You cant have BM hunters being S tier

´´These have been performance outliers recently´´ They should have written instead: ´´We just had to finish MDI first because we dont give a single F about the pvp community. Sincerely the pve dev team.

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BM would be more tolerable if it was possible to actually punish it. No pet class should be able to mindlessly throw their core sources of damage around corners 80 yards away with absolute impunity.

The fact that Revive Pet is a resource free, uninterruptible 2.5 second cast when Warlock summons cost a Soul Shard, are 6 seconds and lock you on a spell school when you get interrupted is a joke. At least Fel Domination in TWW is on the lowest CD it’s ever been, but it doesn’t feel any better; especially not when comparing Mend Pet to Health Funnel.

That’s without mentioning that the other one unstoppably revives itself on like a 30 sec timer lmao.


its the absolute, by far, easiest bullsh*t class created and it should deal 30% damage of the rest of the specs. today i had x3 bm in a shuffle , hows it even possible? its the most annoying and impossibly boring spec and a class made for people with learning disabilities. give them their own minigame instead

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