You know what, I'm about to say it

Me after finishing the Gnoll quest which gave me a new item, some gold, and some XP.


Damn straight we have.
I ain’t lifting a finger until you throw a piece of loot into the pot as well.

I like villain redemption stories!
I blame Vegeta, frankly.

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The Steamwheedle Cartel is ran by Trade Prince Steamwheedle, no? (Or at least he did in WC2)

Tbh I think, in the anime atleast, as I haven’t read manga, the only villains that -didn’t- become Goku’s ally were the Red Ribbon Army, Frieza, Cell, and the Zamasus. Oh and maybe King Piccolo if you count him as a seperate person from Piccolo. The rest of them became his allies or atleast don’t bother him too much.

I once again, come here to ask. Will this affect the trout population?


What if gnolls are consistently hostile towards nearly all other races they encounter because said races keep settling in gnoll territory?

I’m sorry Watrus but you stole Necrophage gf RP from me and that is unredeemable you shall remain a villain for all time :pensive:

(Skabbchat veterans will remember this outrage)

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A villains redemption is delicious
but there gotta be something redeemable about them first.
Imagine if they had a redemption arc for the jailer, or deathwing.
heck imagine if Tichondrius or gul’dan had a redemption arc :skull:

Sounds like a big load of not my problem.
if they didn’t want the troll treatment they shouldn’t have settled down near prime real estate. :dracthyr_tea:


You had me at “if they didn’t want the troll treatment.”

so gilneas belongs to the forsaken because they settled near prime real estate and got the troll treatment

Surely you can share and come to diplomatic agreements instead of going: MURDER!

would have been better than what we had with Sylvanas, unironically


It does.

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This is Warcraft not Peacecraft

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:

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It’s ours tho.

We won it fair 'n square.

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Your grossly incandescent albino princess says otherwise.

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She’s Alliance that doesn’t count sorry

If she is so alliance why is she on the horde council
Checkmate Red team.

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Isn’t Lilian Voss the representative of the Forsaken on the Council?