Yo blizzard we're paying 12€/month to play this game

Just wish they’d remove or lower the cost of a vessel for horrific visions, I enjoy doing them but the grind to get the currency to do just one is soooo boring.

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While you’re not wrong, in this specific case it doesn’t apply.

Wow… Are people really still that stupid and flame each others pvp-sandbox rating? :smile:

On topic; you don’t need best gear for simple content. You will do fine. If you want the best output you’ll have to invest some time and effort. Can’t be that much of a burden on a videogame we all like to play.

i pay 10 not 12 :stuck_out_tongue:

In what sense does it not apply?

Unfortunately that’s the core philosophy behind BFA.

  • You have to push through the systematization to be competitive in both PvP and PvE

Although I do not agree with the repeated fanboy doctrine:

  • “Then just don’t do it, derp”

Because I find that a weak and insulting argument, but regrettably there actually is some truth to it. Because if you don’t find the game fun, unsubscribe.

That is the best and only way to show that you are not happy with the current state of the game.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor. World of Warcraft: Legion don’t exist anymore.

Most of these PvE players don’t realize how bad bfa pvp is. They don’t understand that to achieve good raiting PvP players have to farm pve not pvp. I would like to see the faces of those PvE players (who think that the current system is good) when before entering the mythic raid they’d have to get at least duelist in ranked pvp.


That would make sense if not for the fact that fun stuff is often hidden behind long, tedious and boring grind.

Because he wants BiS Raid gear & so on without working for it?

Killing a raid boss twice a week rolling on both kills for the weapons isn’t a „disproportionate effort compared to the reward“

Neither are his other points.

Oh, like that. Yeah I was going to mention in my post that OP is a bit delusional but I forgot. My point was that in general, one needs to do way too much at this point just to raid mythic at a decent level. To the point where the requirements are more difficult to meet than the raid itself while the raid is already quite difficult in itself.

You could have said the same thing in literally any expansion.

I think the timeframe between expansion releases is too tight resulting in only short-lived experiences overall.
They haven’t thought their gameplays through and don’t really test much: “Meh, we’ll make that work along the way. . . . . . . next expansion.” Repeat.
Is Retail=PTR=“game-development”?

Is anybody else not also heartbroken about the longevity about those big, substantial, beautiful characters or events that only got one big patch? I was so sad and a little heartbroken when they announced Azshara because it’s obvious she would be replaced by another big patch or system in no time like everything else, another soul of the game left dead behind. They sacrifice so much of Warcraft just to keep the playerbase awake instead of developing a game that is enjoyable through and through, no matter the expansion.
I enjoy cinematics and love and totally agree with some story ideas, but they are not treated in a way they deserve.
Also: What’s up with all those allied races labels? Different taurens, different gnomes, different orcs and different trolls? Is that a big deal? Add them as skins and let the RP community handle the rest :roll_eyes:

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Posts like this assume Blizzard has the capabilities do read the minds of it’s players to know what they want.

Every single players has it’s preferences, likes and dislikes, making a thread asking for something as vague as “do what players like to do” is pointless.

Stop playing then :slight_smile:

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I’m sorry, but after 15 years of making the same game they really should know by now. If only they had some kind of department filled with people whose job it is to analyze and predict player patterns.

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They rush bad content in numbers and good content in tiny bits and pieces. To keep players subbed for a long time

No one is forcing you to do anything I guess…

Also 12€ ? It’s 16€ /month here

better call the government if you’re being forced to do stuff :scream:

Joke aside
If you feel like you’re forced to do end-game continent then maybe you should focus on doing other stuff ingame.

Whatever you feel like forced to do, may not be what you want to do.

As you mention that the point of playing a game is to have fun.

Let’s say you’re being forced to do M+ or raid, maybe you need to find something to do ingame which you enjoy more.

Let’s take me as a example
I used to raid HC during MoP, but after that i lost interest in going hardcore when it comes to PvE & PvP, what did i find more fun?. to be a completionist.
I started to hunt Transmog from PvP Vendors - Old continent raid sets.
And lvling alts, now i have around 80 lvl 120’s

For that purpose only!, in hope of getting all the lootable mounts / Transmogs
(Even so i have the worst RNG in the game)

But even so, i’ve found myself doing Legion stuff way more than BFA stuff.
I’ll just get 430 - 440 ilvl on my alts, then i head right to Legion’s Dalaran.

And you can always buy Boosts for like Ahead of the Curve / M+15 clears for like 100K Gold for AOTC and like 150k - 200k gold for a m+15 key.

What im trying to say once again
Feel annoyed by what you’re feeling forced to do.?
Then find something you truly do enjoy doing in the game.

Wow, I checked your armory, absolutely insane amount of versatility, over 5k rating, must be insanely strong.