And it doesn’t mean it is either. Thats why this thread is stupid. Correct? Its just assumption based on nothing and your childish desire to call for people to be sacked from their jobs.
Im still playing.
But im not blind and this game has a lot of room to improve.
Most of that improvement comes from looking to the past.
Unless you’re a capital investor in Activision-Blizzard, YTF do you care about the investor calls…?
Not really,
Not when this company is proving further incompetence with their games.
The fact that this game had 10 mill subs during WoD release and lost it all its further proof something is extremly bad.
R .io and other logging pages detered millions from WoW because it allow raise to fake elitism to its maximum.
Just look what WoW become… to do trivial content (show papers, show r. io ), wow is currently 2 hour wait in LFG just to play 1 hour… Im very very detered from game in its current state and community obsession with numbers. Fake elitism evrywhere, in truth 99% of those fake elitist are just bad players with excess time to play this game… but r. io scores and other sutpidities allow them to feel important and trample other people with less excessive time to play.
You know, i hate these wow is dying threads. They do nothing but stir drama. However the sad fact is WoW is at its worst point in its history. If you look at as many sources as you can and try to get accurate figures of wow subs you get an average of around 3 million players across the EU and US.
These numbers are huge for a subscriber based MMO, (yes WoW has had more but WoWs heyday is over now) when compared to the most popular FPS then they seem pretty low, but how many FPS are subs based?. WoW still rakes in millions every month and business wise is a viable successful IP.
Yes there are many issues with wow. There is almost zero personal character progression. Gearing sucks, Titanforging… meh. Boring world quests with little intrinsic value except to unlock gated comtent ie flying. Tbh its a long list that needs to be addressed, maybe it will.maybe it wont. WoW still has many things going for it. End game content is sufficiently difficult, mythic raids and dungeons are working as intended, the biggest issue right now (my opinion to be fair) is the lack of anything to do for thise that arent HC Raiders or Mythic Dungeon players. Professions are almost pointless, pvp, well indont pvp but i hear those who do arent happy. Blizzard need to fix things for the majority of the player base. Give us interesting profession quests, worth while profession products, release content faster in regards to those and War Campaigns. Save raids for certain times but start engaging players with monthly or bi monthly content not aimed at the overall story arch and the raid progreasion of guilds.
I think this would go a long way to appeasing and attracting players who if we are all honest, a large part of the player base are discontented and bored.
I didnt say its dying at any point.
yes but people choose to ignore that “ignorance is a bliss”
No you didnt say it, but this is still a WoW is dying thread. You posted absolutely nothing positive, pure criticism is not constructive criticism when you make zero effort to counter point your statements with ideas, fixes or positive aspects.
If i had never played wow and read your post i probably never would. Is that what we really want? People need to wake up. If we want the Devs attention we need to stop acting like whiney cry babies and start contributing something positive instead of constant negativity.
This says everything.
You forgot why don’t they merge servers yet.
Because triggered forum people seem to not be able to fire him? Yes and they should not be able to fire him.
Because this is the way WoW has always been, new content learn new mechanics get better gear, change that as well? I dont want it to change.
MMO players are behaving like spoiled brats on the forum, this is the game
ladies and gentlemen if you dont like it, its fine if you dont it cant change because someone else will not like it then and there a chain reaction starts.
They were not good, all these BUT VANILLA WAS SO GOOD now wait for vanilla, take my word and bet on this they will all quit vanilla after 3-4 months because it had 0 content and horrific balance between classes. Vanilla people already want a balanced version of vanilla while crying on how good it was, they want to re-make it not re-play it…
MMO players make 0 sense at forums and those BUT VANILLA WAS players in the vast majority are LFR heroes that completed all heroic random dungs and dont know what to do.
The game sucks and there is no turning back from this useless crap that you guys call WoW nowadays. Bring us CLASSIC yesterday.
fking devs dont listen and are so close minded. Jeff Kaplan is really missed from WoW.
next expansion will be better…
i thought wod was garbage but legion fixed it… maybe next expansion will fix the garbage bfa brought us…
Anyone with an IQ higher than 50 would recognise that the games are very old too and that old stuff has less appeal than new.
But that truth doesn’t just the agenda you’re pushing in your little myopic “40 IQ” rant does it?
Don’t get me wrong, I dislike many things, including many decisions Ion makes but I’m not so intellectually dishonest that I’ll conveniently forget facts because they don’t suit my narrative.
These messages have been bought to you by “hello, i like to talk **** about things i have no idea about nor have i been present to”.
Im so dreadfully sick and tired of people with opinions that are quite frankly mentally *****ed. Yes, im sure wow has been alive for 15 YEARS because its “NEW” and people are “clueless”.
Just for giggles, could you name an aprox number how many “new” wow killers have died during the time wow was up for?
Surely those games were released old from the getgo and everyone knew them on day zero.
Going by your logic anthem and fallout 76 is looking forward to 15 years of service too, cause its new and people are clueless. Am i rite?
You are comparing apples to oranges and im really tired of listening to your clueless opinions.
Wow up till wotlk was a completely different experience with an actual community and 12 million players who loved it, and here you are with less than a third of that number, doing pushups on how stupid everyone is who liked wow back then.
Good luck with that, but just for the records: Its a pretty big compliment to call your arguments as much as ignorant.
You have hardly the faintest purple tinted fart of an idea about design differences between wow then and now.
Fun fact #1: Blizzard’s MAU is based on battlenet logins and not individual game logins, so your phone apps, your news checks, your amory and what the hell ever not is counted within that 8.5%
Go figure what it means that 8.5% player loss is the gentlest lie they can get away with.
Fun fact #2: You are either dense, ignorant, or purposefully dishonest if you take the position that player loss in wow is something like god, which cannot be confirmed.
- Most youtubers have left the game behind
- WoW is literally a meme on twitch by now with channels accepting “wow refugees”.
- The extreme majority of streamers left wow behind as well, with ppl like Asmongold being literally the face of the entire game on twitch.
- WoW data sites (such as wowhead) traffic is down by anywhere between 20 and 40% (feel free to check for yourself ofc)
- ESO had to invest into a completely new server park to accommodate the influx of new players, whilst even FF is expanding.
The list goes on and on and on cause you might not have player numbers, but you can at any time look up engagement numbers in any of the surrounding media/community.
Those numbers you CAN find, it just takes some digging, and guess what kids: The numbers are down and bfa really kicked the door into everyone’s face.
Finally, this gem:
Well then good luck and have fun playing wow/starcraft/ow themed candy crush.
Thats why we are here after all and thats what we are looking forward to. Isnt that right?
I mean clearly the last blizzcon showed that too, maybe disregarding the smallest fact that it was the largest marketing disaster of probably the decade, but hey: Mobile gaming rulz!
Whats worrying is the fact they think the present game model works, that’s even from the present assistant executive. It the game which makes people play not systems game play. The next 12 months for BFA are critical to be honest if Classical does well , which I think it will many developers will have to have a re think on how the game goes and ditch the systems.
I guess classic will test that but lets ignore it.
I would even argue that tbc would have more players than classic.
Again a 40 iq post. “game is old” LMAO, it has nothing to do with that and only “new” players actually use that as an excuse.
Most of wow youtubers still play wow. Only few left.
Everything on twitch is a meme.
No they didnt. Majority of popular wow streamers are still playing and streaming.
Good for them. I suppose they are wow killers now. We all know how that meme goes.
Last years Blizzcon was such a disaster that tickets this year sold out in 4 and 6 minutes in wave 1 and 2
thank you thank you… this is so true. well said.
it had. the peak was in wotlk. since then the subs are going down. They must be so bad now that they dont even publish them.