They just don’t know how to deal with the overpopulation, the queues, and the future of the “full pop” and “high pop” servers since they promised that they want to remove layering as soon as possible.
Imagine a server 5 times more populated than nostalrius, now imagine 5-10 of them.
That’s probably what these servers will be like without it
The Classic devs are probably under siege after stealing all the players.
I get that the solution might be hard to find as anything u can imagine causes another problem, but a simple “we are working on solution and we simply dont pretend everything is fine” from a blue post would be fine
Everyone is not playing Classic. You are still in the minority. But keep living in fantasyland
No, because the group xp was nerfed today. If it’s not an update and not hearing from Blizzard, then we must be different species.
Uh oh, the damage control is here!
You seem awfully “threatened” by Classic in general considering the way you post…
…how come though?
Uhhh… They have posted several updates over the past week.
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What ?
a. Minority quit retail for classic
(this is presumption, but i.e from my guild only 1 raider changed retail for classic full time, rest are hoppers that play both, and Boralus is as alive as any day)
b. Majority of classic core is form those, who did not play retail - people from private servers or returning players
c. many retail players play and enjoy both.
Go back to your glorified mobile game where everything is handed to you just for bothering to log in. You are on the classic forum not the other way around.
they should let us join in the retail WoW BfA as we wait for the queue. Till the queue is fixed… or something …make all submit a suggestion for that!!! Let as have it on a 2nd window and the moment the queue ends, dc us from retail
They are probably celebrating they managed to sell a 15 year old game to streamer hyped zombies after all
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And they have explained why they can’t permit that, over in the technical support section, a few days ago.
So anyone that likes to watch old movies for example is a zombie? Or anyone that wants to play old games? If you don’t like fine play BFA you get free EPAX after all.
Yeah, and give FREE copy to classic players of this bfa, mobile cashcow game.
Such great quality is bfa. they are so desperate to get players to play it, that they gotta offer it free… with added bonus, free 110 boost.
i cant finf it… can u help me?
No need to return, i already got bored of bfa months ago.
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Is that why theres like 2 servers on retail with High population?
Omegafkinlul dead game
all hail classic
They have to pull players from several different Realms into the same zones just to make them appear alive.
While in Classic they have to spawn several copies of the world just to hold the players of the same Realm.

Yeah, and we got like 250 EU retail servers, and 20(?) Classic. Retail is totally fine, player count vastly outnumbers Classic even with the hype that Classic has. Imagine 2 month later when the hype dies, and people leave.
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