Enjoy your 30 minute queues for Blitz 07
I donât know how Blizzard came to a conclusion that dps 20 min queues for bg blitz are too short, so they need to lengthen them, and that healer 3 min queues are too long, so they need to discourage more healers from queueing and shorten it. Apparently they like to sabotage their own game.
BG blitz already has the highest proportion of dps to healers, itâs
2 : 1 in 3v3/shuffle
2.33 : 1 in RBG (with usual setup 7 dps and 3 healers)
3 : 1 in BG blitz
10% dampening wasnât really necessary. Sure there are stalemate fights, like Deepwind Gorge market where 2/3 dps & 2 healers, fight against enemy team 2/3 dps & 2 healers the entire bg, while ignoring other bases. But that stalemate is because people donât use brain, not because healing is too strong.
Are you guys talking about this?
- All healing done is now reduced by 10% in Rated Battlegrounds and Battleground Blitz.
This is more harmful to dps specs than healers. I even bet that as a healer you will not notice this 10% nerf.
Healers outside of arena are way too strong.
We dont want healers in our games. Nothing is more discouraging than a healer popping cocoon on your kill target when your really close to killing him; all your CDs wasted to a single button the mistweaver pressedâŚ
If anyone here is playing healer your making everyones game miserable.
They implemented it the wrong way. It should have been applied to healer specs only and not include DPS specs.
It should be minimum 50% for healer specs.
Everyone I know hate those kind of stalemate fights. I despise it when the fight gets bogged down.
It really is not fun to fight for a base for half of the match. The problem lies on healers since they never go oom,
have too many defensive CDs and heals are too strong. Blizzard is aware of this issue thats why they implemented 10% however they did it the wrong way as I said earlier.
10% is surely not enough and needs to be higher (for healer specs only).
The 10% are on Top of all the other Nerfs.
To be honest this change will make healers even more powerful. You know why? Like you said, it will harm DPS specs more than healers, making us more dependent on healers; which in turn makes healers more powerful.
My exhiliration is gonna heal me now for 20% down from 30%âŚ
OP made a misleading title.
I sit 3-4 hour queues on average, so that would be a dream.
But solo healers tanking 3-4 players for 2 min straight is also degenerate. This is just flat 10%, its not progressive like shuffle, healers will still feel mega strong, but will accelerate the games pace just a bit.
I say it again, these 10% are ON TOP of others nerfs on Healers.
It should be 20%, but only for healers. DPS shouldnât be affected by the dampening.
But this is only applied for rated, healers are still going to be superb in the unrated format, I think a sensible approach is to allow dps to have some degree of healing reduction with warriorâs being the best one.
It should be 25% for healers and 50% for dps. After removal of Fortitude of the Bear, MM almost has no self heal, at least it would bring some fairness.
Yeah, we are condemned to thisâŚ
Its true
It seems like some healers only play if they can do it in god mode.
What a drama, 10% less healing!
10% for everyone, not just healers? What will it cause?
Fights will be more lethal and wonât drag out that long, fewer stalemates. That means killing opponents instead of ccing them to cap a flag will be more viable.
DPS players will have slightly more impact on the course of the game compared to healers.
Overall, a good change.
Can you add for every dps touch of death spell usable only on healers with 5 min cd⌠It will be less painfull than this artificial dampening⌠They willl cry lessâŚAnyway i stoped playing SS cause dampening⌠What i have to play now ? Random bgs ?
and yet some specs are still buffed by 20-50% in the patch notes?
Well, not everyone likes to roll disc priestâŚ
I give up. I said it 2 times, the 10% are on TOP of other nerfs to heals but it seem you all are happy with longer queue times so the thread might as well be closed.
the que time will be the same, youâre exaggerating, the changes barely noticeable, maybe will the zerg end 20-30 seconds earlier.
Healers needed to be toned down and they were, a bit.