mythics on the side. Was showered in 184 gear btw, but guess i was just lucky.

I gave u simple math. About 3 times now. You don’t want to see the math, our you aint at the level of understanding math. That’s fine. If it is a problem, i would love to do this discussion again after completing 10 m5+? If that is what it takes to get off your goggles.

“You suck”.

I dont think I said that.