Man, learn to read. Im out. You keep crying. I will keep enjoying this wonderful game. U go do some covenant stuff next week mon.
No, I am reading into stuff. I provided all the single data you need from a viewing point.
You’re posting nonsense ‘mon’.
Was showered in 184 gear btw, but guess i was just lucky.
Good one… Now do more M+ and you will notice its M+ related, not standard mythic that gives 184…
8+8 seems like a lie
This! Barely want to log in anymore.
yea we get too much loot now, 3 legendaries 50+ epics since release
its the perception problem and you will never agree with each other because you miss the point that key difference is on psychological level not on spreadsheet level.
this is something a lot of corporations (especially IT / tech ) dont deal well atm - people who live in world that could be desribed in spreadsheet often forget that their typical customers react not like machines.
both Legion/BfA operated on level of positive additional reward. TF was something nice but not expected - expcted was the gear similiar to normal raiding gear as this is most of time the pinacle of what your average player want to achieve in game - BfA was even better with hc raid gear from WF
SL operates only on negative emotions - people who thrive in this enviroment are people who seek satifsaction in excluding others from activity A or B and thus feeling special about themselves. (the same people were extremly unahppy for past 2 expansion because they no longer could feel special about themselves because they couldnt exclude others from mid - tier content in game)
its is just bound to fail due to fundamental flaw in design .
it all works well on paper and spreadsheet that tells people at blizzard that after 12-14 weeks average itlv of person A who does normal/hc raids and like m5-8 will be at around 210 .
reality is person A is very likely to quit game on week 2 or 3 due to lack of decent gear progression and will never last till week 14 to be 210.
person A is feeling excluded from game acitvities the moment he is 1 itlv behing the “curve of pugs demands”
this will simply never work .
You are right about this being a different system. You are wrong about this never having worked. It worked very fine in some earlier expansions.
And they could achieve exactly the same without GV and giveaways but with tokens that would also serve as bad RNG shield…
??? What do you mean? TBC and WOTLK whhere percieved as good to great for multitude of reasons. Loot issues whernt really one of those…
this is another problem - its coming in wrong form / too late.
yes people will buy 197 - and then what ? progression again stops there for them
yes they can go mythic + 10 / hc raiding.
good luck to be accepted into any of those in 4 weeks time .
blizzard just fails to figure it out goign from one extreme to another - instead go back to perfecly working model of Cata / MoP VP and VP gear upgrades - that gave people constant feeling that anythign they do in game - aka normal-hc dungeons , dailies , raids give them some % of progression towards being more powerfull over time.
but it needs to take time to - it cant be - do 1 dungeon and then do nothing for rest of week to collect loot from GV.
And this is what I posted in that other topic about revolving the sence of progression because as soon as 197 hits in week7, that progression is totally gone for people that casually play the game.
in which expansions ? since TBC there were always some form of badge gear in game - until WoD - when it fallen apart completly with removal of VP
which further reinforces my point where a system that doesn’t shower you with loot and a system that further moves toward one where if you got access to high end game content you have a better chance of being better than someone who gets lucky through titanforges or M+ spam, is more preferable. WOTLK and TBC’s success attests to this. Now mind, I’m not saying that the system in place right now is the same with WOTLK and TBC. But it is closer in spirit than the awful loot systems of both WOD Legion and TBC.
its not though .
in order for it to be close it would have to have farmable in every content VP rewarding players with 213 loot.
then it would be system close to the one which worked when wow had 10 mln subs.
I am not arguejing that WOTLK and TBC where good, by scarce loot was not a problem, at all.
And why do keep on bringing in TF when sence of progression doesnt have to involve TF?
TBC had no vendor rewarding you BT/Hyjal gear for badges. It was couple of items of SSC and TK imtelvl and mostly with wrong stats.
Close, but not exactly. And I don’t expect a total reversal and going back to TBC and WOTLK system anymore. I reckon we will have Classic very soon if we want that system.
Graytail, yet it DID involve TF. Any person that has played Legion will know this to be true, with Unstable Arcanocrystal a prime example, and I abhor even the chance of obtaining mythic level loot through lucky titanforges, no matter how slight the rng was. This was true for both WOD and Legion.
And I absolutely hated how the method of obtaining a legendary in Legion was through RNG until quite late in the game.
No it didnt.
And you dont need TF to have the sence of progression.
And its not like anyone is asking for it to be back.
You’re putting words in people’s mouth.
You said the same to me about me post.
This should clear you up.
We start a 184 soft cap now.
M2-M6 gives possibillity of 197 gear max.
= Half of our progression down the drainer.
Soft cap come week 7 197 thats being added.
This has nothing to do with TF. I am playing the content I want to play, which will be made useless 7 weeks intok an expansion. Not at the next tier.
Combine that, with bad drop rate,. and god knows, the highest hard cap is what, 235? for mythic CN?
Bottom line is, the system is different, and sorry to be bearer of bad news, but fundamental changes like loot system doesn’t happen overnight. You are best waiting for the season to end in 5-6 months at the earliest or possibly for the entire expansion to end, if your dissatisfaction continues I’m afraid we’ll see you either in next season or next expansion hmm?
No, They dont happen overnight, and they had a year of beta testing on all this…
You’re moving goalpost which I absolutely not like by stating its best to wait till last week of a season.
Its just bad design and you know it.