Yo blizzard we're paying 12€/month to play this game

Wanting BiS gear but not wanting to work for it



I feel this quite recently ingame

I get Wintergrasp all the time for epic bgs when I just want to black list it and play anything else.

Happen last night and happening again - over 6 times now I am logging off and relogging other characters to reque in hopes for any other epic bg.

Not exactly helping the whole pvp situation lol

Just get several priest friends to drag you around with Leap of Faith.

There’s a solution for every thing. You just need dedication.


i love you my man.

yeah bro, and then i step into the arena/raid/m+ and get completely annihilated.
You sir, are a complete genius, try getting into MIT.


yeah sure,
just don’t do pve and stay at 1.3k mmr
Don’t do visions and keep doing M+5.

Great bro, you should be a dev


If that happens in your 15s to 17s the issue isn’t corruptions love.

Is Oxford good enough? :thinking:


Summerize: mad cos bad.

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…and friends. :joy:


Or a gf that you trapped in your basement.

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Hold on a second…

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blinks two times at you

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Remind me which dev is holding the gun to your forcing you to play wow and ALL of its content?

I assume i mention visions for cloak upgrades right?

The fact that i did m15s before i had r15, and before i had bis coruptions prove that wrong, also mythic nzoth was slain without r15/bis gear ( but thats kinda different lets say). Still, u CAN do m15 without r15/bis coruptions, so you dont realy NEED those…

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Ordered one of those but they were out of stock, and then this whole pandemic thing happened, so it’s still on hold :confused:


i hope they cut some holes in so she doesnt suffocate.


Then go play some other game. If all you want to spam instanced content play dungeoon crawls or ARPG games.

And my PvE gear has what to do with my PvP rating (which, by the way, is content I do not enjoy doing, so I don’t, hence the rating)?

Amazing comeback.


Arguments like this just rub me the wrong way because they’re not universally applicable. Yes, difficult content and better gear does and should require more work and dedication, but it stops working when the amount of work you need to do becomes disproportionate to that content. And it’s getting to that point.

It’s like making football fields bigger by the FIFA standard every year. At some point, the players are going to start running out of breath too early into the game despite their physique just because how much extra distance they have to run.

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