XP off queue times are longer than xp on

Already canceled sub…

Who’s gonna kill all the salty 120s then? Pepehands

Actually, the ques for non thinks just became much shorter, probably due to levelers atm, but I expect them to become shorter from here on out. Twinks had driven so many levelers out of pvp by graveyard camping them. If I didn’t have the 100% xp buff from the trinkets I wouldn’t level either through bgs because of how stupid it was fighting vs a twink (aka just staring at your screen till he kills you because there is no way of winning a 1vs1 fight).


Freehold boosting hurts absolutely no one. You don’t ruin other players experience by powerleveling someone. Curbstomping them to oblivion and gy camping them 3 bgs in a row does though. Now you will be matched in equal ground. Wish you the best of luck.

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Yeah, it’s finally balanced again. I hated having to wait 20-30 mins for a BG pop and then having to spend all the time in the Graveyard.

But hey, we got what we wanted, the twinks are gone \o/ (Unless they decide to start leveling up ofc, lol)



Good job Blizz… putting 3 Heals limitation in RBG…!! nice idea.

Instead of improving the game play with rewards like: Mount or elite/unique transmog gear for high rating players.

Which could stimulate more people to queue up for this dead bracket you are putting a 3 Heals limitation…perfect solution to engage more people to play :joy:

Why do you even care…!? why dont you put a 3 Heals limitation in PVE as well…!?

People have to sit for 10-15+ min queue time for RBG and 20+ minutes in random BGs, what about adding more spells for PVP or maps since we only got 1 after 5 years…!! and you are sitting there making millions of $$$ every year + we are paying a monthly fee every month and in return what we get…?? nothing…a dull boring system that drives people away from it.

Are we supposed to have 4/5 Millions sub…?! so tell me why i can count the teams queuing up for RBG in 1 hand…??

With this much sub we should have at least 100+ teams queuing up at the same time every day but for some reason no1 bothers playing this bracket and instead of making this game more fun and engaging you are just killing it as time goes by.

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Ye, let’s make a guy jobless because you can’t ruin lowbie bgs anymore. Really shows what kind of pathetic losers you guys really are. Bye bye!


yeah lets make a guy jobless (hopefully for life) because he failed to do his job and made game worse.
not sure what rules you live with in your snowflake land but in real world, when you fail to do your job, you get FIRED :fire::fire::fire::fire:
clearly for someone who never leaves his basement, you wont know how jobs work tho so no worries!


what do you mean normal, changed, normal, changed?
That would suggest twinks were in normal bgs for a long time. They werent.
I started in LK and pretty soon started doing bgs. Twinks were never in the same bgs as non twinks, untill Legion pre patch.

Im glad this idiocy of harvesting normal players for goodies, by mostly pve players for the goodies it brings.
There never were any goodies to have for pvp players. And all of them understood why they were not in normal bgs. I dont remember a single complaint about that.

And now all of a sudden i see so called pvp players complain that they cant harvest lvling players anymore?

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It is quite amazing that you know what I do or don’t do in real life, plus my house doesn’t even have a basement. Thanks for showing what an imbecile you are. You’re still a pathetic loser for wanting someone fired because you can’t ruin lowbie bgs anymore. The guy actually did his job, since it was never intended to have twinks mixed with xp on in this expansion due to the removal of templates. Bye bye!


I agree boosting hurts no one - except the guys who end up in your group who want to experience the dungeon and not be carried through in a few minutes.

I think I can speak from experience on that one, over 500 Legion dungeons boosted on this 101 alone.

Twinks made 10-119 bgs not fun at all for me. Get to 120 and battle against someone your strength.


you are wrong Twinks where in bgs with levelers since Vanilla until WOTLK patch 3.3.4 if i remember correctly?

At least Blizard can announce before doing any change.
I was playing 119 “twinks”.
“twinks” is in inverted comas because of very slight advantage over non “twinks”
119 give you two very important option, first - you have all skills and spells , second - you can obtain very fast top gear from timewalking.
Its all, 119 “twink” not better then average player, its most players in this range ,111-119, worst average because of hurry to get 120.
And like ppl say here, fresh 120 and top geared 120 difference beats any advantage any twinks in any setup, and Im not going to waste my time for your stupid gearing on high lvl, what a waste of time!
And thx I hope I will stop play your addictive game, Like I did before.
gl hf blizard.

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i dont have time to spend weeks for any relevant gear, armor and weapon.

Good thing they changed that. I think twinking is fun but one shotting(literally) is stupid and no fun. I agree that twinks can have slightly more stats but not that powerful against a non twink imo.


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someone never been in a 10-20 bracket…

Twinks can oneshot, at least on high lvl brackets. Rets with ES dealing 20k while avg players have 17-23k… Saying this as a ret twink player as l this was the reason ppl started crying about twinks in the first place. But what does blizzard do? Add spell ranks so abilities below 120 deal lower dmg? Change spell power scaling of that certain ability to not oneshot? Nah, Separation! Because who could even be bothered to create proper balance instead… Just make ppl unsub and cater to causals as always…

I try few times log into BG when I lvling up and I’ve always been disgusted when some twink one shoot me with no chance to react. I play this game from Vanilla and for new players it must be really stressful and repulsive to play BGs.

So for me its a good change. And I believe alot peeps now will join BGs when they level up when this change will be more announced. Becouse now all normal leveling players will have some chance to play :slight_smile:

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