You know what, I'm about to say it

Calm down Garithos, lets not get hasty!


With a missclick, I killed a passing murloc while gathering plants in the Hillsbrad Foothills

Bloodied hands shaking, I gazed into the mirror - Ramses II stared back. In that moment, I had become the Pharaoh, the coloniser…

That’s how it starts. Like a gateway drug; one minute you’re bashing gnolls on online videogames, the next you’re leading the sack of Baghdad.


The best reactions are when Desartin tells people he enjoys Murloc Fin Soup and people look at him like :eyes: , only for them to find out it’s an actual, lore-correct Westfal delicacy. Makrura can be on the menu too as they are just overgrown lobsters.

And yep, gnolls are just irredeemable little hyenas wherever they live. Heck, Stormwind has had to wage an entire -war- against them.

Someone please make a “Looks like Murloc’s back on the menu boys!” meme.


is this an in-character post or are you just being incorrect about lore here

You know full well I dont post IC on the forums, so keep your snark to yourself.

As for my statement, okay, the one actual gnoll I can think of that isn’t an irredeemable hyena is Sayge from the Darkmoon Faire, but as a species, as far as I am aware they are pretty much at war with anyone, though if you got evidence that isn’t the case I’ll happily see it.

Important to ask, since some people do like to cross over a little for :poop: post purposes. You did just talk about how epic+cool it is to eat murlocs after all.

As for gnolls that aren’t Sayge: and her tribe trade with humans in the Traveler book.

Meatball has been a tried and true ally of the player character over multiple expansions.

Gnolls were mercenary units in WC3 that could be hired/acquired, and this continued into WC3 with their joining up with Zandalari, Defias, Dark Horde, Venture Co., and Southsea Pirates. These aren’t groups typically friendly to players, though if the argument is that they’re “at war with everyone” then it sure does seem weird they can keep joining up into these multiracial groups.

In the case of the Venture Co., Zandalari, and Defias those three have all ended up joining up with the main factions in one way or another (the Venture Co. is now implied to be allied with/working with Gazlowe).

If the argument is that gnolls are “always bad” because they:
-Enslave creatures
-Use Dark Magics

Then that’s a bit of a problem considering what most of the player character races get up to.

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You don’t ?

Well that’s just a lack of dedication to the cause - go hard or go home brother !

On which note I’d like to officially declare that all posts I’ve ever made on these forums have been part of an elaborate roleplay; so none of it can be held against me no matter how cringe because I was literally only pretending, your honour


Isn’t he also the gnoll that ate a gnome wizard and turned giant in the brawl arena, where he very much tries to eat/kill us?


Can’t believe he’d try to fight you in an arena fight, pretty messed up ngl.

Also what’s wrong with eating gnomes? I thought we were cool with eating sapient species. Tauren eat gnolls. Gnolls eat gnomes. Gnomes eat tauren. It’s a circle of life.

Arenas are what they are, but eating people wholesale and not bothering to chew is a capital offense I cannot excuse, Meatball is no exception.

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I wouldn’t call that saying how epic it is to eat murlocs. It is simply what I have seen during the few times I ever mentioned it in RP, since we were talking about how some seem to treat murlocs and gnolls as these very cute pets these days.

I haven’t read the Traveler books sadly so that one slipped by me, fair enough.

Okay this guy I should’ve remembered aswell.

And I’ll concede, saying that gnolls are pretty much at war with everyone was painting them with a -bit- of a broad stroke as well in hindsight.

Also where’s it said that Venture Co is implied to be working with Gazlowe now, cause I kinda missed that one too.

Exploring Kalimdor book. I do try to ignore it as much as possible though, and I don’t blame others for doing the same.

Lapdogs, all of you!

Steamwheedle, Bilgewater, Venture Company… Just make Gazlowe king of the Goblins already because they would just love to work with him/for him :roll_eyes:

Ah, that explains it… I thought the general consensus on these forums were that that book did not exist?

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I would hope owning multiple cartels would be in breach of some goblin monopoly law.
wouldn’t that be great?


Goblins are literally turbo capitalist, they specifically don’t like regulations and laws

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They also don’t like it when someone moves in on their turf, and Gazlow just moved in and took over 2 whole cartels, that is a lot of lost turf and I am amazed the other trade princes aren’t in uproar about it

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I think the problem is the consistency of their aggressive strategies. Gnolls have been doing this since the dawn of times, with little desire to change and improve.

You’d think a redeemable person would envision evil acts as a necessary evil, either a tragic part of the world which they cannot forsake, or a means to an end, which ideally should be abandoned, but there’s no indication that gnolls view their actions as such. Rather, they consistently take joy from murdering others.

Do I think they are irremediably evil? Likely not, seeing how WoW doesn’t usually go for that, but their organized groups are, on average, violent and evil, and bent on harming almost everyone else who isn’t part of their pack. Fighting back is kind of fair.

Remember, kids, it’s wrong to kill relatively intelligent beings. But only when you’re in a videogame. Here, have some pig to chew on while your character tells the others they should be vegetarians.


Imagine eating your future allies.

Honestly the only reason people got upset about killing gnolls in the Azure Span is because of their model being updated and given more of a goofy cartoony quality.

Just because they appeal slightly more to furries now and pull the :crazy_face: from time to time doesnt alter the fact they are bloodthirsty monsters who only do things out of selfish goals (food, a higher place in the hierarchy they seem to follow, or money in the case of groups like the Venture Company or pirate crews)

Also insert the human face sewn into a gnoll tent here.


Being motivated by money? Those monstrous savages. Our playable factions have moved beyond such petty drives. Gold coins? Can’t find a single one here.

here’s some, it’ll match the human-skin tent