You lost to Poster Above in a Duel!

“Oh my my my. Such an unforeseen outcome of our little squabble, well then. I do surrender and submit. Do whatever you will with me, and if you lack ideas I do have more than a few of my own.”

Drosk, falls to the ground. as daggers of arcane stick out from his chest guard, shoulders and upon his lower left leg.
"Im- impossible! I lost to a mage of all things. "

Drosk plunges his war glaive to the ground.
“You should just end me now! saves me the embarrassment of being beaten by a… mage.”
Drosk lets out a large howl to the moon as he transforms back into his human form.

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[Ignore me. Respond to Drosk. Priest?]

“Wanna say it was a draw if I gave you some gold?”

"It was an honor to fight you… have the chance to learn the dirty elven tricks and deceptions of the shadows…’

Taarmud is on the ground, his gritted teeth smeared with blood.

His eyes blazing resentfully at the death knight that bested him,
the Lightforged draenei painfully gets back on his feet (gold-shod hooves),
still dazed from his defeat.

A wicked smile creeps into the ancient paladin’s white-bearded face.

“Oh, what is that? Did I injure you? Here, let the Light heal your wounds…”

Bitter at his own failure in the duel,
the vindicator opens himself to the Holy Light,
hoping to cause the undead worgen some significant, yet relatively harmless pain with a healing spell…

“Well done. I yield. A fine fight, and a close one, I daresay. But if you expected me to be bitter and deny acknowledging your victory, you’ll be left disappointed. I’m a fair sport, and this was a valuable experience.”


Shalim still desperately defending himself, while lying on his back, realizes that his opponent stopped fighting.
"I see, it is over and I lost. I am not used to this luxury… The enemy, who let’s me stand up when I fall. Usually we fight to the last resort. But you knew that I would never surrender and you stepped away. That’s really nice from you. "
he slowly stands up
“Great victory friend and also fair sport in you”
Shalim is still heavy breathing
“Now that you allowed me to not be fully exhausted, we can do another round. What do you say?”

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“That was… an adequate warm up!” Zirahael’s breathes in her altered voice as she jumps back up onto her feet before Shalim, brushing a series of clawed fingers over various wounds as they are slowly closing shut across her darkened and tattooed skin, before attempting to reattach her sliced chestpiece.

"But now, we are ready to begin the real fight!! … "

" … after I have had a massage first, that is."

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“M’lady… you had to hold back yourself and battle your inner demon during the duel, like I had to hold my thirst for pain and suffering of the living, the sweet song of death cries… the slow melody of the bleeding heart that struggles to beat again… and again… one more… just one more… one last… and finally fails, and the silence of Death falls. I think you were better holding back your beast yet draw of its power while I was lost a bit in the joy of slowly draning your life with the cold of the eternal grave…”

The Worgen smiles

“It was a good fight… and if you ever at the verge of death or loosing your mind to the Demon… just send for me. I will gladly help you and guide you in to eternity…”

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Not only knocked to the ground but also shivering cold, Ral’rush looks flabbergasted by his loss to the timberwolf revenant standing triumphant.

“Well met,” he sighs reluctantly, bowing his head in respect all the same. “You earned yourself backup the next time you call…as long as I don’t gotta actually kill another Hordie.”

Even in defeat, the jungle troll can’t resist the urge to, well, troll. “Now I know why you chose to become a death knight,” he chuckles (and coughs) with a wry grin.

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Layed on ground, ontop of a pool of blood forming, pouring from a large cut on his gut, his legs were eliminated by well shot arrows to knees. He only could keep himself pushed up with his left mechanical and right organic arms, while he kept his eyes glaring and jagged teeth bared up at the troll, in defiance. Expression looking like a mix between disgust, rage and denying.

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Perhaps Martok should not have had that 28th helping of that delicious honeydew cake! groans

Tell Gryshka I love her… and cake

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Ugh…I really shouldn’t have stuffed myself with all that cake before fighting…


Mordecai becomes invisible, and then he surprises me with a sneak attack, it makes me fall to the ground. OH then! i get up to my knees, and i look up to him while I try to look innocent so he doesn’t want to kill me. But then we become good friends and we decide to eat cake whit Martok


Lissy pouts sadly and picks herself up, wiping herself down, and she looks up at Fenjaa before sighing

“D’aww I can’t stay mad at dat cute, pouty draenei face…”

Lissy then proceeds to gently smoosh Fenjaa’s cheeks together before giving her a big cuddle


Rush sits up off the ground, dazed and confused upon realization that he’d just lost to a resto-shaman. Nature magic crackled in the air around him like little chirpy birds dancing around his head.

“Well…met?” he asks rather than says, so shocked beyond belief that he can’t even fall into denial. “How in the hell did that even happen…”

Lyrisia begins to stand up but falls back to the ground, stopping her fall with her hands
“I guess… you won”

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“Ouchy… that was a dirty trick! I loved it!”

She smiles with bloodied lips

“I’m sure you have a rangari friend!”

Martok just couldn’t get himself to do anything bad to the blue lady… the horror he saw when he was in Draenor as a little runt is still fresh on his mind… Instead he bakes a lovely triple cream chocolate cake for the lady.