WTF is wrong with this island expedition kick system

I was farming azerite from chests and rares not with my party when i got kicked for no reason… WTH happened to this toxic system when ppl kicking other for no reason … its like i can now take 1 player to mythic and kick him for no reason at 10% last boss fight ? Nice report system blizz…

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Sadly it’s just how it works, as annoying as it is, just ignore it and queue for another. It does happen every now and then - after all, it’s a democratic voting system on top of people who don’t take a few seconds to think before lazily clicking ‘Yes’.

Last night while doing random MoP dungeons on my alt, we had a Warlock who was doing low DPS (looked new) and one of our group members voted to kick him, but since I saw that he was at least trying, I voted no and he stayed for the entire run.

People should take the responsibility in their own hands when others are voting to kick somebody who may not deserve it, and people should also learn to be more patient, you never know who’s new or not, and it’s not like they’re bringing the group down, the dungeons are piss easy.


I got kicked out of an island expedition right after the 110 twink pally tank asked me if i thought i was contributing to the damage, my char i was in there is a DK tank but lvl 120. The 3rd person was a lower lvl hunter who was afking on the ship, pretty clear what was going on there.

I got kicked in the very last minute of that run, “rewarding” me with a deserter debuff.


ye I too have to wait for 15 min for queue for another expedition … its blizazrds fault that this vote kick system is so wrong and they are too lazy to have in game GMs… or try to inovate that system for checking if palyer is realy afk or hes doing some minimal work for dung/expedition/pvp i cant wait to see this broken system in classic … horay lazy blizazrd … Make money not wacraft should be your next achievement.


How wold you fix it then?

Why would you even do island expeditions? They are boring and useless


They were 10 times more toxic before 8.1, you have it easy now

Why would u do normal/hc islands?
They are unrewarding and usually u can make mythic version faster especially with rabbits charm

why would ppl join random BG when there is rated BG … why would ppl join random HC when u can create ur own party … why would ppl go to AH when you can buy brontosaurus… trolls everywhere git gut right ? when i read som reactions i realize its my fault . Report system is OK .

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OP is pretty much the reason why I always(back when I was actually doing HCs. Now I just do mythic isles with guildies)…ALWAYS take 1 friend or guildy.

If you go in solo then you are pretty much the other 2 player’s “hostage” who are more than willing to kick you for having a bad hair color, transmog, what ever.
There is no “great Blizzard fix”. Just go in with at least 1 friend/guildy/trusted player who wont say "yes " to your kick. Otherwise…“good luck!”.

I don’t know man, I do islands every week and I have never been kicked. I also do them on my alts while leveling, same thing. Guess you just got unlucky then. No point thinking about it now. Just move on, it shouldn’t happen very often unless you’re an unpleasant person to play with.


It’s an irritating consequence of them being only 3-Player.

The same problem used to exist in 5-Mans when you got a pre-made group of three completely controlling the vote. Eventually Blizzard brought in a new system where the fourth player also had to agree for the kick to succeed. The problem with IEs is that because there are so few players you can’t implement the same system.

IMO the system should be changed so that if you get kicked by a pre-made duo, the deserter buff isn’t applied.

This’d still allow you to kick AFK-ing players as normal and would punish them for it, but would also stop the most annoying part of being kicked by people abusing the system.

As a rule of thumb, I quit out of island expeditions if I see two people from the same guild.


If a player is actively contributing azerite they should have kick protection. I’m fine with doing the island how ever the others want as long as they communicate with me, if they don’t I’m just gonna do my thing. Getting kicked for collecting azerite “wrong” is a bit silly.

Edit: typos

I’m back to this topic because guess what? it happened again.

