XP-off players in normal bracket

Sometimes I do some battleground during leveling because I find it fun. But there have been a lot of XP-off players in normal brackets lately. I usually report them, not sure if there is any follow-up from Blizzard.

I guess the most common response I get is to level up, which will fix the issue. But shouldn’t it be an issue to begin with?

I think there’s level 20 capped players on free version, and level 50 capped players without SL expansion. Rest of xp off players are in their own bgs not mixed with xp on players. I think! Not sure!

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The f2p level 20’s are in the 20-29 bracket, I usually skip that bracket completely because of it. I noticed someone in the 10-19 bracket with the XP-off buff on them, which was a surprise to me, must be an exploit…

ah … yeees yeess of course. Things are not always what they seem.
Is it an exploit ?
Is it a normal feature ?
Is it ok to go to a BATTLEground with no BATTLE gear, even when leveling ?
On level 80 people ask for gearscore even for fishing together, but on lower levels no one is asking for a decent gearscore. If you wanna come to a BATTLE ground half naked, don’t complain if you get owned. It doesn’t mean you’re less skilled, it only means you are not a team player while leveling. Questing and dungeons are always an alternative.
Or maybe ask for a PEACEground, where you can emote /kiss and /hug to those tasty gnomes and maybe also be friends with with a troll.

Or you can just farm some heirlooms and get a decent gear as well so you don’t let your team down.

You are welcome.

/vanish … oh wait no ! /blinks away

Level 20 F2p players are now in the XP-off bracket as of a few weeks ago (much to their anger, as they are now up against lvl 29 twinks). You can safetly resume leveling through the 20s bracket.

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There is an exploit to join with xp off. That’s not new, but Blizzard as a small indie company has no means to fix it - I mean it’s just three years now.

my bad deleting my post, thought i was on the classic forum

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By exploit I mean exploit. If you don’t understand words, you may want to stop contributing to a forum.

This was the thread I was looking for

Last option:
There is an exploit with xp stop that allows you to queue into bg without getting full xp when winning.

And yes, that’s scummy af.

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