You know what, I'm about to say it

I honestly do not know who is and who isn’t on the council, but the forsaken having someone disappointingly pointless or unrepresentative of the collective forsaken faction be in charge seems on point.

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Good thing the rest of the Desolate Council ignored her

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She isn’t she just accompanies Lillian Voss

Checkmate :sunglasses:

Have your victory.
I pity you, who have to content with the holy albino lady and Shadow the edgehogs first OC (do not steal)
the least I can do is let you have a small w to numb the big L


Still better than a King who just kept making the worse mistakes and just kicked himself out of the Alliance, just to make a big wall to lock his own people up and forget the commoners outside the wall, had a big rebellion in his land, got his people turned into furries, got that wall broken anyway with the Undead taking his lands, and then joined the Alliance again after all was said and done. (And for some reason is still King)

Edit: I’m just happy I aint a Gilnean tax-payer.

Didn’t the King like… you know… Leave?

Speaking about Genn Greymane here.

You have to understand the confusion it’s silly to call a man without a kingdom a king

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Me too Bløndie, me too.

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Tax evasion! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Little life hack: Turn in the wrong numbers when doing your taxes :sunflower: :tipping_hand_man: :moneybag:

Genn doesn’t even have a Player Heir…

His playthrough will end once my plot fires.

He’s still got a daughter, he’ll be fine if he marries her matrilineally.

regrettably for him, she is gay

she’ll do her duty and drink some of this

That’s only like 20% fertility reduction, as long as he dies early and she picks Family or Seduction focus, she’ll be fine.
Or he can murder his wife and find a new, younger one.

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It might be easier to just run seduction schemes against female characters around him and legitimise any male child. With that said, his traits might not be good for the attraction modifier.

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Is this legitimate dating advice ?


With the right attitude? Yes, it could be.

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Excellent; 32 years of crushing loneliness about to come to an end

Hello ladies


It sounds like pick-up-artist stuff to me, which often leads to more cringe than a healthy relationship.
(If you need advice to attract someone of the opposite sex, perhaps it’s better to ask advice from someone of the opposite sex.)