I’d like to vent.
I’ve been farming Invincible now for over 186 hours total.
20 minutes a run, 560 runs.
I’ve wanted this mount ever since I played WC3 and read the Arthas novel so many years ago. Ended up farming it seriously in late BFA/Shadowlands and am so upset to learn there used to be a lockout sharing method where you could skip all your alts to Lich King.
I’ve got all of the dialogue for this instance memorised at this point, but I just can’t bring myself to quit. Making myself miserable week after week as the number keeps getting higher. SURELY I am going to get it soon? This week, or the next?
If you’re farming Invincible/already got it how many runs did it take you?
Aw man, thats so sad. I am also farming, 153 runs so far. I am lucky with every other mount, but the one I want the most (Invincible), just never drops. My bf got him in like 15 runs…
I started farming in bfa, when the lockout sharing worked. Took 5 mins to to clear the raid that way… I am really losing my hope now that we cannot skip anymore. Like, is this mount worth it? On the other hand I wanted him ever since wotlk…
Theres a reason its also known as ‘Invisible’ - been farming it myself for 6 years, not dropped yet, neither has Midnight. But Ashes of Al’ar dropped for me first time
The player shouldn’t be moaning about it, they should be looking at the 186 hours of their life they’re never going to get back trying to get what is notoriously a low drop are mount in a computer game.
But hey, he’s got a few mounts that I have been trying to get… I just would have given up long before 560. It’s only pixels at the end of the day.