You need to do 627 BGs for a fully upgraded honor set

Well we’ll see. Hopefully resilience makes a return.

Point still being, Honor gear for PvP is the equivalent of Heroic Dungeon gear.
Conquest gear would be the equivalent of M+ gear.
Conquest scales with Rating, M+ scales with key level.

You wouldnt invest tons of resources into HC dungeon gear would you? Neither would you invest in honor gear. Again, it’s just a stepping stone, not the endgame gear.
Fingers crossed.

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Looks like I have spoken to soon maybe. If they come up with a proper system I would be so happy, please do not let us down.

It is always better speak early and loud so things can maby get better when expansion is still in beta :+1:

nah, they’ll just say “you think you did, but you didn’t”. -_- i really dont get why Ion has such a hard on for screwing over pvpers :frowning:

I agree, spreading awareness about issues is the key to getting it solved. If Rextroy has taught us anything it’s that.

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Holy hog. They just don’t learn, do they? Bad corp! Bad! And more importantly, STUPID! You play nice with your customers if you want them to like you. You screw them, they’re likely to leave. Customer says they want something, you give them something else and insist they have to like it, they’re likely to leave. You keep insulting them, they’re likely to leave. And never return.

8.3: Here’s your corruption vendor, too bad it only accepts Echoes which you likely couldn’t get at all, and its inventory is on timetable cuz screw you!

9.0: Here go your PvP vendors, too bad they’re useless and gear they offer is crap, and getting enough currency to buy it takes f-ing forever!

Then they will wonder how to increase PvP hours played metrics, at the same time making playing PvP utterly miserable, so they will shunt some PvE necessities into PvP grind, inflating the activity for few weeks, and then it’s going to die again, so they will have to think of ANOTHER weekly solution to “PvP is not fun cuz we broke it” problem…

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