You lost to Poster Above in a Duel!

Poster Above’s Character beats yours in an IC duel / Sparring. What does your Character say in his/her defeat?

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“I DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY, MAN! I DON’T HAVE ANY MONEY! SOMEBODY! HELP ME!” - Nendrovus, moments before valiantly running away.


“It’s just a…a flesh wound…come on, you can do better than that…!” Passes out

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"Yield… And here i thought it’d be the other way"
She Grabs healing salve and applies it to her cuts

“See? I told you it wouldn’t end well for me… cute imps you had, though.”

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After collapsing to the ground in defeat, he raises himself one more time. Refusing to admit defeat.

“Alright… shortcake…” He breaths erratically, yet still laughing. “You think you’ve won… huh? Ha! You haven’t won @^!*… I am… going… t-” His monologue is interrupted as he collapses from the pain.

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Shadowmelt, prowls, dash

This never happend!!!

“Reported for hacks”

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“Uurgh! Dammit… Time for the better part of valor.” She vanishes, deep into the shadows beyond the world.

Sigh “Not again… This. Did. Not. Happen!”

Gives Talraea a glare before disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

"Whoa…ah…hey now, heh. I was jus’ playin’, I wasn’ really gonna bash ya over the skull wit’ this thing - ya don’t have ta do anythin’…reckless now an’ - IS THAT MY FREAKIN’ TOOTH!?

Oh ya gonna get it now ya moo - ARGH! MY SPINE!

Ok, ok, not the face - NOT THE FACE!

…I…I didn’t even like that tooth anyway - you can just leav - OOF!

…call it…a draw?..please…?

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“Why did I bring a sword to a gun fight- Wait, is that a bomb?”


(Time to join my own little game :D)

"When I said that we are the exact opposites of eachother … I tought that I am … the faster one … " Faints

Stop sapping me!!!

Rage quit

So, you were prepared…


“…Okay, I really am getting rusty. If I had brought my proper focus and combat gear, you wouldn’t stand a chance! I… yes. I just let you win. Let’s leave it at that. Went easy on you. I’m not making mistakes.”

“Good… good, Coldsháde! You finally embraced the Void”

She smiles weakly, coughing up some blood

“You want this, don’t you? The hate is swelling in you now. Use the Void! Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it! Give into your anger! With each passing moment… you make yourself more… my servant.”

Zymara passes out

I know you are eager but i got work to do.

Dangerbeard creates distance between herself and Malaficus, staying out of the Druid’s reach before she gives up the fight.

“Hey, I yield. -Yield-. No use in being set on fire over a friendly sparring thing. Moonfire. Whatever. Suppose I ought to congratulate you on a battle well fought. Don’t rest too easily though. Were you a real eneny I’d slit your throat as soon as tonight or maybe poison your breakfast come tomorrow morning, hah!”

The Dwarf mockinly bows before the druid before walking away.

I walked into this, congratulating myself with an easy win - I will take this lesson to heart… Skills and experince have ways to be hidden and come in many shapes and sizes
I will honour you by being more prepared next time, so you will experince a battle worth your skill level

Moothilda bows respectfully towards Dangerbeard