You can virtually murder someone and eat their corpse(or slice it into pieces with a toy)

The game is revolving around cases of genocide committed by both NPC’s and players but oh well… we can’t spit :clown_face:


WoW playerbase too thin skinned

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It’s not jealousy or spite, it’s disgust of the people

Sooooo true…with nudity in summer you can see so much just getting outside when is hot and sunny. C’mmon so many of use growing up with contra then unreal tournament and quake. We don’t have murderers generation xD

You can’t remove toxicity from game until you will not have real time moderation. Not program real live moderator- human.

removing toxic things from the game instead of addressing the toxic nature of its comunity… is just lazy hazard management … typical of modern blizzard…

it wont fix anything… until they stop being scared and face the real problem of toxicity… the players…

a /spit emote wont stop people being toxic.

people are worried about this direction becoming a trend


people need to ask themselves if the spit emote is just a ploy to get peoples attention off the lawsuit.

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You can toruture a NPC, i can do all sorts gore stuff ingame and im fine with it, its a game, a war game.

But god forbid if you dare to spit on someone you just killed, butchered, farted, pissed, blown to oblivion!

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Soon only Wow addicts will be playing this game. Oh wait… nvm :innocent:

My sad thruth. I am too addicted to mount collecting to quit :(.

That is very wisely reasoned like most often !

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I mean they remove /spit from classic but not the n word… nuff said

I dont care about the spit emote, but I do care about the fact it was stated by a developer that no real work is being done on the game, but yet the developers can take the time to log in and remove the spit emote.

There are tons of problems with retail WOW and yet none of those issues are being addressed, yet an emote which most people did not use and does not even do anything to your character is the most pressing issue at the moment.

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If you ever played an open mic game in online you can spit on people for real.

Rust is a great example. Gets people amped up.

I’m astonished that you don’t get why, its the pure comical sense, its the it makes no sense to remove it. Its so astonishing of them to remove spit when there are so many other things that are worse in the Game. That you dont get that is the 8th world wonder.

GO complain to Asmongold he is the one that started the toxic trend on his stream and now they remove the emote.


Stupid solution, made by stupid execs to appease stupid people.


Night elf is two word… :thinking:
But true, I would feel offended if some one would call me that

Ha ha you can also eat their corpse as a forsaken! I hope they never remove that ability

Yep, you are right, but SJWs, cancel culture supporters and other similar activists will be happy. Mission accomplished.