Fake news. Conduits and Leggo memories are off the personal loot table and do NOT count towards your quota drop for the dungeon. If a dungeon has a chance to drop a conduit/leggo for you, that is an entirely seperate roll to whether you get any loot at all.
How do i know this? A M+ dungeon drops 1 loot if you finish plus 1 if you time. I did a +5 sanguine depths last week, we failed timer, but the warrior got some gloves, I got a conduit and the shaman got a conduit as well. That’s “three” pieces of loot, which invalidates the SL loot rules. Therefore proof conduits are “off” the loot table.
That would be too fast I guess. If we were allowed to buy THIS PARTICULAR ITEM like PVP players can, and then also upgrade it for these tokens - it would be fair to make it pretty slow, so you aren’t full BIS-geared within a month. But tokens would at least be a sign that “no effort is wasted”. Currently most of effort is wasted, and 60% chance for receiving nothing for timed dungeon is mathematical proof.
Not to mention about raids, rates there are so bad I’m not even sure if I’m interested in completing normal 10/10 just to see how bosses look.
When item drops now I’m double pissed because it’s most of the time worse than thing I already have, while non-upgraded slot are not-upgraded since heroic dungeons. I didn’t see any hands and shoulders for 2 weeks now. This is not even quality over quantity. This is just lower quantity and welfare at the end of the week.
you forgot to mention that most of those games have difficulty set so that people without much upgrade can clear them - and once your gear is nicely upgraded you are literal god there.
wow isn such game for years - since they started to tune raids harder and harder to cater to hardcore audience
Yeah, having but few max lvls back there made the guild feared by like half of the server. In current WoW lvl could be removed from the game, I don’t even know why it even exists at this point and your character development is made of dice rolls. You can be ilvl 200 with little to no effort and 185 after sitting in the game for 16 hours a day, that’s how terrible this RNG is. In old school MMO there was NO possibility that the guy that plays for 2 hours a day is at the same power level as the guy who plays 8 hours. And WoW doesn’t even have A SINGLE mechanic that would promote effort, full RNG. Even vault is RNG and I had every single choice pretty bad this week and I’m disappointed.
These people don’t even know they created atrocity worse than many of the old-school MMOs perceived as pretty “hardcore”.
If you want to be showered in loot go play another game. People cried about too much loot dropping for a long time, Blizzard fixed it and now you’re still crying… it’s honestly laughable. Grow up and farm for your shinies.
Grow up and farm, you really just said that? You know that grow-ups don’t play RNG farming games that are even more unjust than real life, right? It’s very childlish for us to even be there at that point.
People cried for too much GARBAGE loot dropping. Right now it’s not only pretty often still garbage (my last 4 drops are worthless to me), but doesn’t even drop.
that is why I was more thinking they bug out sometimes and for some reason do count at times, but not always, but yeah this is something I just heard of and I cant offcourse say for sure, should have said that in my post.
though I have had runs where 3 items even dropped from a M+ chest, heck even 4 now when the event is up, so something do feel off.
The PvP system only works though because PvP is restricted heavily in buying “decent” ilevel items.
A dungeon runner can just go and hammer M+ until they cough up. I cannot do anything to earn more conquest a week, so literally hard capped on 1.5 ish items a week at the 200+ilevel range.
184 gear i can grind, yes, as can 184 gear from m0s which have much higher drop rates. Fact is dungeoneers can roll the die as many times as they like, whereas I can only get 1 item every 1-2 weeks from my efforts and then the GV. When you consider how much pvp most pvpers “do” for 1 piece of a gear a week, it kind of beggars belief that someone who does on average 10 dungeons a week will get 2 items from drops alone, as well as the 3 choices from m+.
So if pve had tokens and currency, then the RNg drops would have to disappear i’m afraid. It would not be fair for them to get a random drop chance AND targetted loot unless PvPers also got RNG loot added to pvp as well.
An upgrade on Ilevel is an upgrade, even if the secondaries are not good. It might not be your BiS or the one you want, but it’s an upgrade.
Got a 164 helmet from world quest, that’s it. Havent had an upgrade since the game was released. Trinket was upgraded from 155 to 200 yesterday, thanks to vault.
I feel gear means more now than before. But I guess some have been pampered too much with epics galore every 10 second
So the fix is more RNG? One player getting all the loot and the other nothing? I dont know this is the Korean MMO aproach. And they didnt last very long did they?
Well guess what this is an RNG farming game and if you feel it’s unjust go play something else it’s that simple. People are feeling so entitled, you want to put in 0 effort and get loot thrown at you… guess what? Now you have to work for it GL
No, luck matters more now than before. Because luck is directly converted to gear, your effort doesn’t matter without it. Do the math and calculate how long you need to farm to drop certain item from M+. Because my math told me that if you include leavers and time to form parties it may be FIFTY HOURS of grind. FIFITY. HOURS. And you will not even receive highest possible ilvl from that.
That’s literally Ion telling you - have luck or unsub.
You brown nosed apologists are beyond helping. Work for it. In full RNG system. And MAYBE have the item until expansion ends lol. You are like 14 or what? You don’t understand what RNG means?
It takes PvP players over 5 weeks, yes 5 WEEKS to get a 200 set assuming their GV doesn’t duplicate on them.
You can always throw more hours on the pile if your luck is bad. those 5 weeks cannot be sped up at all and as said, if GV throws you a dupe well hello additional week or two to fill out the set.
Nevermind all the time spent nursing your rating to upgrade the gear to 207+ and earn the honor to actually upgrade it.
Lol there are many ways to get guaranteed loot already. You can do Arenas, upgrade PvP items to 184, form groups with other plate players in M+ so you can trade gear… the list goes on. You just won’t get a shiny every other run so you will have to work for it more and actually play the game, people are feeling too entitled.
Edit: I forgot to mention the weekly chest and weekly quest.
To have 80% chance that you will get at least one particular item from Theater of Pain for my spec. It’s in theory “only” 25 hours of grinding timed M+ but forming parties, travelling, leavers and other things will easily make it double.
That’s how much effort you need to put if you are not lucky and do certain dung to receive only one item you want because it’s your only slot to fill.
M+ is orders of magnitude worse than PVP for “directed” gearing right now. But why force people to PVP?