You having fun?

I’ve played since TBC so i wouldnt exactly call myself new, and no, you shouldnt, PvE is something entirely different that we arent discussing now. PvP gear should never be BiS in PvE, neither should PvE gear be viable in PvP… at all.

Well pve has pvp bis, and pvp has pve bis
Same goes for the essences.

That is not p2w though.

Exactly, and PvE shouldnt have BiS PvP gear, and PvP shouldnt have BiS PvE gear, thats the point im making. These are two vastly different aspects of the game and should be kept seperate.
PvP should be about your ability and your ability alone.
If i started demanding Mythic raid Ilevel gear for hosting an RP event the PvP and PvE community would be up in arms about that aswel, do you see the point now?

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The problem is, wow was always like that. Not at this point but for sure trinkets some weapons + legendary weapons of the past where in the pvp list of BiS.

That is not P2W my friend, neither the pvp players pay boosts. Everybody can do some HC runs as long as they read mechanics as i did arenas with that dude that called me NOOB HEALER when i didnt heal him because he was stading inside the smoke bomb and the Rdruid was waiting to clone me.

This mess always exist, BFA was too much yes but still nothing to do with P2W

I agree with this. As a new player PVP is actually horrible. I was having more fun with pvp scaling.

I honestly feel like scaling was just bad for low levels and rextroy 1 shots. Why not just remove it from all the low levels.

I mean who’s idea was it to take away pvp scaling with pre patch and not do it when SL comes out so we can all be at the same power level. This was another terrible idea from blizzard who making me want to quit the game before SL even been released. I can’t do s anything for like 2 months or whatever because pvp scaling was actually helping new players get into the game.

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When in my posts have i ever claimed it was P2W? you keep going on about it, but i havent said it. What you wrote doesnt seem to make alot of sense to me though, HC is terrible gear in PvE and PvP

Yes. WoW and Battlefield are very much alike.

Sorry buddy, for a brief moment confused you with the op :rofl:

Not the trinkets not the weapons.
Ive seen several mele’s using radens wep HC for the corruption and the HC trinkets, now the gear… Yeah

That is correct yeah, and its something i also dont like, mixing PvP and PvE ends badly in most cases, it lowers the competetiveness of PvP, takes away from the barebones skill vs skill matchup that a player versus player match should be.

The problem is… If PVP people gear up fast, they will get their ranks and they will quit. As blizzard demonically did, they have them farming PVE gear to compete in arenas…

Not saying its good, but you dont see them crying its BORING WORLD OF GARISONS ETC, because… Now they have to grind, so do we anyways.

Bring back templates for random battleground where it’s all about objectives.

Keep rated pvp as it is.

Those who are freshly dinged can now gather their started pvp gear from battlegrounds without dragging their team down because they lack gear. When they finally got their pvp started (or whatever kit) from BGs, they can now jump into some 2s/3s.

There’s nothing more annoying than being teamed up with green geared players after a 5-10min queue while the enemy team is fully PvP/Mythic raid geared.

imho, PvP should always have it’s own ruleset, even if it’s a MMORPG / PvE game. PvE elements breaks the game and makes it unbalanceable.

  • legendaries
  • borrowed powers
  • PvE items with proccs
  • Racials (whenever 1 gets nerfed, players flock to another)

For those who think gear should matter in PvP. Sure, ya’ll can keep that stuff in rated PvP, but leave it out of the unranked random pvp modes so players can have a better PvP experience during a random game.


like a zombie no-life drone you mean or? I’m lost at the meaning of this word ‘normal’ … what you desribe is everything wrong with this:

an amusement or pastime

exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.
productive or operative activity.

HMMMMM so what does this match better? Exactly.

I remember the good old days when you would win 3bgs and get a piece of gear for your efforts off a vendor, now you do 20 losses to 40k hp alliance no-lifers who hit for 20k+ non-crit… and then after one month+ of dying you might get lucky and get some blue bracers ilvl 50… that is the future if they don’t put someone like me in charge of pvp development instead we have some incel soyboys running the show, clearly.


people who refuse to gear deserve to get stomped, this is half of the point of it being a MMORPG, gear progression. On a side note, casters are disgustingly overturned currently, especially hybrids.

Why is time to kill the same as fps games then. I have over 20 abilities and I can’t even use 3 or 4 of them before I am dead. You want new players and casual players to have fun and play then the early pvp requirements should be lower. I levelled to 50 , done a bunch of world quests, did magni bronzebeard stuff got my cloak and necklace levelled for the stamina upgrades. My item level is over 100, still deleted in 5 seconds.

