Wtf is up with loot?

MMOs are about progression, not being hard stalled by game systems.


mmorpgs dont work without gear progression

we seen it in WoD.

SL is doubling down on WoDs mistakes - now everything is unrewarding in game.


new loot system comeing up

Fixed that for you since you wanna talk as if it’s set in stone already

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I can already feel that my best piece from vault will be in my leggo slot. Something in my bones is telling me that I’m going to be disappointed. I have 4 days left on my sub and if I’m right I will not be renewing :slight_smile:


WoD mistake was lack of content not loot.

It’s silly to compare looting now with classic. In class/tbc you had the same kinda item power progression across a whole expansion that you get today in a single tier, that’s the performance difference. You also could not endlessly farm content, other than your pre-raid dungeon loot farm.

That meant that items lasting a long time was fine, because they remained “good” for a long time and everyone was in the same boat… Nowadays you do a M+ and it drops no loot, but you’re not saved so if you want you can grind yourself into the floor farming loot, you finally get your mediocre your ilvl200 weapon and it’s completely worthless compared to an ilvl226 mythic drop from the same content tier, not that you’re ever likely to get an ilvl226 weapon if you don’t PvP.

It’s like imagine Karazhan gear ranged from Malchezaar’s dagger to a Warglaive of Azzinoth all within tier 4.


Loot system is not healthy for the game not even close, it is awfull i cant even gear up my offspec at a decent rate why even play a tank or a healer.

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SLs could be an amazing expansion, but Blizzard have chosen the cliche loot stall tactic “to keep people engaged.”

You know what Blizzard?

I’d rather loot was being gained at a fair to often rate, even if it meant my main not being needed to be played for weeks. I could focus on my alts then, which would be preeeeeetty nice.

But what we get is forced loot scarcity to stop us playing our alts more and keep doing some nonsense that is like “Keeping up with the Kardashians.”

Vannila, TBC, WOTLK and Cata had even less loot drops and nobady complained. Nobady.

This whole issue is caused by personal loot. Which causing uneven distribution of loot between players and also give items what are barely upgrade to wrong players.

Master loot and dkp system allowed for fair distribution of loot among players and withing guild. Items end up in bags of players what actualy need item and was actual upgrade. There was no way you could have situatons where you would go several weeks without single loot.

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Im not playing the game and content just for the loot.
But I got to admit that the current system makes me want to play less, as I dont get anything back for investing time

My main was stuck on ilvl 184 for 2 weeks, while my alt raced away to 204 with minimum effort

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are you stupid ? the issue is not getting loot from playing the game apart from your shiddy weekly chest

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Some people coming with the " those who cry over sl loot system should not play mmo, u have to progress your character " lol Yea good progression when u dont get an item from killing all bosses in raid and getting useless item from 6/10 hc after full normal clear… :clown_face:

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As per usual, Blizz thinking ‘They got it right’ actually translates into ‘they got it wrong - again’.

Listen to your customers - yes, that’s us lot, the people whose subs pay your wages ! If enough complain about the same thing (and there seem to be enough of us) then you need to change it. For me, loot is broken. Since raid opened, across all the IDs, HC and Normal, raiding twice a week and clearing 10/10N and 7/10HC I think I’ve seen 2, maybe 3 loot drops. Loot is the reward for hard work and progression, lack of loot is demotivating and holds people back from progressing against harder bosses. Wake up Blizz !

And whilst you’re at it, FFS fix BM Hunters…


IT WAS!!! Just opened the vault and the best piece by miles was in my leggo slot! Good luck ya’ll!

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The vault is a joke :confused:

Take care and have fun with whatever you play next. I am close to the point of just logging in once a week to top up the renown lvl then log off until next week.

They aren’t going to do anything about the loot issue until patch 9.1 which hits in March or April.

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