You cant have BM hunters being S tier

maybe you didnt read the part where i said . ROTATIONAL skills

but good try again

by your logic of me being bias. i didnt mention any other hunter skills , disengage, Turtle, feign death flare, tar trap, frost trap, explosive trap, SAC … etc etc etc

yeah the balancing team since Tww is really weird, hpal was already decent in pvp, and got buffed again for no reason

i played a few solo shuffle games after the 20th anniversary patch, and it is just painful to play this Gamemode now, its more painful to play than in Dragonflight when u had to land cyclone as feral to do dmg, because every single lobby have a Bm hunter, at 2.2 Mmr i played against a Bm German hunter what was Backpedaling but he did unhelaable dmg

sometimes my hp bar dropped from 100% down to 20% in 2 seconds, the sustain dmg from bm hunter was no fun to deal which, and i was main target every single bm hunter lobby game

and the last lobby Prot warri Bm hunt broke me, this was too much, and bm hunt can bring u easily in a positioning, where u line your healer, or have to swap on his mate, idk this class killed my entire fun

it´s just too easy to do things like this as a abomination class, and 3s i played with mm hunt, and this spec is now a complete joke and gutted to the ground for no reason, while the AI spec have the fun of his live

MM hunt good = instantly nerf
Bm good? haha buff it even more, or nerf it only by a slight %

BM, Demo, UDK should never be viable for competitive play that’s all

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Much rotational, i see.

Button smashing specs for me are boring as fury ,DH, BM but what spec is hard?
I love SV hunt, many say its hard to play, its easy also, just more interesting playstyle.
What I would consider more difficult to play are arcane and feral, I tried feral in SL and I had zillion buttons, did not enjoy it much.
Higher rating skill levels out, so whats the problem? If lose at low ratings to low skill players, ehmm git gud.
Im kinda happy there are easier specs, my noob friend can get practice and some taste of victory, otherwise he would have to practice rotation for 3 years just to start playing, already he struggles a lot and better players just outplay him.

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from a 2v2 stand point, most game play these days are just “unga bunga”. Particularly classes which do their damage with very little interaction without enforcing hard CC. I like to think frost dk takes a little bit of set up but even then its still silly ooga booga too.

But ferals are running rabid.

The oh so complex bm rotation right here:

I know i am kinda kicking him while he is already down but this is just too funny.

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if u cant cc bm pets its a skill issue

Bro okay, how about u think about this since u gladly named the dmg spells

All of the above we need to use on other players not to get flamed and thats how it is. But yy, rets still just one button lol.

Yeah but why does BM need to havve 62 pets that fill your screen,
Pet pvp meta is so gaddamn boring.

People defending BM rn are literally just biased.

Ask any high rated PvPer if BM is overtuned and they’ll tell you yes. So this argument that ‘lawl just cc the pets’ is complete bs when BM even dominates among the best of the best.

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BM Meta and no Hotfix what so ever? Absolutly awfull healer balance? PvP Participation is getting worse and worse? The biggest hoax since DF aka. PvP-Devs be like: Its a well designed game!

But you only need this one.

Ikr it’s not like they have a talent or something which makes them immune to my fe…oh nvm they do.

Not like this is a new thing. It’s often downright broken in 2’s and then get punished some in the other brackets due to lacking defensives. The real problem (outside of BM hunter being a thing in PvP in general) is when it has good enough defensives to where it can’t be a relatively easy target to focus down in 3’s and other rated PvP brackets.

Hunters have been like that since Cata. They removed mana and deadzone. So now they are either too good or too weak.

Just line the pets

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No its not a new thing and never has been so what? But its a fact that every expansion since BFA this sh*t show is getting worse and worse. And even if u play healer as i do u need to ´´enjoy´´ the meta carousel and that really sucks. The healer balance in the moment is a god dmn joke. Lets take a look at the stats: h ttps://
And the best thing is: they just leave it be like this for months to a point where u have to play a pve meme build with rsham to actual heal a tiny bit for example. Its a joke and embarrassing for a monthly payed subscription.

Soon today (11 November), we will apply the following changes via hotfix:

Player versus Player


  • Beast Mastery
    • Dark Ranger: Black Arrow damage decreased by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Dark Ranger: Hunter’s Prey now increases the damage of Kill Shot by 5% per stack in PvP combat (was 10%).

These have been performance outliers recently.
