"Ouchy… are you sure you never heard of my people’s sport, called Jed’hin?
That last move was clearly from the days of the ancient Eredar
Err… *cough
…I think I have an internal bleeding… "
She passes out
"Ouchy… are you sure you never heard of my people’s sport, called Jed’hin?
That last move was clearly from the days of the ancient Eredar
Err… *cough
…I think I have an internal bleeding… "
She passes out
You shown me the errors of my way and proven the light is superior.
Now excuees me while i go vent my frustration on some eredar.
The mage is on the floor, looking slightly singed by whatever fel magics he’d thrown at her, glaring at the warlock as she scrambles upright. “I. Don’t. Care. Fel magic might give a quick boost, but…” She pauses, catching her breath. “It’s. Not. Worth. It.”
Don’t look so smug! I know what you’re thinking, but this duel is merely a setback. Did you honestly believe I would trust the future to–
Zymara smiles with bloody lips and cough
“…I’ve underestimated you Arcanist”
She dissipate in to shadow energy, her voice merely a whisper in the mind
“Next time Arcanist! Next time…”
And quickly slips away in to the darkness
“Well, this is awkward.” Her tricks countered, her dark powers overwhelmed by even darker ones, her physical and mental skills proven simply insufficient, the Void Elf is left helpless, disarmed, on her knees before the Draenei.
“Don’t suppose you’ll look over your shoulder at whatever I’m pointing at?” She asks, smiling weakly. “No? Eh, just as well. By letting me talk instead of going for the kill, you’ve given me time to get away anyhow. This is just an illusion.” And just like that, her form shimmers and vanishes, in the manner of a spell no longer held.
With a little luck, the sleight of hand will hold, and Zymara won’t realize it wasn’t an illusion, she’s just invisible. It’s not just Void beings that can play mind games.
The Void appears to have granted you great power. It would seem that I am still insufficiently prepared to face someone wielding such dark energies. I shall continue to hone my skills and knowledge until our next encounter. Farewell.
You won. I have no strength to continue. My fate is in your hands. Kill me, torture me. Do as you wish. I deserve nothing less after this defeat.
Roesslier parries the Demon Hunter’s last attack, looking obviously spent.
“Yield, I yield! You’ve had me on the defensive for how long, hah, feels like forever. You’ve won.”
The aging knight takes a deep breath.
“As much as I’d like to stubbornly go on, those days are well behind me. You’ve earned your victory. There’s no need to pretend otherwise, my friend.”
Cries of agony become cries of maniacal laughter before he finally clams down.
"That was fun! Let’s do it again!"
Barely able to stand, Erah uses his great axe to pull himself up.
“Dammit!, the powers of undeath serve you well death knight.”
As Erah struggles to breathe. he coughs up a large amount of blood, staining the palm of his hand.
" But know the elements haven’t forsaken me yet. and as we orcs say “Victory or Death !!”"
Grazhka staggers on her hooves and has to use every limb she has (tail included) in order not to fall flat.
“My, my… I would not have imagined… Let me fondle your biceps like Jaina did to Thrall!”
“I… I yield! Hurr, please, I yield! Spare me, paladin, and I give you my delicious booze to you!”
Hurrgash is shaking in fear, fondling his rusty flask. He is clearly beaten up to a point where it’s difficult to stand up.
“Don’t break my flask…! hic”
Fine you win, I was bored of this match anyway…
(no no no no no, I refuse to acknowledge I just lost to this drunk, there is no waY!)
Had I taken this seriously it would had ended different
(I’m so out of here before he cheats again!)
Ral’rush laughs heartily despite being covered in burn marks. He kneels and bows his head, nearly stumbling over from the effort.
“Respect! You going to battle soon, just call me; my blade be yours.”
Shalim falls on his knees under the warrior’s countless attacks.
“No, I am not yet defeated. I can continue”
He attempts to stand up, but he again falls down. The troll is offering the demon hunter hand to help him stand up. But the night elf refuses his help.
“It is just pain, nothing more. I will continue. Wait… is this my blood?”
Shalim looks at his hands covered in the green dense liquid
“This changes nothi-”
Then his face meets grass.
(Responding for the sake of fairness from other threads; please skip and consider Shalim the latest poster.)
Rush falls right on his behind, wide eyed as his weapons drop to the ground with him; he’d expected the second round to go as well as the first. This time, however, he was the one covered in cuts - as well as a fel burn mark.
“Con…gra…tulations?” he says - or more accurately, asks, due to his disbelief at losing so soundly. “I don’t think we’ll be fightin on the same side again soon, but…if the day comes, you lead, I’ll follow.”
coughs out loud as he straightens his business suit, clearly it would have to be cleaned but for now, his opponant had the attention. He nodded calmly as a finger prods a hole in his outfit. Each gun nested back in their holster
A delightful duel, troll. Not quite the outcome I would have sought but one better stop our business here, for else I will not be able to conclude my work tomorrow.
dusts off his hat, gets back to his feet
Losing is part of the game. If you never lose, you are never truly tested, and never forced to grow.
Today I continue to grow. Thank you.
bows graciously
She forces herself back on her knees, trying to gather enough strenght to stand up
"Even with the ancient art of Blood Magic and the might of the Titans, the Arcane… I… I still lost??? You got me off guard… "
She passes out