Wtf is up with loot?

Yea it’s terrible. Blizzard, don’t get me wrong I’ll happily go 50/50 with you and enjoy “the journey/experience” as much as actual rewards e.g loot but not even getting a single loot drop over 3 m+ dungeons (doesn’t sound like a lot but remember you have to find a group - travel time and then clear it so it actually works up to be quite a chore if you have real life responsibilities as well!).

if I was able to play for 12 hours a day I really wouldn’t be bothered but unfortunately spending 2 or 3 hours to farm some m+ for some loot and then coming up empty handed is pretty harsh for those of us who do have a full time job or other things to do.
Don’t even get me started on the 35 anima per run if you fail to get loot (who the hell thought that would feel good? 35 freaking anima when your sanctum upgrades are gonna costing 5k and upwards.

i do 3 raid bosses, 1 key and pvp then log off and play flight sim 2020 or cyberpunk. Gearing with m+ or raid loot is awful this time.

There is no loot have not gotten a single uppgrade the whole week not a single item in the useless raid 10 normal 6 on hc not a single drop atleast add som reward token so i can get atleast a piece or 2 for all the damn time ive spent.

When Someone doesn’t meets your opinion and you tell Them “they dont get it”. Wtf u whining about? U want to go back to bfa? To not only.get the lucky of TF, but also the right stats and the right affixes? Thank God they fixes this system and nog everyone and his or her sister is in full mythic raiding Gear within 3 weeks

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Go read this post why current systems are a problem and what needs to be changed.

Who are you to tell me I ever had mythic raiding gear, let alone within the first 3 weeks?

You’re silly.

This problem affects every single casual player. We cant even progress without being aware that come week 7 casual pvp players will outgear us.

BS. Im casual to. Without to much effort i allready went to 180 ilvl. Not doing that mucht, mostly Maw Quest,WQ, 4 m0 for.the Quest and one Timed m+2. Its 3 weeks in and people complaining not having 200 ilvl. You van certainly point out the WoD and Legion starting players here.

How many chars do you have as a casual player that you actively play?

Because you do a couple of mythic 0 where the loot isnt scarce and you will reach soft cap 184 with ease…

And you didnt read that post.

So read it.

Most complaints are because having the sence of progression taken away.

Man i dont even need to read it. So far i play one char actively. The complaints are pretty mucht people who whine in all these trends. " The sence of progression" is Smth u alle talked yourself into. We all had a sense of progression during woltk. You Just got showered in stupid welfare epics the last expansions. Finally, they listened to the people that played the glory days of wow and the threw that stupid system out of the window. Progression my ss. If u want Gear, u need to work for it. Simple as that. You all thinking that doing 4 mythics and getting 8 new piexes is a sense of progression, u must be delussional.

You should read it.

You really should. It could change your view, because I run 3 chars, I take 6 hours average per week on my covenantn stuff.

That means I have 6 ish hours or so for other stuff.

For mythics plus, that I know, will be rendered useless because in the time I run 10 mythic + I can run 50+ epic bgs and farm free 197 gear come week 7.

Then by all means: go play PVP. U make the decision to do other stuff then mythics, and then complain about not getting the loot u want. U could fit 13 mythics a week in those 12 hours. You do that for 3 weeks and Ur Done. Dont blame a system for your personal choices.

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You have no ide awhat I am talking about?

I dont even like PVP that much.

The last time I had good ebg matches that lasted longer then 8-12 mins was the annersity.

You really have no idea what I am talking about, so you should read.

M6 and less come week 7 is useless. LFR is useless. Normall to an extend is only worth it last two bosses. Do you understand?

I dont know i did 3 mythics +5 i got one loot item and then trade one item to me.If i was doing raids that would be probably two items for 15 gear slots(not counting the lego slot) thats 4 items per week + the vault one.If i was doing more mythics that would probably amount to more loot so far it seem to follow the 3 rule for drops.

Thats good. For you.

I got 1 item in a mythic 4 after 10 dungeans. It wasnt even that big of an upgrade and knowing week 7 will just render it useless, how does that motivate me? Thats bad for this game.

Not sure about you but the 4 guys from the communite i am in do m 10 and trade gear between them self,they timed alot of there runs so that was 2xitems per run and they did 10 dungeons for the vault thats 20 items between the 4 of them.I am not sure how you ur self are doing it,but pugin and hoping to gear up fast is really bad…and i mean really bad.

Friend of mine did 13 Mythic+ over the last 2 days and didn’t get a single drop of loot, honestly it’s extremely demotivating.

No, I am just a casual, trying to enjoy a part off a content that I used to enjoy because I had a sence of progression regardless that I cant possible get right now becausee knowing the efford I put in as a casual player (And no, Pugging isnt really a problem. The loot’s still the same.) is made useless.

The couple of ‘bad’ apples that you claim where gearing fast, are very limited, and incase you didnt knew, there was allready a step taken then there because you cant trade higher ilvl items.

I never was ‘godly’ geared in legion or BFA. I also never really cared if people did that or not.

What I do care about, and what man y people do care about is theyrr own experience.

You all just seem to say:

“You dont need to be max ilvl”. But that isnt even the problem.

Yes and i am telling you lone wolfing the game and pugin in hope to stay on the same level as people with guilds,community,friends is insanity.
If you really care about gear and efficiency playing this mmo in m+ right now makes the most sense with couple of people/players that share the same view as you,gear in your case.

But thats the thing if they are getting 203 loot all the time by doing m10 they probably got same slots and can trade it between each other.It is efficent.

I really like how you put the term lone wolf there and act as if I should not be allowed to have a sence of progression.

Done with you.

You deem IT worhtless. That’s something completly different. But keep comming witht these semi serieus arguments.

Because it is.

Effortwise it will take me months if not weeks longer to even get to 197. I can play 4 hour epic BG to get to 197 min in every ddarn slot?

Peoploe these days need to read, seriously.