You are ruining PvP - It is not possible to grind gear

complaining about ganking on pvp server
Why classic players so dumb anyway?is it private server mindset?

This is exactly how honor gain was in 2007.

I was there.

Prob same reason why Horde players complain about long BG queues when they all make horde characters in a faction based pvp/pve game. Who do they think they are going to fight when they all roll the same faction?

Paid character boost is the answer.

Oh no! Alliance will leave to PvE / Alliance dominated server and what are you going to do? Flamelash syndrome.

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Well thats up to blizzard to fix this, no?People always choose whats the best for them.

No, it is not. It is up to the players to fix. The best Blizz can do is to offer a faction change, but most people wont use it, so in reality there is nothing blizz can do.

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nothing blizz can do.

They made this game, hello.Its not players problem that this system works like shiet.They always can add more features to factions or guilds, but they didnt do anything except racials since vanilla.

People will most of the time will take the path of least resistance aka. the easiest way - but not whats “best for them”. Sometimes what is easy is not the best for them and their happiness in the long run.

A child will always prefer eating fast food over a brocoli salad - but it is bad for his health in the long run. A game developer is the father that is obliged to give the child healthy food, for child’s own good, even if child doesn’t like it.

Now, the developers gave the players junk food: 58 level boosts. And a lot of them used this to reroll horde and skewing the faction balance much worse. They chose the easy way- junk food and here they are now, struggling with their health problems. We can certainly blame the father but can’t ask for more junk food - aka more easy solutions and giving the child whatever he wants crying with his goey nose.

Horde players will either have to endure the queues or quit the game, anything that you give them as a bonus will make the faction balance even worse. Any shortcut, carry, boost or anything alike, like merc mode, honor token, same faction BGs etc. will make the problem MUCH, MUCH WORSE than it is now, there will be no alliance left in the game at all soon enough.

In the meantime - the developers - can find a proper solution to the problem, like buffing alliance racials for a while, let some hordes reroll and by the time it is close to being balanced, just remove racials all together from the game.
Racials are stupid anyway.

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Yes they did make this game and then gave you the choice to play horde and alliance.

You sadly chose the wrong faction if you wish to play bgs consistently without long que times.

Yeah and thats their mistake.Faction choice killed any wpvp in this game.And they cant make alliance more viable to play.Thats why pvp in wow will never be as good as in any korean game.

it’s their mistake for letting people have the choice to play what faction they want? Sorry i don’t follow you what so ever.

They laid out the choices, you made yours and each faction has pros and cons.

I do agree that they should of prevented 1 sided realms with caps or at least warn players when joining realms that is is highly 1 sided pops, but people would kick off about that most likely.

Reroll. Simple solution to a tadaaaa simple problem.

You all seem to suddenly wake up.

Everything you described is mentioned in my topic. But I have a stable long term solution too, that if hyped enough would be fast as well.

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shouldnt be any factions in the game, only lorewise.

Haha now your trolling :joy: :rofl:

nah just seems you never played a good wpvp game.

But we’re no talking about another game are we? this is a WOW CLASSIC forum… how pointless.

Exactly.Blizzard can test things in classic so they can add them for superior version of the game in future.

It’s a legacy game, not the next big MMORPG why would they test this in an old version?