You, Activision Blizzard, ruined TBC by rushing content

What do you expect from this company? Everyone knew this would happen and more things will be added during wotlk.

At least we can be “happy” that classic happened during covid and we had large player base that made it very memorable in many different ways. I agree it’s sad what they have done to TBC and most likely with Wrath. But I think most people predicted this would happen after Classic and they also lost so many players since then.

How is it based on rumours? We already know there will be a summer XP buff coming soon, positioned just weeks before prepatch/launch. We also know that Dragonflight is also coming out this year, they will not launch them at the same time.

Even if you were correct, at best you’re talking a couple weeks. TBC would have to last until next year for it to be correctly paced, which we already know isn’t happening. WOTLK beta is already up, the beta timeline looking back to TBC beta would also line up (it was up for just over 2 months).

Everything lines up, so what exactly are you basing your hope on?

Not everyone leveled as fast as you and your guild did. That was my point about slowest and fastest players.

That sounds terrible. How many modern players would have cancelled their subscriptions after 10 months without any content? If the

ZA is a mount run that people can run when they aren’t doing 25 man content. There’s very little character progression in that raid. The ZA patch was a filler patch.

It’s still a rumor, until it’s not a rumor you’re basing your argument on speculation. A post from a person on the internet that isn’t a Blizzard rep doesn’t mean it’s a fact and until Blizzard confirms the rumors they are still rumors.

Did Blizzard post it? No? It’s a rumor. Simple as that. Once it’s true, if it’s true, that rumor becomes a leak and objective data.

I’m not hoping for anything a rumor just isn’t objective data and no one should be getting upset about something that might happen.

Finally the questions that gets to the bottom of all of this. What haven’t you been able to do? What do you need the extra time to accomplish?

I love how in one post you’re making completely contradictory statements.

You’re saying people needed extra time than the 14 weeks of T4 (3 extremely easy bosses and only 25man content in the game at the time), while then asking “what extra time do you need” for the projected 12 weeks of SWP, the hardest raid in all of Classic by a long way, while also having 2 other T6 raids still available to raid.

Thousands of guilds had T4 on farm within 4 weeks of TBC, so your argument is not only backwards but you’ve self defeated your own post with your own contradictions. Unless it’s obvious, people need the “extra time” to play the damn game before it’s thrown in the bin for the next cycle.

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I don’t know how you came to that conclusion. I said not everyone leveled as fast as you did and I also said Blizzard was likely watching the majority of players to see what they were doing before releasing more content.

Easy would mean very low gear requirements and very few wipes.

Do those “thousands of guilds” Represent the majority of players?
Backwards? How?
Contradictions? Where?
The best guilds in the world cleared SWP in the first night does that mean they represent the majority of players?

Extra time to do what? What do you need to do?

  1. Blizzard could find out what players were doing by looking at the forums and seeing the constant threads asking for T5 to launch while people quit the game out of boredum, lots of players actually stopped playing TBC during T4 to wait for T5 to come out, there was a clear heavy decline by around the 9-10 week mark.

  2. T4 content had low gear requirments correct. My guild killed Gruul on the first pull, I was levelling my fist weapon skill during the kill using my ring of blood weapon. We killed Magtheridon 30minutes later, we weren’t even close to being among the first guilds to clear it on Razergore, let alone in Europe and that was less than a week after TBC launched, nobody had Classic raiding gear either because it was all fresh characters.

Something like 100,000 players had killed Gruul/Maggy within the first month, over 30,000 players had in the first week of TBC.

  1. You can’t see your own contradiction in saying people needed more levelling time for T4 while simultaneously arguing the opposite for the current tier, which is projected to be shorter than T4 despite having substantially more content?

  2. What do I need time to do? Play the game, gear my character? Are you being purposely obtuse?

But that’s only the people who interact on the forums which is a small portion of the player base. I had already said Blizzard was likely monitoring what players were doing before releasing patch dates. If people on the forums say they are bored, but they keep playing for 2-3 hours a day why would they launch a new patch?

