You just lost millions of players in 1Q 2019

and aman OP!

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Simple answer to all armchair “Wall Street Wolves” - what are you trying to achieve with your threads…? Blizzard will do what they want, when they want until such time as the games’ viability is past saving - nothing YOU say will stop ME playing this side of the Realms having their plugs pulled.

If you REALLY don’t like the state of the game or the path it’s taking… you know the answer & it’s only YOU stopping you taking the next logical step.



I agree it’s buck passing in the most basic of ways. Blame x y or z title for the loss. Sad and predictable really.

When Blizzard release Diablo Immortal and other mobile games and their MAU rises, do you think people will open threads praising them for genius move to make mobile games?

I didnt say its wow alone but surely within a 3 mill loss at least some part of it will be wow players considering BFA is seen as a bad expansion.

So even if those 3 mill “only” 1 or even 500 are wow its a pretty big hit .

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It wasnt 6m loss, it was 3m loss. 35m- 32m = 3m

yeah my bad there, thinking thats mostly other games its pretty stupid.

And what I was saying was you me and anyone else has no idea where that number lies and to try to guess pin it down is completely counter productive in the kind of discussion it entails as well.

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Its not counter productive at all.

Sure i cant give you an exact number but the fact that the playerbase across blizzard games is being “pruned” its only a matter of being above 50 iq to understand that something is wrong with their games (wow included)

Wich you can clearly see in WoW but hey lets all pretend this game is still great and its not slowly losing subs.

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Oh so now your calling me stupid? Do you know me why are you bringing IQ into this debate keep it civil I have been so far towards you thanks.

I didnt call you stupid.

Just saying its not hard to understand that if Blizzard games lose 3 mill MAU’s then at least a big part of it will be wow players…

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I suspect most of these losses are actually from HoTS since that game was literally all but cancelled… (adjusted cadence). Also the Diablo community got hit hard with the “don’t you have phones” fiasco.

I would hazard a guess that very little of the drop off was from WoW with the above considered.

Edit - Changed Hearthstone to HotS, - Brain fart on which game is which :slight_smile:


Well, take in consideration where those 35m players are playing. WOW didn’t have 35m players and it doesn’t have 32m now. Overwatch lost a lot of players due to recent controversies, with OK sign, with other similar game releases like Apex. Also diablo immortal and them not announcing Diablo 4 lost them some players. And Heroes of the Storm since they decided not to update it anymore. Yes, WOW contributed too, but i doubt it was any significant contribution. BFA only got better compared to 2018 Q4 so there is no reason for WOW to lose more players, playerbase either remained same or grew.

HS saw an increase so no.

Considering WoW is taking huge hits from both streamers and youtubers i think you are wrong but we dont have sub numbers so none of us can prove anything.

Also with WoW classic, live will decrease by quite a margin.

So good in what? Amount of players?

Hard to compare those times with now, for starters there’s a broad variety of multiplayer games available now, most likely significantly more than back then - more competition. Then it’s relatively hard to maintain your players after going on for more than a decade with the same game (well abstractly the same).

So good in pure quality? Heh, I doubt it.

Crap, My bad, I mean’t HoTS.


Now this was a pretty stupid argument.

Im not even… okay your opinion.

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Well its not a stupid argument. Since WOW isnt major contributor to those 35m, there is no reason to believe its major contributor to those 3m lost. And its a fact that BFA is better now than it was in December 2018.

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Overall, I’m just seeing another thread based on “what can I blame as a reason to stop playing, without saying I don’t WANT to play any more?”…


By your and other people in this thread argument… you dont know anymore cause you got no sub numbers to back it up.

Also, the fact that isnt a major contributor to the overall playerbase it doesnt mean its not the one with the biggest decrease.

That is why its stupid.