I guess it should be CoS really XD (it makes me think of Court of Stars)
I don’t know where I got the other C from.
I guess it should be CoS really XD (it makes me think of Court of Stars)
I don’t know where I got the other C from.
Honestly Vanilla, TBC & WOTLK have their crowd.
They were/are fun because the content is challenging, not so much raiding but the entire journey. Whilst it’s not supremely challenging or that it was a far more involved than now.
What some people see as boring though others will find fun.
Group finding, grouping up and having to talk, slower progression etc etc
The thing I found is with older xpacs even still to this day I feel more rewarded, gear drops mean more, the world feels more ‘alive’, classes don’t feel like husks, professions feel useful, questing isn’t click and go and there is a huge sense of community which is what I always loved about this game.
Not to mention the amount of niche specs for PvP, they were funky and great fun.
Ion is the best of a bad bunch and tbh you can tell he’s trying, I just think the vision they have now is not a meaningful progression MMO but rather a run and loot one, which is fine if that’s what people want (clearly).
I don’t think you or anyone should go about trying to change current fundamentally, it’s on a course and I think those fans deserve a place just as much as us who prefer old school WoW.
We have Vanilla coming out so hopefully we will always have a home from August onwards.
On private servers you can stack the world buffs without a limit, that most likely won’t be the case on retail which makes raids much harder which in turn makes using the real numbers just fine.
People have actually been praising it a lot so far. Then again, we haven’t seen endgame yet.
Tbc legit felt most like an expansion mainly because nothing was removed and only things were added with the exception of the honor system. Wotlk changed all that ;(
I have a sneaking suspicion that Blizz dramatically cut WoW’s budjet and they can’t afford enough servers anymore.
So they’re scrambling with sharding and phasing to keep the game playable
yeah, for me its the best iteration of wow.
While im happy for players that wanted vanilla, tbc and the introduction of arenas and rebalance of some specs were the best times i’ve ever had in wow.
@Destruktio: Phasing has zero impact on the number of servers and there have been no recent changes to CRZs or sharding, so I am not really sure what you think has changed.
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