I did pve like was asked, now I have to go gear in dungeons for hundreds of hours? Why can’t I pplay pvp to gear up. Or at least BGs and get participation points instead of the only way to gear is to win arena vs super hard matches in fact just imppossible matchups…

SL will fail to bring in new players especially pvp players if this is the attitude from current player base and wow dev team.

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This is the core issue, motivation, or assumption of it.
Other pvp games like overwatch/ paladins/ shooters (not to compare the pace)
have no item progression, or with very little impact, have no problem with a bored playerbase as long as there’s enough game mode variety and maps.
People play it becaues it’s fun.

I’ve played bad company 2 for almost 10 years now, be it 9000 hours, and got all my levels, guns, items, perks unlocked in the first 9 hours. I just kept playing because it is freaking FUN and awesome. You never know who is doing what where when how why, it’s the unpredictability about a match that makes it fun and exciting; what problems do I need to solve on the fly to win.

Comparing that to wow - most BG’s are the same, especially big ones;
You got two big groups facetanking each other, ranged with healers in the back. If you’re melee and not a tank or without DH mobility you’re dead in seconds if you attack, even going around gets you killed easy unless the enemies are completely blind or asleep. So the problem is wow pvp is that it conforms players into a boring playstyle, taking risks is rarely rewarded. With rare exceptions such as AV bridge, rushing through and blowing a lot of enemies down with a knockback. That’s almost it regarding heroic individual action opportunities.

Yes, with a team and enough resources I could start augmenting wow towards a more balanced action rpg/ battlefield-ish mode, where skill matters over gear, but the domino effects would have such a broad impact that it would feel like a whole new different game. Just imagine bad company 2, but start modding it with skills, spells, melee and ranged attacks from wow. You could absolutely make it work, and it would be fun, but a very different experience from current wow.

I do believe, like Asmongold said once, that this is what it’s about in wow:
“You grind, you do raids, you get better gear, and then go slap some guys in a BG with that big dicc weapon”. That’s what most contempt wow players want in my opinion, flex with a “look at me, I got this big item, it makes me better than you, die trash”. And that’s what removes all fairness from pvp. It adds “competitivity” if you want to see it like that, competing to grind to get those upgrades from mythics and raids, but unrelated to actual pvp skills.

Again, I don’t have anything against gear progression in wow, I just want to give players a option to play in seperate brackets.

  • My point being: blizz needs to find new and better ways to reward and incentivise players to pvp / spam BG’s – while giving everyone a choice to do it casually too, with lower rewards/ competitivity.

Stop forcing every max lvl player into the same “random” BG when the power gap is clearly unfair (currently i60 vs i150).

I’m gonna post some suggestions later about more details for a new split pvp ranking system and rewards.

Not sure how is it our problem that you didn’t gear up,but to answer your question yes I’m having fun 2 shooting low geared people in bg and that’s how it should be,if you didn’t put effort to get good gear why should we feel sorry for someone who lvls his 50th alt up and expected the same result compared to people who put time in their character :thinking:

Yeah buddy but this is an MMO…
It triggers people to grind so much that we eventually get obsessed with WoW and stick around. Thats how wow survived so many years.

Still not saying that its a good thing, im saying how they make it work.

Please, dont give asmo as an example.
This guy was literally wow’s joke until he started bashing retail to attract classic players and now return to retail.

You cant get rewards from spamming BG’s or playing low rated arenas…

The problem comes back in legion when they removed the Honor gear and Honor stat as a currency.
They totally butchered the pvp.
Sure in legion we had templates that kept you alive vs mythic raiders but once the templates were gone and the pvp scaling got removed in SL pre patch the pvp community was left with a middle finger pointing toward them.
Sadly shadowlands will not fix anything.
Sure we got Honor and conquest gear back but will be suuuuper low, compared to tbc and pve and pvp gear.
Pve gear was always better in damage wise but the pvp one had resilience stat to reduce that damage and keep the things Lil “balanced”.

Do not take part in max level pvp or Alterac valley battleground to that extend, that’s where the pve bys are like the crocodile in teh wtaer waiting for the meat , tire them out jokes on them when you lost 30 minutes to lose first flag in a warsong gulch when you could farm alliance in another random AV, we gonna drain them dry !!!

I didn’t even think about it like that but you’re right, its like an FPS… Blizzard have morphed WoW PvP into some type of lame Overwatch style die-rinse-repeat crap…