I was just in ANOTHER MoP dungeon on my alt and we had no problems until the last boss. The tank, who was new, tanked the boss in the wrong area causing us to wipe, and then the druid healer voted to kick the PALADIN DPS who was top DPS, just because he didn’t put Blessing of Protection on the healer. I voted no, yet he was still kicked because it’s 3 vs me, then the tank pulls again and doesn’t learn from the first mistake, so we wipe again and the healer votes to kick the Tank instead of giving him any advice, he just said “Dude” voted for reason: “Retard” so I told him how unhelpful he was before leaving myself. What a waste of time.

These are the kind of players we have to deal with, thanks to Blizzard’s flawed Voting system. One toxic person can influence the entire group and waste everyone’s time by initiating votes over the slightest mistake or for whatever reason he desires, and the others will blindly press ‘Yes’.

Pathetic game to be honest, can’t wait until Classic is out. Only 6 more days!

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Just queue with friends and do the same thing to other people. That’s what I do. I will continue doing it until Blizzard fixes the system.

Well they can always use your help of mage you know. It’s always good idea to farm with 3 people then solo to make it quicker.

I assume you were doing HC island. You can solo roam in that too with ur gear lvl but still…being team player won’t hurt :v:

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There is. Overhaul of the social design in the game would condition people’s behavior away from that nonsense.

It’s a sociological problem, actually.

You can read all about it in this link.

It won’t eliminate the problem, because people are fundamentally different from each other in many areas, but there are ways that works for many, which basically means we do share enough similarities so we’ll get influenced in similar, or even in the same ways by certain things in certain circumstances.
In other words, don’t think of it as all or nothing. It’s about the inner mechanisms of the brain’s perception of a social space, so many can be influenced. Many can be conditioned. But for some it may not be enough to condition them all the way, and so on.

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What if they are super abusive in chat etc and it has nothing to do with how well they are collecting azerite?

Just an idea.

-Serial Kickers-

If someone abuses the system to kick people for bad reasons, they should get consequences.

For the “serial kickers”, well first lets defined who qualify as a “serial kicker” (see 1 (a.)).

1 (a.) Someone who kicks more than 7 times in less than 13 days or more than 13 times in less than 17-20 days.

They should have the option of voting for people out of instances removed for a period of 30 days. And if they recidivate (see 1 (a.)) after they get the ability to vote people outback, they should be afflicted with 44 days of not being able to vote for people out. The next time it should be 60 days. And from here, if they continue, it should 30 days added to the previous amount. Also, it should be account-wide.

Now, obviously, with a system like this, they will be some people who will try to abuse it to troll others by trying to taunt them into kicking them out or just to AFK knowing that most people will be reticent about voting them out.

Instance Trolls/AFK’ers

Fear not here’s a solution. For the “Instance Trolls/AFK’ers”, people who qualify as such are those who join an instance group via the dungeon tool and AFK every time without the Random Instance Group’s Approval to AFK (see 3 (a.)). And those join instance groups, just to make the run horrible for the rest of the group by pulling extra deliberately, insulting everyone for no reason, ect…(to be worked on) because they don’t get enough attention in their real lives or something.

2 (a.) If they are voted out by over 19 different people in less than 7 days or by over 28 different people in less than 20 days.

For the deserter debuff, you should get it for 30 min if only if you get kicked for the 2nd time on the same day, applicable account-wide. +15 min every time you get kicked from here on the same day.

If someone is getting kicked often with this system in place, then obviously they are the issue, so referring to 2 (a.). They should get a warning for the first time. 3 days random queue lockout if they recidivate (see 2 (a.)), 21 days lockout if it keeps happening and +30 days to the previous punishment from here for any other recurrences.

-Random Instance Group AFK Approbation-

3 (a.) Random Instance Group Approbation would be a tool that people from Random Instance Groups could use to give people who need to AFK, x amount of time to do so. They could give them from 5 min up to the whole run. People who queue as friends cannot initiate this for their friends. During this, Vote to Kick cannot be initiated, you have to wait for time set to run out in order to initiate a Vote to kick for the person in question if needed.

A lot of things could be done to make this system better. Also, I’m sure someone else can up with a better system.