Wtf is up with loot?

Yeah, this is magical how BADLY they did it. They literally took the worst things to create pinnacle of atrocity.

How to make gear to matter? Maybe stop free gear giveaways? Great Vault? Mythic event? What is that for? This is welfare for loot-starved people (you think why they added this event? people want more meaningful loot Joe, give them some easy gear so they shut up). This is literally welfare. And this welfare is much better than what they can achieve with their own hands by doing content they want to do. Where does that lead? To do bare minimum and wait for another shot of welfare. Anything you drop for welfare-filled slot = trash, doesn’t matter, you are not going to outlevel that item.

If we had some token currency that even allows us to ROLL for the item for given dung it would be much better. You have enough tokens for roll in for example Theater of Pain M+ x. You are GUARANTEED you will receive item from your loot table, you only can’t tell which one it will be. But hey, your chance for something that you actually want is now like 10% with that roll, not like 3%.

No, they created ultimate cancer combo in which not only gear doesn’t matter because welfare is better than your own work and it’s better to do bare minimum to receive welfare, effort is not rewarded because only luck matters and also it makes people furious due to loot starvation between welfare injections. Brilliant.

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what are you even talking about, thay want you to raid more (agreed you will get less) but that means more fun with friends and a much longer game.

so you are now in favor of the new loot system??? jeez the fastest flipflopper ever. You cried only a couple of hours ago that “NOT ENOUGH LOOT DOPS /BABYSCRYS”

No, you are just not bright enough to understand what I meant. Time gated giveaways and welfare coupled with loot drought are cheapest and laziest way possible for them to keep gearing pace in check. Problem is that this welfare doesn’t feel like it was your “work” that resulted with achievements, it’s literally welfare and once-a-week dose of satisfaction. Tokens would do better job for people to feel that effort matters, not free gear once a week.

comming from someone who cant read? ok…

Pretty much this. I quitted from this xpac, and play mmos thats actually reward me with gear.

I’ve had lots of luck with gear lately, seems like every 1-3 runs i get something.

Maybe the game is apologizing for giving me a useless item from the emmisary quest.

Im generally ok with the scarcer gear but if they simply cut the loot, everything else being equal, to emulate vanilla wow’s experience thats just plain naive. Other than trying to copy an old game, there are just too many repetitive aspects of modern wow and once the honeymoon period of the new expansion wears off, people may just give up on this treadmill. Titanforging might be gone but there are other aspects of the game that makes it repetitive or alt unfriendly and with a feeling that you are never close to being done on your main character.

Yeah RNG can bite you sometimes but its all good sometimes you get lucky sometimes your unlucky thats apart of the game, and when you dont get gear someone else does so its all good.


So its good i do 8 raid bosses and 8 mythic plus for zero reward?

How do you work that out?

If i spent that time on pvp it would atleast give me something.

Its bad game design… 1 drop every 3 dungeons should be guaranteed. Spending hours farming for nothing is horrible game design.

Hey OP didn’t you get the memo? We’re back in Vanilla.

Gotta pray the RNG.

I think we’re just spoiled by bfa, legion etc.

I took a huge break since WotLK and came back for 8.2 in bfa and was shocked @ the loot shower.

Back in WotLK, as a raider, getting 1 piece of loot per week was good. Two pieces? It was like Christmas. And noone complained.

Same, 4 raid boss 3 m+, wb, few m0s. Nothing, absolutely nothing… Only that anima which just makes me even more furious. It feels like blizz throwing that shet to me like " good job here is your 35 anima now do it again" at this point just don’t even give me that anima its like tipping 10-20 cents, insulting.

i have no bias. this is my opinion.

and this opinion is that if raids didnt rewards gear next to nobody would do them .

do you think different ?

back in WolK-MoP people didnt mind it because they had 6-7 pieces of what would be now 213 - hc raid quality gear obtainable by VP. and this often included 1 decent trinket and 2-3 pieces of tier set

bring this back and i guarantee you nobody will say anything anymore about mythic+/raid drops

and i definetly think that WoLK-MoP was the “golden age” of WoW - there was never need to bring in WF/TF into game if they would keep VP - hell i dont remeber even a single thread camplaining about VP .

give me WoLK/Cata/MoP servers and i will never go back to retail .


Its not motivating me to keep subbed.

So how is it any good now if poeplle leave?

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6 nore m+ tonight and 1 ring from a 2 chest run… why do i bother??

Log on raid, do one 12-14m+, log off
Nothing else in WoW is worth the time.

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just do pvp

Theres hope.

I got … a bracer or smt… on my 10th dungean… When I really need waistand legs… cause that was really not much of an improvmeent…

I am lieing when I said thhere’s hope.