Wtf is up with loot?

Oof you have to resort to insulting, shameful.

What you want is instant gratification without effort, crying about your BiS items only THREE WEEKS into the expansion… ridiculous.

That’s what I have left for you as you are not going to understand anything anyway after I see that you are refering to absolutes to prove your point.

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The more you grind a dungeon the higher is your chance to get an item. Took me 10 runs on sanguin depths to get 1 ring. Yes it takes time, it’s an MMO after all. Grinding is what it’s all about.

Luck have always been a factor in WoW on loot, more so with the upgrade system than before. Now we’re a bit back to older days. And it’s good, as it should be. Want good loot, prepare to grind.

Nope. There is no proof such mechanics exists. I’ve seen zero augumented probability so far.


Haha you are so childish it’s insane, throwing tantrums cause you didn’t get your loot. RNG has always been part of how WoW loot works and it will never change, now you have to grind for it more.

Instead of crying on the forum go play some M+ and who knows you might get what you want, good luck sunshine! :wink:

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Worse is down to mindset.

PVErs compete with the dice (as they always have) and can always “have another go”, I can reliably get my gear but I can’t cause more of it to appear.

So whilst everyone and their nan is grabbing items above 184 in pve (because like it or not, items ARE dropping, just not for the people posting) i have my two bits and that’s it, no more until next week, that is assuming i want a ring or bracers, which i don’t, because i’d rather swap out my secondaries so i need to wait 2 weeks until i can “buy” another piece of gear. So that’s two more weeks stuck at 184 ilevel on my slots assuming I do PvP only and do a lot of PvP in that time (which generally I do).

You’re telling me in two weeks of running dungeons somewhat regularly you won’t get one upgrade above 184? We’re not talking about a specific loot piece here, arguable bis etc etc, we’re talking loot itself. The whine is “loot don’t drop” not “this specific item doesn’t drop” because christ almighty of course the odds for a specific item for a specific class in a specific dungeon will be lower, but that’s not equivalent to “the general state” of gearing in M+.

At this point in the game most people are just happy to get any item higher ilevel.

And that choice doesn’t always extend to pvpers. For example I have to do some pve if I want more than one decent potency conduit, same for leggos etc (I don’t complain about it) and my weapons? Yeah they have the worst secondary for me despite the fact the unraked weps i can buy for honor have all secondary combos, the glad one for me is stuck on mastery only. Yay I guess?

TBH honor is earned fast enough that a pvers who is stuck on a certain slot for a while should seruously consider doing some pvp just to get the slot to 184 or whatever. Same as I have to if i want conduits better than WQ 158 garbage outside of the conquest one.

Strong words for some brown nosed kiddo that literally said that anyone who wants some modifications to current loot system is entitled loser that wants max lvl gear with zero effort. Because of course for kiddo nothing in the middle exists.


and after spending those 5 weeks you are geared in garbage tier gear because any hc/mythic raider who plays 4 hours a week will have much supperior gear to yours

amazing game design

log in for raid - log out - collect gear .

when did we have this last time ? ah yes - in WoD

it ended so amazingly well back then with 5 mln sub loss in 3 months.


It’s not just lot less loot we get, it’s boring loot from dungeons too. Trinkets? Boring! Weapons? Nothing like sword from Kings Rest… All just generic stat items.

And let’s not forget about growing huge ilvl difference, which will be a huge problem soon on top of class balance…


Pretty much how the welfare gearing feels. Do 4 M+, finish Thorgast, maybe log in the weekend to do raid with the guild to see that nothing drops for you and you can’t even be helped because of lack of master loot and locks on gear trading, wait until reset to collect your weekly welfare. Your guildmates literally can’t even help you, it’s forbidden. You need to RNG your crap from the game or buy BOE.

What in between? Well, if you like feeling the progress probably nothing. It really feels just painfully unrewarding to do more than bare minimum and waiting for weekly welfare…

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Time investment vs fast gear process… Meanwhile person who got extremely lucky has 200+ ilvl, with less time.

Meanwhile people whom clearly spend more time shouldnt be pub stomped due to this not ?


my guildmaster friend complained about the same thing
world boss or some m+ gave him no loot

chance to not get any loot after 8 timed runs is about 1.6%

Chance to get 1 loot on a slot you dont need that loot peace…

even for gv such as on my mage… lmao

Still stuck at 182.

It’s to combat alot of things, here’s the problem. With as many different sources of loot comes with the larger problem of the quantity of loot in the game.

They started creating a RNG multi layered system which kept loot dropping quickly however loot you actually wanted taking forever to farm.

Throughout BFA I remember alot of loot, I also remember spending a long time actually getting a piece I was farming for and either vendoring a metric ton of it or leaving it in my bags for ilevel.

Some of the playerbase seem to require the 99% of junk loot they don’t need providing they’re seeing loot.

BFA wasn’t any better, anything less then a titanforged socketed m+15 piece of armour was basically useless. And you were vendoring it. How many times though did u actually see RNG that hard into your favour …

The new systems isn’t targeted at 1% raiders nor hardcore players.

Players themselves wanted TF and WF to go, what? You thought you’d see a expansion you gear within a few hours cause u kept your drop rates without TF/WF??. Ofcourse not.

I do agree the compensation reward defiantly does need looking at however, 35 anima really isn’t a reward nor is it in any way progression for your character.

They want you to get full WoW job and farm 24/7 - and they had more online statistic.

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I have 4 level 60s all at about 185 ilevel while having a full time job and a girlfriend, it ain’t quite that slow :rofl:

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I think they want a different thing - they want everyone to do 1 or 4 runs per week, but do that for many weeks, because gearing is slow and climbing is slow as well as a result. You stop at M+X because of your gear, well, you will will get enough gear to do M+X+1 in 2 weeks. Enjoy the pace, etc.

(I don’t like it one bit, it’s way too slow and this will backfire like hell.)

Three weeks into the expansion you’re already crying like a baby, go unsub this game ain’t for you anymore :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

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But people who doing keys 24/7 already 205+. Thats drop reduced for what? In BFA i can spend 2 days evening in weekend and be full Heroic gerared and not being a punch bag in every LFG.