You are ruining PvP - It is not possible to grind gear

The amount of honor and marks required for PvP items are high. I don’t mind this, it should be a grind. But the honor/hour as horde right now due to queue times and the small amount of marks/honor we can grind each day, it is impossible to play PvP and get geared.

PvP is what I like to play, but I am forced into PvE, if I want to juggle irl life at the same time. Even the hardcore streamers, who play 12 hours a day, are no where close to geared and are complaining. Surely this wasn’t how it was in TBC.


So you have level 60 as alliance, why did you go horde? Doesnt look like you have to reroll completly


I get around 20 honour per bg as it’s usually 7v10 or 9v15 and horde for some reason has way more twinks than ally and I need around 2800 for the trinket so I just run into walls afk cause nobody can put this much time in and there is no other choice as this is per Blizzard’s design which gives us usually no way of winning. Everyone else is doing mostly the same of course.

Why do people like you always hide on some alliance alt you don’t play. Can you just have the selfrespect to comment on that Orc/UD warlock/rogue you decided to make because you’re such a skilled player who isn’t part of the problem whatsoever?

YOU are ruining PvP


It took a long time in original TBC as well. You are just spoiled.


This server is dead on alliance side. I rerolled to play with some friends :slight_smile:

Massmigration to horde by pvpers. Everyone cries that queues are long. They want alliance to grief in wpvp and to queue against, but none of them wants to be the underdog getting jumped 24/7 by large numbers of zugzugs. Their only solution is for someone else to roll alliance, or to turn TBC more into retail-trash. They want everything, and they want it now.

So far 0 people have admittedly rerolled for racials. Horde sure must have some attractive “lore and esthetics”. I wonder who will be grabbing the worldfirst title of admitting rerolling for racials.


Even alliance players are complaining because the honor is wrong & we play on the 2.4.3 Honor changes, which makes zero sense at all. Stop pulling the horde card in every god damn thread.


Honor gains are verified and video proof from 2007 is presented that it was exactly the same in 2.4.3 in original tbc.
I get honor gains are too low for fast gearing, but that is how it was, Blizzard said tbcc will be made on 2.4.3 basis, dont see what doesnt make sense.


Yes, it is valid reason to reroll with friends. Trouble is you didnt inform yourself how tbcc will be horde swarmed expansion, meaning huge pvp imbalance.
Listening to streamers didnt help either, they did misguide people.


This was correct in 2.4.3 for the gear that was in 2.4.3.
Most people had previous honor gear, since you could hand in marks for honor points rather than 1 of each.

This is kinda why the horde became overpopulated.
So many people rerolled horde lol.

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Factions have nothing to do with this. The honor gain is low and everybody knows it.

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if you cant beat the horde join them but I only play my orc warrior because I like horde full stop. but horde in shadowlands is trash af.

Yes it is.

You rerolled horde, making the problem worse. Now you face the result of that choice.

Tough cookies.


This 10000000000000000000000000000 times. Horde players are so dumb with their zug zug attitude I swear if they fix ques times there wont be any alliance players anymore. My server is now about 25% ally and 75% horde already.

Getting ganked repeatly by lvl 70 undeads rogues thinking they are so good its acc laughable that they can even complain about queue times. You lot are the problem ruining PvP because you sad no lifes cant bare to not be in the meta.


It took nowhere near this long my friend. Been there, done that, grinded all the gear for two specs (destro and affliction) every single season I played.

Honor gains pre Season4 were different and on top of that, queue for horde were never above 10-15 minute mark. For example on AV weekends you could easily get 20-25k honor per day, by playing 8-10 hours on daily basis, go try that now I dare you (as horde ofc).

You do realize that those ganking fiestas will just become worse and worse? People are actually now farming honor in open world while in the queue as it’s more honor per hour than bgs on horde side.

The only thing this’ll do is make people server transfer. There are some pvp servers which are ally dominated, and there are pve servers.

They’ll still have instant queues in their new realms, and the horde will have killed off another server’s ally population, which means they’re now playing on a pve server too, but with long queues.


I agree with this. Pretty good statement