You just lied to us. Heroic raiders smashing everybody

A normal forum dweler would be like “then if it’s so easy where is your this and that achievement”, I am not that guy.
All I am saying is that it’s very counterproductive to buy into a game that offers x-y-z ways of hearing/progressing and coming to the forums and post

“I only like y way of progressing, there are people in this mmorpg that enjoy all x-y-z ways and progressed faster than me, then came into y domain (bgs arenas etc) and beat me because they had better progression through ways available to me too that I personally chose to dislike/ignore. Unacceptable!!!”

I enjoy all aspects and if I have time (which is sparse dude to to commitments) I enjoy all.
It’s strange to me that people don’t see that it doesn’t matter if they don’t like pve or pvp or raiding. It’s there wheather you chose to progress/play through it or not. Complaining and posting someone’s wow character profile and say “this filthy over with his superior gear to mine came into my bg and killed me!!!”
Timegating pvp gear was done mostly like they always did (yes conquest caps needs to be higher depending on rating) and they also reduced loot from all other sources. There are people out there that have done 20+ m+ runs and got 2 pieces of gear.
And like you are complaining on the general forum.

SL has less loot for everyone, stop complaining b cause some one no life week 3 and got to 200+ ilvl and came into a bg and roflstomped people… It’s one guy or at the very least a small %.

The ladder is full of 184ish people meaning the system works…

Have a great night.

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I don’t care one way or another how they get it, there’s just no need for theirs to be superior in any other way than cosmetically and whoopee for you if you like all content… some of us don’t, that’s the thing with people, we like different things. Why anyone feels the need to outgear people so dramatically mystifies me, it’s literally as anti PVP as you can get.

It’s the same thing, but you don’t think about it on reverse. You like pvp only, that is absolutely fine with me and most people who chose to do all content. And yet here you are bashing on other players for liking and investing time into other things other than pvp. Is it unfair? Perhaps. No more than 2 athletes, let’s say two boxers. One trains with strength training, the other does strength, endurance and coordination training. They fight. Guy who did all 3 destroys the one dimentional fighter. Since this is a game and time is sunk into it the guy who does more content has a better chance at gear, thus is more powerful, it’s how rpgs work.


It renders the games totally pointless in many cases tho, they become literally a game of top trumps where you may as well save everybody involved 30 mins and just hand a win and it’s prizes to the trump side and there are those of us like myself, who couldn’t give a toss about ratings, gear, achievements or any of that… we play for the fun of the game. We need somewhere to play as well, there are rated BG’s and arenas for the ‘so called’ hardcore PVPer


And your boxer can do all the training and cardio he likes, if he gets caught on the button properly, he’s going down cos he hasn’t got an upgraded, higher iLVL gearset protecting his chin.

I think it’s more akin to:
Boxer A spends 8hrs a day Boxing, Boxer B spends 4hrs Boxing & 4hrs scripted dancing & coming to the conclusion that Boxer B deserves to annihilate! Boxer A (due to the difficulty & time invested in dancing).


And also, using the boxing analogy… if this were boxing, then gear would be the performing enhancing drug, which are frowned upon, for good reason, in every sport.

Bravo, that one gave me a chuckle… at least some still have a sense of humour on here :slight_smile:

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I’m picturing Orc Death Knights in leotards now


I am so tired of reading this persons bizarre analogies trying to justify why it’s fine that pvp players need to pve to compete vs pve players in pvp.

Here’s an analogy for you, do you think this change should happen?
You can’t do m+10 until renown 22
You can’t do Denathrius until renown 22
You can’t enter mythic until renown 30


agree with OP, I was doing 3s today when we saw a druid with 203ilvl. Thank You Lord, he was a healer. Take a subrogue/MM/boomkin/FDK and UDK with this ilvl and we’ve got a fresh gladiator here

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Arent Heroic raiders missing a lot of Vers?

Is the difference between 12% versa (from my pve ilvl189 gear that is bound to increase on a daily basis) and 20% versa from PvP gear that will stay around 185ish Ilvl supposed to be relevant at all compared to the raw stat difference?

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Nice example in greece

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Why would your PvP gear ilvl stay that low unless you are not going to push higher ratings? In few weeks Versatility should go up close to 30% in PvP with Trinket bonuses up. I really dont see the problem.

What I mean is, regardless of how much versa pvp geared players will have (you say 30% for example), and even at a 226 ilvl that will take quite some time to achieve, won’t a pve geared player with lower versa but still higher raw stats from higher ilvl be at an advantage? You guys make it sound like versa is the be all end all when mathematically it’s not a big deal in my opinion (when I read someone writing got hit x amount on 20% versa like 20% versa would make a huge difference at all?), at least not BFA corruption level of big deal, as I say compared to a pve player with let’s say only 15% versa from pve gears but with 20+ ilvls. I haven’t done exact calculations but this sounds like it may be a reality, have you done the math? I mean back in the week of ilvl 171 cap people had 17% versa in full pvp gear right? I had 10% versa in full 184 ilvl gear. Which option do you reckon is better? 7% more versa or 13 more ilvls? And how will that scale for both options as the expansion progresses? If ilvl > versa then pve gear > pvp gear for pvp most possibly no? Unless perhaps pve geared player has zero versa items which is a very unlikely scenario. I don’t claim to be right but genuinely theorising on what I think makes more sense but as I say don’t have the math calculations to back this up.

EDIT: I was assuming Pve players would have a big ilvl advantage but just realised mythic CN is also 226.


What does scale have anything to do with it? There’s small-scale PvE, too.

Also, even if it matters, then why not MAKE PvP large scale? It could have ‘huge’ battlegrounds, massive rewards, etc. There could be unique rewards you can only get from PvP, so even PvE people would be ‘forced’ to do it. There could be more different kinds of PvP besides the usual, etc.


Sometimes I kind of wish another company made a wow arena clone, no pve just pvp you can hop in and out whenever you please. Blizzard is incapable and/or disinterested to do so.


Well, we know exactly what would happen. There are pirate WoW fun servers with starter pvp gear and no PVE at all. Guess what, theay are all dead. They exist only as addition to PVE pirate servers.

That’s weird every prate Serv I’ve played ppl only pve to get legendary weapons for ez glads…

Aka pve to cheese in pvp

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