You, Activision Blizzard, ruined TBC by rushing content

they arent listening to any retail zergers. they listening to the sound of $$. Dragonblight wont be released this year and sl is a huge failure they rush wotlk this fall to boost their $ and numbers and nothing else.

no player had a say in this.


Or they release it in mid October-November so that it would collarate with SoM end and their partners merchandise batch release dates that are no sooner than October 18th.

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Scariest part is that they are the reason TBC started losing more numbers than it was supposed to which led to content rush(not solely weak retail xpack), it was their desire for quick profits aka level boost coupled with established megaservers and 0 fac balance which led to low pop realms dying out or transfering to megaserver.

Its a snowball and all horrible decisions are already in well developed stage, confirmed level boost for wotlk says it all.

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What is wrong with Blizzard making money? How can Blizzard figure out how to pace the game? It can’t be based on the fastest or slowest players. It’s likely based on the majority of players. If the majority of players stops logging in and stops paying a subscription what should Blizzard do to bring them back?

It’s a re-release of the Classic game, it’s not hard for them to follow the original timeline. T4 being standalone was fine but it lasted too long, every other tier was too fast and if the rumours/leaks are true SWP will be a 3 month raid with TBC being something like 6 months shorter than originally.

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Players aren’t the same today as they were back then. I can’t image they are pushing content patches sooner than before for no reason. Also the old content is still there…if your guild doesn’t want to do the older content anymore isn’t that your guild’s fault?

Ehh what does this have to do with anything I said? I didn’t imply anything about doing the old content, I was talking about the content release schedule and pacing of the expansion.

TBC is 6 months too short and the hardest raid of Classic by a gigantic margin and one that was considered “too short” in 2008 is once again going to be over in a flash.

You said

Until Wrath’s release date has been announced how can you argue TBC is too short?

Maybe read the post again? The whole post, not the out of context bit you cut out.

Okay there you go. How can you complain about TBC being over 6 months shorter without a Wrath release date? You complained about every patch being too soon and I pointed out that content is still there. So in summary TBC hasn’t ended, the date it’s over hasn’t been announced and Blizzard probably looks at the rate at which the majority of the players consumes content and ends their subscription. Is that better?

You’re not getting it. Content becomes either partly or fully obsolete, pacing is important and the expansion is due to be 6 months shorter than originally based on projected/leaked information for WOTLK.

If Black Temple had been out in the first month my guild at launch would have cleared it in almost no time. Content pacing matters, it was poorly done in TBC Classic. Nobody is saying you can’t do old content, I have no idea why you’re thinking this is part of the discussion?

Because prepatch is due in 4-5 weeks and wrath in 8?

Where was that announced?

Come on , we are getting wotlk early-mid September ,this has been datamined , it’s not fake news and dataminers have been correct every single time .Bookmark this post and remember it for when they officialy announce the release date. tbcc will last 15 months , 7 months shorter than original tbc which lasted 22 months .
While i disagree with Bigbaz about the duration of P1 , he is right about everything else , phases 2 3 and 5 were a rollercoaster , each of these 3 phases should had last at least 1 more month , so we could get wotlk around new year’s

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Karazhan, Gruuls, Mags Lair, SSC and TK were available from the beginning of the original version of TBC. SSC and TK weren’t available from the beginning in TBC classic.

Are you even reading my posts, what is this lol?

It’s really easy to remember when dataminers were correct, but people don’t normally discuss it when they aren’t right for very long.

You complained about content being rushed, but SSC and TK was held back from the original release schedule to slow the content down.

  1. Literally in my first post I talked about this, you’re not even reading them. You’re not replying to what I’m saying, it’s as if you don’t really understand English very well?

  2. There was a developer leak that has so far been proven to be correct, nobody is acting like it’s a secret when WOTLK launches, which is in September.

Please read and understand what I am saying before you post a reply because you’re not making any sense, you’re not responding to what I am saying.

I mean I made points you ignored. Like my point about Blizzard likely looking at what players were doing and then releasing content based on that information. Every time I saw a pattern of raid signups and more pugging I noticed news about the new patch coming and then people coming back to raid again. I also said Blizzard can’t release patches based on the slowest or fastest players. If Blizzard followed the original cadence SSC and TK would have been out at launch and people would have ran through that patch and then stopped playing while they waited for the next patch.

That’s not an official release. It might be true, but until it’s true you’re forming an opinion on rumors.

I’ll help you out

Talking about T4 being released alone, not with T5 like originally. I’m saying that this was fine for T4 to be released without T5, but it lasted too long. It lasted too long because it was 3 bosses, people cleared all 25man content in 30mins a week.

T5 should have been released faster, to give people things to do, since it was already different to original TBC, where it was launch content.

The timeframe between T5 > T6 release was too short for good content pacing, even tho BT was out fast in original TBC, BT in Original TBC was out for a year before SWP. The timeframe from T6 > ZA was too short. The time from from ZA > SWP was too short.

Blizzard started rushing the Classic TBC from T6 onwards, arguably from T5 onwards.

Leaks from Blizzard employee/datamine so far correct, suggests mid August prepatch and mid-september WOTLK launch date. SWP launched exactly 2 months ago, which means it will be 3months old when it is made obsolete by prepatch.

6 months shorter than original TBC. How can you argue that it’s not rushed? At this pacing we will be in Cataclysm before you can blink an eye. TBC only released 13 months ago, just over a year ago.