You cant have BM hunters being S tier

You cant have the easiest spec in the game by a quite a significant margin being this effective, it completely ruins the competitive nature of the game


Thats what iam talking about. Thats why Disc priest needs to be nerfed really hard

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But ret is the easiest and still not S tier in PvP.

Let’s turn this one around; what specs are allowed to shine because they’re complex? I can’t think of many…

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you can’t balance a game around class complexity. Besides even the most complex class in WoW isn’t really that complex. Takes maybe more hours to master it but in the end it will come just as natural as spamming barb and kill command.

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Clearly you can.

Rogue and kitty ofc


People complain quite a bit about either of those too.

What I aim for; it doesn’t matter how complex a spec is…when it over performs it’s in the spotlight. That’s just how it is.

They don’t kill you while afk’ing behind a pillar 80% of the game though while missing all their cc and kicks in the 20% they actually show up.

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That’s just how BM works, yes. Which is arguably just one of the most idiotic designs in this game, in PvP at least.

Tune BM down and we’ll complain about a more complex spec again. The cycle of our feedback is endless, hence not connected to the spec’s complexity; that’s just adding noise to the feedback for no good reason.

Don’t think you can have perfect balance, then pick and choose which classes can and can’t be good simply because of how easy they are to play. Especially when ease of play is subjective.

whomever thinks BM is a 2 button spec has never played it in TWW

it literally has

  • Kill command
  • barbed shot
  • cobra shot
  • dire beast
  • black arrow ( if specced )
  • multi shot ( beast cleave)
  • kill shot
  • bloodshed
  • concussive shot
  • intimatidation
  • binding shot
  • beast wrath
  • call of the wild

etc etc etc

Ret is more of an easier class to play now
you literally have 5 buttons on ret

  • judgement ,
  • templar,
  • Blade,
  • divine storm
  • wake of ashes

and it has 30 yards range…

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I love it when ppl bring in some abilities of one spec but refuse to do it for other specs. :+1:
Then also forgot to add atleast minimum 3 abilities for ret since you added everything for BM.

And you are aware that BM and Ret has been fighting for the easiest spec for awhile right?
I am not denying ret is easy. But you trying to “prove a point” by intentionally lowering the amount of buttons a ret can use but adding basically everything for BM is hilarious.

  1. i also play Ret

and ok ill slim down the rotation only skills


  • judgement ,
  • templar,
  • Blade,
  • divine storm
  • wake of ashes ( hammer of light proc if specced )


  • Kill command
  • barbed shot
  • cobra shot
  • dire beast
  • black arrow ( if specced )
  • multi shot ( beast cleave)
  • kill shot
  • bloodshed
  • beast wrath

BM literally has double the rotational skills than a RET

  • ( i didnt add explosive shot as its a talent and no1 uses it, i also didnt add crusader strike as most RETS take it as a passive )

So basically, you believe BM hunter is harder to play.
Is it based on your experience?

I can think of many melee that have it just as easy than a BM hunter in the arena even if it doesn’t seem hard to do damage with them.

i was answering this old wifes tale…
“whomever thinks BM is a 2 button spec has never played it in TWW”

i think both are easy, i found my ret to be slightly more DERP and has more defence
while my BM was more send pets in try to avoid stuff

with the patch notes and ret changes, id say Ret is in a great spot
when BM gets nerfed ( it will ) id expect people to moan about forbearance and immunities on Ret ( stun reduction, divine shield buff etc… )

if you wasnt aware of the changes

  • stun reduction in the talent tree
  • passive healing with blessings
    • auto sacrifice procs
  • forbearance reduced to 20seconds ( was 30 seconds)
  • divine shield ignores forbearance and heals you for 20%

Bm is a joke, know a guy what struggles as feral at 1.7 but is 2.5 as a bm hunter, also u dont go often for a trap, because it means u tank so much Dmg for no reason

also bm hunter have a really low death rate, its close to be the same death rate as “dh” when it was s++ tier in dragonflight.

Low death rate also means = easier, and higher chance to win, because u cant throw the games if u are bad in defensive cd trading. also this thing can give u 100-250 more cr by default/rng

i played both, not in Tww, but bm felt easier than ret, because ret is more often the target, and getting more punished into double caster lobbys, while bm can hide behind a pillar for 90% of the time

Ret rotation is really easy, but ur a target dummy, so i think in solo shuffle atleast Bm is easier

in Pve, ret is a complete Mobile Game Auto attack button class.

Fun fact, they gutted mm hunter to the ground, but bm being op is fine, wish they make mm hunt a pvp meta spec for hunter instead of Bm hunter, but i think too many Bg players complained about MM hunter :person_shrugging:


I would say most ppl dont rly believe its “only 2 button spec” but more about how easy it is to play. Its the same thing when ppl say it about other specs like DHs.

BM hunters are tankier than rets though. If played correctly obviously. Derping around just slamming keys on the keyboard then rets could be considered tankier due to divine shield/bop-spellwarding.

I am very well aware. I had a deep dive into those abilities when they were announced and look around with them. Personally didnt like atleast half of the abilities being added since it wont rly help rets in the long term. Just causing more issues overall. (for all pala specs in my opinion)

Thats kinda the thing. Ret is easy to play and feels rly smooth and good in PvE for sure.
Its a spec that isnt too punishing right now if you fail your rotation etc. You dont need any big “setup” to start etc.
I started the expansion as hpala, was actually fun and didnt feel too hard in PvE. Even started dabbling in PvP with him in bgs to gear up/conquest cap. Then they buffed that to insanity in PvP and I lost interest instantly.


I know playing bm leads to deterioation of the brain but don’t worry, i got you. Funny though that you just listed a few damage abilities on ret but went full rotation+cc spells on bm. I think that was called… wait… i got it… bias? :thinking:

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