You can't ignore anymore players

Either fix your Boost Spammers or increase Ignore List into unlimited.

When we report some Seller like these “WTS Boosts”, they are getting Ignored temporary and then tomorrow, same person/bot, can again spam on my Chat.

So this “Report” Button is meaningless, when it doesn’t completely remove them, only temporary.

Meanwhile, Ignore List helps lot, but when the list goes full, you can’t and then again you have to face the Spams.

I don’t like to add some Addons i don’t like to use.

So Blizzard, fix your issue and let us players play peacefully.

Fix your Spammers, we don’t pay this Game to get bothered by them.


Get the Global Ignore list addon; ignore list is infinite and you can set a filter up to ignore all boost and GDKP.
If you son’t want an addon: reroll on the PvE server :slight_smile:

It´s a great addon, yeah. But there are players out there who deliberately write it like “b00st” or any variation of that. Really mean!

I know you said you don’t like to use addons, but I highly recommend BadBoy. I put no one on ignore, but filter any chat that has one of the two words: boost or GDKP. Works like a charm. Has an extra bit where you can ignore guild advertising as well.

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i am assuming you display trade, world, global and lookingforgroup chats in same window.

Right click on trade,global,world,lookingforgroup, raid etc. and move them to new windows.

from settings make whisper appear in separate new windows.

By following this steps boosting messages should not bother you much.

You cant put everyone on ignore. Ignore list has a limit how many ppl can be ignored on same server. Once its full, every time you ignore someone new, ur old ignore will be removed to free the spot.
I dont remember but ignore list is like 20-30 ppl max

Blizzard ignored you for decades, don’t get cocky

Yeah, tried reporting them all, too many of them, didn’t work.
So I just made a new chat called calm or something and it’s wonderful.
They are truly annoying but I’ve been thinking and I really don’t think Blizzard can do much about it, my idea would be to suspend players for a day or something for selling boosts but then again, that’d just be an endless cycle of suspending players.
By this point, Blizzard is used to having millions of players around the world trying to make bank off of their game, oh well guess they gotta roll with it.

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