Wtf is wrong with MMR

I won two games 4-2 in a row. For the first one I got +0 for the second +7. After that I was thrown into lobby vs r1 healer that had LOWER mmr and I lost 2-4. And got -50 for that. Very fair system, thank you blizzard


The classic
3-3 0 points -5mmr
3-3 0 points -20mmr
3-3 0 points -15mmr
3-3 0 points -10mmr
4-2 0 points mmr stays
2-4 o boy - 50 points

6-0 + 50 Pog
Disconnect -150, scream tears and finalay i touch some gras again


This is because Blizzard has given up on Arena.
People keep asking for MMR buffs and changes for weeks if not months, there is a 100% disconnect between the devs or whoever is responsible for arena and the playerbase. No communication, no changes. At least they manage to fix the mmr in Plunderstorm within 2 days, nice.
No point playing unless they finally change something. If there are no changes before season end the next season is already DOA.


They did respond to the particular MMR situation and said they are going to inject some arificial MMR, which they did.

However, you and all the people demanding for even more inflation are missing the point and don’t understand what this does overall to the state of the ladder.

Injecting MMR early doesnt change the fact that it will STILL be easier to push later in season.

DF season 1 really ruined the perception of the ladder and I get it, it is hard to accept being 1.8k again after getting that sweet 2.4.

The only real solution to this problem (which actually isnt a problem per se) is more people quing.

Some people are literally blackmailing the developers with this “give me free MMR and CR or I wont que”.

No one said that it should be like in season 1 - this was way too inflated.

if you have to fight against multi r1 / AWC players on their 80th alt at 2,2k mmr it just boring and pointless.

  • it’s boring for top players because the ladder at “their” mmr is dead
  • it’s boring for the casual player because you don’t stand a chance

No one says we need 2,4 etc for free - definitely not und especially not at the season start. You say the real solution is to have more ppl queuing.
But casual people won’t queue if their reward, goal or whatever you wanna call it is so out of reach like it is now. Top players won’t queue because queue times are absurd and they most likely just lose mmr if they don’t go 5-1 at least.

I really don’t see how a well dosed mmr buff would be negative to the overall state of the game.

MMR doesn’t work well with solo shuffle.
It never worked well in 2v2 and 3v3… well maybe in sl s2 :joy:

We need something new in rated pvp designed in 2024 / 2025
A new progression system or a massive update on this one.

What goal do you believe most casuals have? Do you believe their goal is to get 1800, 2100 or 2400?

Because it means every reward gets more free. Its not supposed to be as free as PvE.

I wouldnt mind a rework so the ladder isnt fully built around activity so they have to inject MMR because less ppl play.

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My goal is to reach 2100.
I have played 2300 rounds and I m still at 750 rating though.

But i keep trying.

We know you are a griefer.


We need special rewards in solo shuffle for omega grinders :joy:

You dont understand what the systems goal is.

By forcing healer to play more games to get rating, more healer que up and dds have less wait time.

The system isnt for you to climb, its for you to give more dps the oppertunity to play. If healer mmr would be bound to the dps mmr, the wait time for dps would increase.

You basically complain about X is not happening in a system that wants Y to happen

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If that were true it would sound extremely unfair for heals and weird choise for design regards integrity of “competitive mode” in mind if we think of the concept of rated pvp.

Main problem with MMR system in SS is:

Wasted time, and feeling into progress to nowhere, specially as healer
Example of typical day: I decide to play 3 hours, majority of games are draws, but for those games which are not draw I end in like 70% win 30% lose, in my head Im doing well right? … but my Wins are rewarded with +7 ratting while my loses are punished for -67, so its impossible to keep that tempo, because stupid system constantly put me into for high risk and low rewards, and even when doing well it is possible to end play session with negative ratting, which is spirit breaking. And in top of that evry 10th game is automatic lose as toll to wintraders.

So please explain me how to climb in such a conditions?
Explain why system consider guy with -20 ratting than me as low rated target? (20 rating is NOTHING even ± 150 is nothing)?
Explain why my character is used into high risk low reward games?
Explain why my MMR tank after draw (specialy with fact that for some draws you really need to sweat) ?
Explain why system expect people to win unrealistic high amount of games?

Its not wonder that people spirit to play is broken… current system is TERROR, you want me to become macohist or what?


:heartpulse: well written

Many have, and it should.

Today, the first time after months, I quit the shuffle mid game at 0-5. It was just too much garbage made by Blizz to bear as a healer anymore.
The day went:
5-1 +43
3-3 +0
3-3 +0
1-5 -50

My thought was: “I got my 2.1, the season is over since week 8, why do I still queue and why should I be the one to suffer for the failed system while DPS don’t?”

F*** Blizz at this point. They don’t get sh** done anymore, just keep moving on to “new” systems like the BR pile of sh** of Plundersh*t and don’t work on retail anymore.

ten characters


i played with my dh on and in 1.4 mmr i was against 2k mmr every single game and last game was on 1-5mmr against guy who was 3k raing then i just pack it up and never logged 2s again its just broken

This 100%
Ss is just a gamble and in most case the casino always wins

Well there was a choice to be made. It was made on the back of the heals. Blizzard couldnt win here, just decide who loses.

There is a reason why in the top 100 highest rated player RSS , there is only 1-2 healer, when it should be 1/3 aka 33

Which wouldnt be a problem in its own, if it was the same way for dps.

But if I compare my DevEvoker, DK with my Rdruid

Devoker : 53 Wins / 34 loses 61% Winrate 2097 Rating

DK : 63 Wins / 53 loses 54% Winrate 2021 Rating

Rdruid : 82 Wins / 48 loses 63% Winrate 2015 Rating

Hmm better winrate , more games played but lower rating. Both didnt brought MMR from last season as I played mostly Aug, Dk has a little MMR.

But my specc with the most wins and best winrate has the lowest rating