Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem

After seeing someone’s post about this character I’ve decided to give my opinion about it.
I hate how these identity politics came into the game.
I hate how Blizzard feels that they need to include everyone just for the sake of it.
I know people like inclusion, but most of you don’t understand that big companies don’t care about your struggles, rights or affection.
Companies don’t care if you’re gay, bi, or any race whatsoever, all they want is your MONEY.
We DIDN’T need any diversity in WoW because we already had plenty.
World of Warcraft isn’t earth. There is no right-wing anti-semitism here.
Your race or religion isn’t being mocked or prohibited in the game.
We have talking fish, to talking foxes, giants, sorceresses, centaurs, you name it.
In terms of FANTASY.
I know the customizations are nice, but some of them are literally only made for Blizzard to avoid the racism issue.
Why would asian or even bl@ck (putting as @ so kiddies don’t report me for being triggered) customizations exist? Are there even lore explanations to them?
One may talk about Garithos’s disdain for elves, but elves don’t exist IRL.
For those who don’t know, this “Pelagos” is a character who was a woman on Azeroth and for some reason decided to be a man in Shadowlands, lmao.
Doesn’t remember anything but decides to swap gender for fun and giggles.
And for those who usually have no argument besides:
“WHY DOES THIS BOTHER YOU, IT’S A VIDEO GAME” Things that don’t make sense bother me.
And a character like that doesn’t make sense.


So why does it matter to you, in a fantasy game, that an NPC chose to be someone else after their deaths?

It’s not like Pelagos is the first entity in WoW to change their gender: a whole lot of players did so before, expansions ago, and a whole lot more followed when it became available in the barber shop.

Why does it even bother you, in a fantasy game?


He remembers it. He explicitly states it. He also says he remembers other stuff of his former life and that it just happens to fade away with more and more time passing as its the Kyrians way. Also theres the thing where Kyrian can choose to take on a form that represents their “true self”. Same goes for other covenants for the matter. Prime example being Vashj or Alexandros who chose their form for that precise reason (Vashj more than Alexandros)

He also states that because of it being such a huge deal for him that his ascension will take a lot longer than it does for other aspirants.

Tanaris is quite sunny.


I don’t want to be forced to play kyrian as well.



Translation: ‘Not bigoted, but…REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!’


And here was me thinking this was going to be a discussion about Pelagos soulbind being too powerful.

Instead it’s some rubbish about gender again.


I mean i totally get it if one complains about existing NPCs getting a makeover (hello certain vendors in stormwind) but for completely new NPCs this is just so utterly… especially in the freaking afterlive.

Ye same. The reason why i clicked on the thread.


Puny and Kretias, I just ran out of likes… I’ll be back

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Far as I’ve noticed, that’s one of the most welcomed changes to the barber shop, but no one ever bats an eyelid at that :thinking:


You are overthinking this and it will only lead to bitterness.


But a character born a woman who anscends into the afterlife as their true self is somehow a problem? Give me a break. Literally nothing about the inclusion of a trans character is a problem, you’re just trying to make it one for no good reason. Pelagos is a welcome addition to this new roster of characters.


The only thing my guy Pelagos has in regards to issues is the versatility soulbind being too strong.

I’m sorry you have to be transphobic OP, but we also have a right to exist and have a subtle representation in one of the biggest MMOs out there.


If it makes you feel better I can post from a non-AD toon.
Anyway sorry you have to be unpleasant in regards to other people existing and not identifying as what they were born with in their pants.


Why are you exclusively in these kind of threads ,and never in systems or whatever related threads ?


Classic alt poster with opinions he wouldn’t post with his main, doesn’t get much more clear than that to be a troll poster.


lmao 10char

Classic trollin’ be da best trollin’.


At least you’re funny, he’s not :,>

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Edgelord ‘owning’ the… pixels.


There must always be… a complaint thread

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