You, Activision Blizzard, ruined TBC by rushing content

You, Activision Blizzard, ruined TBC by rushing content.
In less than 11 month of TBC, everything is now released and done.

And it’s not fun, because we will never get back TBC Classic. It was the only single time people had the opportunity to play back TBC, and everything is rushed to a point where no one can have time to enjoy the game.

If you do the same with WOTLK, don’t count on us, the Classic player base, for what happen after … Classic is not about fast food, we are not Retail players.

You disrespect us to much by rushing content like that :frowning: .


The irony here is that Retail actually gets longer phases than this, generally.


poor blizzard has to save their year by rushing wrath and make big cash on boosts and hype because dragonblight isnt ready :frowning:


The least thing they ruined it with was rushing the content. There are DOZENS of way more important factors they miserably failed.


Rushing tbc horrible.

Blizzsoft listen to tbc haters who demand rush.

Blizzacti rushing content to save yearly revenues. But what about next year? What about 2 years from now? Classical dead by then and no more easy cash.

Microblizz cares too much about short term moneys and thus misses big future profits while angering loyal playerbase.


They made phase 1 last too long and rushed the rest. Sunwell coming out this soon and with only a week of notice is really annoying.


Here is a WoW expansion lifespan spreadsheet. com/spreadsheets/d/1N87iSgsfcGmFOGcD1Ot1oEJmvytpE5Tazd0QHQ87VzI/edit?usp=drivesdk

TBC was from 09/01/2007 and lasted untill Wrath release of 13.11.2008 or 674 days.

I don’t ming them cutting Zul’Aman intermediate if they keep same 233-ish days cycle of Sunwell, including Wrath prepatch. Let hardcore guilds not stagnate on trivial content of t6 and all catch upers gear up in time for the first t 6,5 nerfes.

Oh yea, absolutely this.
The total lack of communication regarding Classic WoW is abyssmal and the SWP release is not the first time they’re doing this.
You’d think that after 17 years of managing one of the bigger MMO’s they’d be aware of this… But it seems too many employees have swapped away from the cursed Blizzard name from too many scandals.

I’d suggest what Blizzard should do instead if I had the faintest hope of any employee at Blizz even reading these forums.
But I don’t think they bother to do so, especially with the EU ones.


The US forums share these reactions, so if they read theirs they should know. Im guessing both will be ignored unless a significant amount of people drop off suddenly.


TBC was ruined by the playerbase. GDKP, gatekeeping and rampant elitism and min maxxing and its a bad expansion in everyones eyes except nostalgic classic andies #nochanges.

The sooner we get wrath and blizz fixes atleast some of the issues we good, everyone wants wrath. “BUT NOO THEY WILL RUSH WOTLK NOO WHAT AFTER THAT NOO” cool, Asmongold did an interview with Ion and he stated that they are listening to the community and feedback and planning what to do next depending on that. Such as Wotlk classic + or re-runs. Classic Andies need to sit down and go mow their grass to relax or something.


Blizz does what?

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Brian already said they’d look into nerfing mage boosting for example which is a good change.

Absolutely correct
The community was the №1 reason why tbcc is a huge flop
You either forced play with council loot clique guilds who insta quit after their officers and women get bis gear
or you go to g2g, spend hundrends of $ and join gdkp raids
90% of players has quit, only 2 realms on eu are alive, they are forced to rush wotlk
Good thing wotlk will be a huge flop as well because of the same reasons, until they make major changes to a loot system


No, not everyone wants Wrath. But that of course makes me a Classic Andy - whatever that is. I hope you and Asmongold and the other screamers are going to have great fun in Hurry-Wrath.


Like what, personal root à la retail?

Yo berny, tk next week?

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If you honestly think they’re doing that to promote people leveling the normal way instead of doing it to increase their sales of boosts then I dunno what to tell you but the world must look so nice when you’re so willfully ignorant.


1000%. Maybe raid won’t disband after trash wipe. :muscle:

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I do feel the same, you Blizzard guys doing it to quick…SWp is the part we all waited for so long because it´s hard and competetive…and you rush the thing to quick towards WOTLK.


Bullsh!t like this is probably what puts you at bottom of reciving anything in Loot Council guilds.

The problem isnt DKP or Loot Councils, it’s players who think the world revolves around them, wanting everything immediately while at the same time not wanting to commit. The better good of the game, guild or group isnt important, its the number of “checks” in the BiS lists and the parses. This not only in regards to Members but Officers and GMs aswell.

Thats why GDKP PUGs are bigger than ever. In terms of organization some of them put in more work than most guilds, while using players own ego and greed as a carrot to push performance and motivation. Show up get payed or get items, its all about You.
Players join in, don’t have to commit long term or more than week by week, and can leave or skip whenever they want. The organizers have no responsibility towards “members” but can kick them as they please, and should things go bad they can always excuse themselfs and fall back on “We are a PUG after all”.
The F-boys of gaming.

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