So much this! The first time that you equip a belt won’t be the last time. You need to replace things 3+ times each tier and start the process over again for the next. Anyone who says this is based on classic loot is, frankly, a moron.
These people are out of their mind. I bet they never played vanilla or classic if they are calling this a classic-like system. In classic for example a warriors can buy crafted helm at the start of the exp, the Lionheart helm which is his bis till AQ40( or maybe even untill naxx?!) or they can get bis items from simple dungeons, lvl 50+ bis items for months unlike in retail where even last boss raid items are become obsolete trash after a few month let alone m+ items right now.
Like… The Bonereavers Edge sword dropping from molten core, the first and easiest raid in classic dropping a sword thats bis in pve untill AQ40 and in pvp for the entire expansion, or the thunderfury the bis tank weapon thats stay bis from MC untill like mid TBC.
I dont even play classic and i hated it, for its time it was good for todays standards its even worse then BFA there where good things in classic but there many bad things in classic, you also have to consider that classic had 40 man raids does shadowlands have 40 man raids ?
Storyline gear at max rank is better than some of my lowest pieces, next week xD And I’ve been really really trying to gear up, too! Maybe I should’ve spent my time farming anima, because the upgrades will cost alot.
I might be wrong when I say this but I’ve never seen such frustration from people around me in game ever before. I’ve played since TBC launch pretty much and even then you had fail safes with gear to help you out if you got unlucky.
If Blizzard thinks going about stuff with timegating and frustrating the playerbase will keep subs, I full out disagree. There is people like me who will play no matter what but from my experience frustration is what makes people quit the most.
You know what keeps more subs than making players think they need to stay subbed or lose out? Making the game fun and not frustrating. If you timegate and make bad catch up mechanics and weeks without loot, people will never return.
It’s bad for the game if people can’t take a week off for real life issues without being behind until the end of the expansion. Also Discouraging to hear people being dropped from raid teams left right and centre or being unable to enter groups because of bad rng.
As said from Bitterborn, People like to over exagarate about classic and TBC(nothing new there), Both had catch up mechanics and better fail proof systems than Shadowlands.
This is the crucial statement for this entire discussion.
I wish everyone who starts responding to these threads with 200 IQ nuggets like “you play for fun” and “now you actually have to work for rewards” would just…stop.
If you don’t care about character progression in an MMO and/or fail to comprehend the importance of the challenge-reward gameplay loop then your input is irrelevant. You’re gonna have fun either way.
It is without any logic and sense to raid at this moment!
I’ve been subed solid for I think 6 year… also played before those 6years.
Played classic up until our guild had MC BWL and ZG on farm left for SL.
I play with some of my family also and for the first time in I don’t know how long we are thinking about droping the game, SL is a great xpac I like it a lot but to me this gearing feels even worse than classic.
I have no motivation to do M+ other than 4 10s for vault
I’ve been raiding since raid release and have at times left with anima x10
Currently 9/10 Heroic.
PvP is… lol… Thats coming from a convoke boomy with a 1hit
The game the way it is just now feels very boring due to the time gating and no gear from multiple sources over hours of gameplay. M+/PvP/Raids and if some people only have the time for one of these there progress is pritty much fill vault and log out.
I don’t know surely blizz can see waves of people leaving the game due to this and will sort it soon.
Not all of us have no jobs or make our living from streaming and playing the game 24/7.
Nearly 2 months and nothing comes from blizz lmao
i didn’t care about raiding at all during BFA. But coming into SLs and actually trying to get loot from raid/M+/etc… complete joke. You’ll spend lots of time getting nothing then the vault will offer you the same or similar rewards each week.
Like… thanks? I already have a freaking belt of that ilvl. Give me something different.
That’s a total what the heck right there!
But you said the game feels boring and since its time gating you would have more time for yourself since you cant grind until next chapter comes out?!
i feel people dont know what they want really i remember in bfa there was way too much to do, now that they tuned down people complain there is nothing to do.
The real problem is blizzard want to please everybody and leads to this contradicting opinions that when you play this game long enough you realize this community makes no sense. LOL
I don’t understand what you mean…
Yes its boring… You run multiple forms of content for 0 loot
Then the other content is time gated?
I’m not saying there is nothing to do I’m saying the things you can do have no reward. The rest is time gated.
Time for myself? This game is my time for myself I play it to chill get away from the real world. Not to take on a second job.
This cant be true i go to BGs and i literally choose my gear…
Which by the way takes like less than 20 min per run?
If you do things properly you get a full set 190 i level.
which already sets you to run m+ 5 at least which gives you vault gear of 207 MINIMUM! which if you do bg allow you to grind for 200+gear. ALL of this mostly RNG FREE!!!
Did you even played bfa?! did ever went to a casino knowing you gonna lose but you play anyway? That is bfa, they give gear you dont need but you roll the dice one more time because you keep taking the bait…
Bfa was horrible in many ways, but alteast i got loot after 2-3 m+, and not after 7-10. Same goes for raid bosses.
useless loot, i remember a trinket from raden of all the weeks i tried it dropped one time. But yh i did had loot doesnt matter if i could never get a proper weapon
Here i can choose my loot, so much so that doesnt matter if it drops or not, i had a proper slot for what i need, maybe not best but proper level because this system is not rng only.
Glad you guys like bfa casino royale, definitly not for me.
EDIT lets also add legendaries too which you can even choose the slot! to my less rng argument.
Well yes, after few months you get useless loots for sure, but atleast i got something.
The reason you feel like it is fine is because you still consider ilvl200 ok…
I’m talking about Endgame content keys higher than 10’s
Raids higher than lfr
Yes anyone can get ilvl200 easy this is not where the problems start.
The problems start once you’ve done that once you get into higher raids and keys
when your spending 1000’s of gold per run to receive 35 anima or 75 gold
You think it is bad now? Next week a lot of people will reach 197 pvp and covenant gear. There will be no upgrades at all from anything but Raid and M+ (assuming you don’t do rated PvP - good luck trying to get into that world with experience)
With Pugging this raid being so hard and the RIO gatekeepers doing their thing a lot of people will not upgrade after next week very often (if at all)
You think the game is unrewarding now, try not getting a single upgrade in a week with the M0 weekly that gives a 213 the only real prospect.
There will be many committed players who are around ilvl 200 with little chance of doing anything more.
People will leave in droves without a decent prospect of getting better via loot.
But every1 can do what they enjoy, PVEing. Reward/loot is just cherry on top.
It is hard to enjoy anything without progression.