You find yourself in Azeroth!

Resembling my main… Soo… A living corpse?
Thats not encouraging at all :rofl:

No powers?

Would probably make a trip to Lich King or Kelthuzad and ask for power-up in exchange for prophecy~

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I’ve actually thought about this a few times and already have the perfect answer. Make my way to Dalaran somehow, request an audience with Krasus/Korialstrasz and explain my situation. Use my knowledge of the world and it’s characters to prove my case and seek an audience with the Bronze Dragonflights as they seem like the best option for getting things sorted somehow.

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i would stop being a social retard

I would repopulate Azeroth with orc-blood elves :slight_smile:


Ikr, ingame I’m as ruthless as they come, but irl I cry whenever I see ANYONE crying, I don’t think i’ll be able to hurt anything let alone kill.

I’d definitely be ready to help here :smiley: , just let Moothila hit me up and I’ll give ya a discounted price.

Don’t think a wolf will kill you in a main city :smiley:

That’s pretty smart, if you can’t use magic or powers and can’t learn them but you can still receive them.

I’m surprised no one mentioned the use of scrolls/enchanted items.

I’m pretty surprised no one wanted to align with old gods yet, is it because they know the heroes will wreck them anyways?

That is an interesting take on it, in the world of azeroth the lack of social skills can be super problematic on top of personalities not working like they do irl it would certainly need a careful approach!

Would you prefer to keep a low profile? or be a celebrity ?

Gotta work on them woeing skill eh, blood elves have high standards and they surely won’t accept a puny magicless orc without some high tier skillz!

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Get a trader job in a capital that no hostile faction would ever care about.

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True, blood elfs are princesses and princesses are a waste of time & resources, I will repopulate Draenor instead, thank you Dr. Phil!

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The plot twist!

Haha awesome! Well, when in Rome (if we’re talking a no way back to Earth sorta scenario) …

  • Offer my services to the Banshee Queen and let her know the score about what’s to come (Jesi has the right idea) in order to gain her ‘trust’

  • Head to the Rogue’s Quarter and find the nearest trainer, using gold that I’d acquired or relieved someone of on the way to learn those invaluable Rogue skills (gonna argue we don’t use ‘magic’ and my irl skillset/capabilities is ironically arguably not a million miles away from Rogue)

  • Start levelling up using in game experience to my advantage

  • Profit?

  • If none of the above works out, sit back and enjoy my undeath!

:rofl: :crossed_swords: :male_detective: :man_shrugging: :crossed_fingers:

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Scavenge some one of the many battlefields for useful stuff to defend myself and sell. If you can’t use magic, then find an item with magical effects

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I will die within 12 hours because they dont have Asthma inhailers.


Uh, well as a gnome main, I would have to get use to neck pains or talking to peoples knees… (IRL I am tall and that is the reason I main gnome, to live out a life being small!)

I guess I would use my knowledge to avoid death, have a gnome family and make cool machines.

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Good call, safety to watch everything from a distance!

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Sell a stack of peacebloom for a starting capital, camp on the auction house and become rich. 100x easier than in irl.

Also learn inscription and sell overpriced glyphs. Not as laborous or dangerous as let’s say blacksmithing or engineering.

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Just don’t try over pricing goods to Kul’Tirans, they have an execution area for vendors over pricing their goods.

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Thank you for murdering Jaina, I concur. While you’re at it, could you please also slaughter the rest of her family, responsible for the most mawkish and ear-jarringly unnatural dialogue the game has ever seen. Genn and Anduin are treading a thin line too of late, sadly. Who on earth would join Alliance to follow these lacklustre and humorless effigies of sentimentality, cliché and ponderous moralising?

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But unlike our world there are no cosmic forces(as far as we know :wink: ) you could theoretically learn to make use of.

Though… the knowledge of planet sized beings being out and about is really intimidating to say the least :sweat_smile:


Jeez. Without power or ability to master magic, and with stats comparable to real life? You’re certainly making this challenging. So I’d have high intelligence, but can’t use that stat for battle. And below average strength and agility, the skills I would actually need to survive. Great.

I’d have to go full-on Prophet if I am to survive. Go’el Thrall would be the best to befriend, if I am going to make positive change. But I wouldn’t just be able to step up to the freaking Warchief, and need to secure my survival. I’d have to risk getting to Booty Bay and befriending Gazlowe. He is approachable, recognizes good opportunities, and could certainly finance my survival.

“Leveling up” my stats would take too long. I’ll have to Gallywix this a little, and use wealth to acquire tech and enchantments to compensate. It’ll probably be a year till I am fully adjusted, can survive most vanilla zone basic mobs, and will have enough influence and impact to be able to approach Thrall. I’d have to go hooded. Play on his connection to the prophet Medivh. Get his ear. Start improving the Horde.

Step two would be establishing my own “Guild”. If I’m going to be making this world a better place for me to live in, I will have to get in the way of evil forces. Being Go’el Thrall’s Seer alone will already gain me enemies. I’ll need allies. I’ll also see if I can get some teaching in the Light. Maybe it’s possible for them to make me a vessel for it and make me a Paladin. Even if I would be unable to wield the power directly, the resistances to poison, disease and corruption, as well as the stat boost, would be welcome tools.

By now I would likely have gotten over the loss of my loved ones, and be at peace with being stuck on Azeroth. It would divide my time between politics, training physically and in tactics of war, and personal relationships.

I’d be a peacemaker. Create a strike force to prepare the world to face upcoming threats. It would become a challenge to me. See who I could save. Could I save Malygos? Could I possibly teach Garrosh? Is Sylvanas’ path something I could change?

I have no idea how this fictional timeline would develop in the end. I can’t do much to change things in Vanilla WoW and TBC, beyond limiting victims. Illidan, Kael’thas and Arthas already made their fatal mistakes by the time I’ve showed up. The Twilight Hammer will be the bane of my existence, as they have their own prophets, work in secret, and are more adaptable in their plans than many other foes. I might need to create WoD myself if no one else does, as it’s the lead-up to the Legion’s defeat. Plus, as an orc, it would matter to me. Rather than defeat the Orc Clans though, I would try and convert them. Create the Mag’har Horde early.

I can’t see myself surviving Legion, unless I get really powerful allies like Khadgar in my circle of friends. Kil’Jaeden is cunning, and the Legion’s power is terrifying. I can’t predict things further here anyway. Too much has been altered. I don’t know who is even Warchief at this point. So I’ll end it here!


I will join you and stare as well :robot:


become a hobo

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