Just because you thought it was too fast doesn’t mean the majority agrees with you.

Well congratulations you’re in a elite epic guild that got gear faster than most other guilds and you got carried. Having to use tactics and having to gear at least two tanks and a mage for health isn’t “easy”. Blindly going into a raid without knowing tactics or anything about the fights and clearing it in one shot is easy. People who’ve never been in there before without knowing the fights at all with dungeon blues and quest greens had a rough time.

So what? Should T5 be released right after that then while people with only 4 nights to play for a few hours are still leveling?

When TBC launched people were level 60. Once they got to 70 they started doing T4 content. Once T5 content launched they didn’t need to level up again, they didn’t need to play more than three or four nights a week for 2 - 3 hours a night. The time investment for raiding is a lot less than leveling and gearing up in dungeons. So no I’m not arguing the opposite.

I want you to be specific about what you want. You’re on the forums right now instead of playing.

It was a 14 week period during which over 30,000 players cleared in the first week, after 9-10 weeks player numbers dropped off due to lack of content. This isn’t imaginary, it’s all there in data dude jesus christ.

Blizzard made T4 take too long because they messed up, just like they messed up with plenty of other things. Stop giving them so much damn credit, we’re about to be done with a 15 month expansion cycle for an expansion that was originally 22 months long and a final raid tier cycle of 3 months that was originally 7.

And hilarious for you to say that I got carried, everyone in the guild was in blues and greens, T4 was just that easy. And Blindly going into a raid knowing no tactics? It’s frickin Gruuls lair, there are no tactics, keep tank alive and do damage… That’s why over 30,000 players cleared T4 in the first week.

Edit : The best part here is how your arguments about T4 contradict your arguments about the rest of the expansion…

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You are living in an illusion.

My guild, not so fast on a PvE realm as minority Horde had no problems clearing Karazan and the two big boys. Me and our main tank rushed Nightbane quest chain, we had some problems on the boss but overall we had all content cleared. And I never really played TBC before. The encounter difficulty is usually a joke and still it’s either loss of control or spike damage.

I got my professions, swapping from gathering into engineering, got my engi flying mount, gear from raids and I quit as it was boring and just “to many brainless instances” that take time each week. And like 2-3 weeks after me pretty much no one in the guild was online/discord any more. Right now prior to WoTLK only 3 people are back…

Old expansions are good only for short periods of time, usually at launch after which there is a bigger dropoff. WoTLK won’t be any different. I even expect WoTLK fresh to drop noticeably between opening and WoTLK launching :wink:

And don’t expect WoTLK raids to be a problem for most guild. Warcraftlogs will be full of parses and if you will struggle - change the guild as this isn’t the modern meta.

Sorry but that’s to early. Your guess or someone elses guess you’ve read?

Datamined where? And what has been datamined that points to that? I’d like to see that if you could provide a link?

It was a developer working on the project who leaked internal data, you can say it’s “unofficial” but so far everything is lining up down to the WOTLK beta dates, the summer buff timing prediction, the length of the beta from the time it opened to the projected release date would also fall in line for the same thing as TBC.

TBC beta started March 23rd, TBC launch June 1st.
WOTLK beta started June 22nd.

I wish it wasn’t true, but prediction is XP buff comes July 19th, Prepatch August 16th, WOTLK September 13th.

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Maybe. My guess will still be for pre-patch around when you put wotlk launch, with “my” launch date about 4-5 weeks later.

Initially Retail was supposed to launch at this window, then SoM ends by the end of the year and WoTLK launches late 2022 or 2023 to follow the release 2Y release schedule and interweave Classic years with retail years.

But as retail isn’t ready and probably due to large initial dropoff they went in panic mode.

I too wish this was not true. I made a guesstimate some time ago:

Seems I was one week off :frowning: I too would like more time in TBCC

PS. This is my guess from reading forum posts and piecing together, no leaks, no inside knowledge, just me guessing.

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If it was my choice I wouldn’t release WOTLK until December, SWP would also have released about 1 month later. I hope those predictions turn out to be wrong.

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